Author: |
呂念庭 Lu, Nien-Ting |
Thesis Title: |
優勢取向生涯諮商之經驗與療效探究—以大學生為對象 The Experience and Therapeutic Efficacy of Strength-Based Career Counseling: Example of College Students |
Advisor: |
Wang, Yu-Jen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 174 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 大學生 、內容分析法 、生涯諮商 、優勢取向 |
Keywords (in English): | college students, content analysis, career counseling, strength-centered |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 338 Downloads: 55 |
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研究結果如下:第一為優勢取向生涯諮商之經驗內涵,包括:對 自身狀況的探索與認識、重整自我並連結優勢、 敘說 內心渴望以增進自我了解、連結個人困擾與優勢資源、透過反思生活經驗來覺察優勢力和意義感等。第二為優勢取向生涯諮商的療效內涵,包括:(一)生涯目的感的探索有助於聚焦生涯方向、(二)優勢特質的探索協助當事人以全面性與正向的眼光來看待原先困擾,藉以看見轉機與更多可能性、(三)未來想像的探索促使當事人看見渴望,並增加實踐夢想的行動力、(四)諮商員的正向態度能引發當事人進行深入覺察。
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence experience and effect of strength-based career counseling. The study invited three college students who wanted to further explore career issues by purposive sampling.Each participant received five or six individual treatments. After the treatments, the individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The purpose of the interviews were to understand the influence experience of three participants, and to inductive the effect of strength-based career counseling. The researcher used the content analysis to analyze the data.
The results were as follows. First, the experience of strength-based career counseling included: the exploration and understanding of yourselves, reorganize yourself and connect strengths, tell inner desires to enhance self-understanding, link personal distress and advantage resources, and perceive strength and meaning by reflecting on life experience. Second, the therapeutic contents of strength-based career counseling were included: (1) The exploration of the sense of career purpose helped to focus on career direction. (2) The exploration of the strengths helped people to view their troubles with a comprehensive and positive perspective, so as to see more possibilities. (3) The exploration of future imagination prompted people to see their inner desire, and enhanced their motivation to realize dreams. (4) The positive attitude of counselors can make more insight.
According to the research results, the researcher proposed some research recommendations, and practical suggestions for future research.
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