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研究生: 吳雪嬌
Sherry Wu
論文名稱: 國小實施新數學課程教師之教學決定個案研究
指導教授: 李永吟
Lee, Yong-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 193
中文關鍵詞: 教學決定教學思考數學教學
英文關鍵詞: instructional decision, teacher decision-making, teaching of mathematics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:142下載:0
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  • 摘 要
    本研究主要的目的在於了解教師實施新數學課程時教學決定的實際情形,包括教師對於新數學課程的認知與思考,數學教學前、中、後的決定,以及影響教學決定的因素,以作為教師數學教學時的參考。為達成上述的目的,本研究採用觀察教學,晤談文件分析等方法進行研究,首先進行相關文獻的探討, 其次是實際觀察兩位教師從事數學教學的情況,探討教師做了那些教學決定,並透過訪談進一步了解教師在做教學決定時,會受到那些因素影響。

    A case study of Elementary teachers’ decision making in implementing teaching of new mathematic curriculum .
    Teachers are the curriculum’s practicers , and the decision maker in teaching .The implementation of new mathematic curriculum based on constructionism began in 1996 . The purpose of this study was to interpret elementary teachers’ decision making in implementing teaching of new mathematic curriculum . It included teachers’ cognition and thoughts of new mathematic curriculum , and preactive , interactive and postactive decisions of mathematic teaching , and the factors affecting their decisions .
    Qualitative research was adopted in this study. The methods include classroom observation , interviews , related documents analysis .
    The results of this study included :
    1. The teachers’ cognition of new mathematic curriculum were based on the personal belief of teachers themselves, mixed together with their experience of pre-service and in-service training.
    2. When teachers implemented new mathematic curriculum,they faced difficulties on issues of balancing teachers’role, learning process, and how to achieve teaching goals, thus they had to make adjustments to a certain extent.
    3. Teachers would personalize the curriculum’s ideas, to match with their own teaching.
    4. The ideas in new mathematic curriculum solving problems with multi-ways increase teachers’decision-making situations.
    5. Teachers’ decision- making was affected by personal and situated factors when they implement new mathematic curriculum.
    Based on the above findings , the recommendation listed as below:
    1. Teachers should enrich their professional and specific subject ability so they can make more effective decision.
    2. Teachers should often reflect on their teaching to upgrade the quality of their decision-making ,
    3. The techniques of assessment should be improved.
    4. The mathematic resources should be enriched in all schools.
    5. The textbooks should be chosen prudently.
    6. Teacher’s in-service training were encouraged to allocate in schools.
    7. The development of teachers’ ability of decision-making should be promoted .
    8. The co-teaching in mathematics should be developed .

    第一章 緒論 4 第一節 研究動機與目的 4 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 7 第三節 研究範圍與限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 教學決定的內涵 9 第二節 教學決定的影響因素 25 第三節 新數學課程的理論基礎 37 第四節 教學決定的研究取向 45 第三章 研究方法 49 第一節 研究歷程與研究者的角色 49 第二節 研究個案與研究情境 51 第三節 資料的收集與分析 56 第四節 研究的工具 61 第四章 研究結果與討論 62 第一節 周老師的教學決定 62 第二節 陳老師的教學決定 114 第三節 綜合討論 162 第五章 結論與建議 176 第一節 結論 177 第二節 建議 178 參考書目 182 附 錄 一:晤談問題 193

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