簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭豫君
Kuo, Yu-Chun
論文名稱: 中國畫論的形神概念應用於環境海報設計創作之研究
The Study of the Application of Form-Spirit Theory in Environmental Poster Design
指導教授: 林俊良
Lin, Chun-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 中國畫論形神論設計語言視覺修辭海報設計環保
英文關鍵詞: Chinese painting theory, form-spirit theory, language of graphic design, visual rhetoric, poster design, environmental issues
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204510
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:76
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  • 面對設計風格百家爭鳴,地域性的文化背景成為各地設計的重要表徵,若能使作品「表」、「裏」合一,並運用自己的文化特色與思考邏輯進行創作,則更能在全球化的多元設計舞台中獨樹一格,彰顯其特有價值。中國畫論不只是先人智慧的結晶,更從構思立意與創作表現兩個層面來探討視覺藝術之本質,其中,形神論為相當重要且影響廣泛的美學理論之一,不但有著源遠流長的理論基礎,還富有文化與時代的價值。



    When faced with the decision between the hundreds of different design theories, cultural background becomes the most important characterization of each regions design style. If we are able to perfectly unify a design work’s outward appearance to portray its deeper meanings while also fully incorporating one’s own culture’s unique characteristics and logical cognition into the designs, then it would give us the ability to standout on the stage of global design styles, allowing us to highlight the designs exclusive qualities.

    Chinese painting theory isn’t merely the cumulative wisdoms left behind by our forefathers, it also utilizes both the ideals of conceptualization and creation in order to contemplate essence of visual art, of which ‘form-spirit’ is a widely influential theory of aesthetics; not only being a theoretical foundation with a long-standing history, but rich in cultural and historical importance.

    In consideration of the above, this study will adopt the concept of ‘form-spirit’ found in Chinese painting theory as the basis for its research, comprehensively reinterpreting its most important principles through the language of graphic design (including language of form and language of visual rhetoric), in order to identify the correlations between the processes of painting and design, and subsequently discovering how best to implement the concept of ‘form-spirit’ into design. Finally, this study will utilize the findings by implementing those principles into the design of posters related to environ-mental issues. Hoping this study can conceive new creative possibilities and inspirations from the fragments of this artistic collision between traditional Chinese culture and graphic design.

    The findings of the research show that ‘form-spirit’ has four manners of manifestation: expression of form through form; expression of spirit through form; expression of form through spirit; expression of spirit through spirit.

    It also concludes the following:
    1. The concept of ‘form-spirit’ found in Chinese painting theory can be applied to graphic design works.
    2. The concept of ‘form-spirit’ are not limited to any one region or culture as it is wide-ly incorporated into the graphic design process.
    3. If you want to analyze the relationship between form-spirit within a design, it neces-sary to first understand the artwork’s visuals and concept.
    4. No matter which manner of manifestation is incorporated, the most essentially goal is to create works with vividity.
    5. The most commonly implemented ‘form-spirit’ principle during the process of graphic design is ‘expressing spirit through form’.

    謝 誌..........I 摘 要..........II ABSTRACT..........III 目 錄..........V 表目錄..........VIII 圖目錄..........IX 第壹章:緒論..........1 第一節 研究動機與背景..........1 第二節 研究目的..........2 第三節 研究範圍與限制..........3 第四節 研究方法與流程..........4 第五節 名詞釋義——畫論..........6 一、 中國畫論..........6 二、 西方畫論..........6 第貳章:文獻探討..........8 第一節 形神論在中國繪畫的應用..........8 一、 「形」、「神」釋義..........8 二、 形神論的流變——從哲學建構到美學轉換.........9 三、 繪畫中的形神關係..........16 第二節 視覺設計的語言..........24 一、 視覺設計中的形式語言..........25 二、 視覺設計中的修辭語言..........53 第三節 小結..........71 一、 形神論的美學思想..........71 二、 視覺設計的形式語言及修辭語言..........71 第參章:形神論的設計語言..........72 第一節 形神論與視覺設計的關係..........72 一、 以形寫形..........79 二、 以形寫神..........79 三、 以神寫形..........80 四、 以神寫神..........81 第二節 形神論在視覺設計的應用探討..........82 一、 以形寫形的視覺應用..........83 二、 以形寫神的視覺應用..........86 三、 以神寫形的視覺應用..........105 四、 以神寫神的視覺應用..........112 第三節 小結..........122 第肆章:創作過程與理念說明..........124 第一節 創作主題與內容..........124 一、 海洋類環境災害..........125 二、 陸地類環境災害..........132 三、 空氣類環境災害..........137 四、 其他類環境災害..........141 第二節 創作媒材與技法..........145 第三節 作品創作說明..........147 一、 環境災害議題..........148 二、 海洋類災害議題..........152 三、 陸地類災害議題..........160 四、 空氣環境災害議題..........166 五、 其他災害議題..........172 第四節 作品成果檢視..........180 第伍章:結論與建議..........182 第一節 研究結論..........182 第二節 後續研究建議..........184 參考文獻..........186 附錄一:本研究取樣之AGI會員清單及作品件數..........191 附錄二:取樣作品彩圖圖冊..........195

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