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研究生: 鄭雅怡
Tenn, Nga-i
論文名稱: 行向一個用Siraya做基礎ke台灣女性主義
Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism
指導教授: 翁佳音
Ang, Kaim
Heylen, Ann
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 臺灣語文學系
Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 319
中文關鍵詞: Siraya平埔族原住民女性主義後殖民跨論述
英文關鍵詞: Siraya, lowland indigenous peoples, feminism, post-colonial, trans-discourse
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202122
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:160下載:18
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  • 行向一個用Siraya做基礎的ke台灣女性主義

    摘 要

    面對當前全球化以及所謂泛華人化的趨勢,本論文採取Siraya和女性主義做為雙視角論點,重頭思索台灣性的內涵,從一個植基於Siraya和女性主義的跨領域論述,來探究建構一個以台灣為基礎的知識系統的可能性。誠如本論文標題第一個詞 “Toward” 所示,本論文以書寫行動來落實一個以將來為取向的努力,期盼能邁向一個蘊育當中的跨面向學術地界。

    關鍵詞: Siraya、平埔族原住民、女性主義、後殖民、跨論述

    Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism


    A Tai-lam-based lowland Austronesian people, Siraya has become a focus of social activisms and epistemological forums since the 1990s, as democratization and indigenization have been thriving in Taiwan after the lift of martial law in 1987. Espousing a matrifocal tradition, Siraya used to be marginalized in the patriarchal constructs implemented by colonial regimes in the last four centuries. Nevertheless, Siraya’s matrifocal elements, which manifests in familial, communal networks, economic production, and religious and cultural practices, translate an inspiration for confronting Chinese Han hegemony and recreating Taiwan subjecthood. Furthermore, Sirayan descendents have been engaged in a revitalization movement from the 1990s onwards, and their collective efforts in the cause not only affect Sirayan communities but also cross ethnic boundaries and impact upon the entire Taiwan society.
    Similar to Siraya, Taiwanese women have experienced more repression than their male counterparts, as the former not only endured colonial violence but also patriarchal dominance. Thereby, both Siraya and Taiwanese women embosom subaltern momentums to counteract against heterogeneous forms of oppression.
    To address the weakness of contemporary theorizations on Taiwanese nationalism, which takes androcentric and Han-centric standpoints, the research reinvestigates Siraya’s matrifocal values and Taiwan herstory in the perspective of postcolonial feminism, enhancing Siraya as a tangent to re-explore the intersectionalities between gender, class, ethnicity, religion, culture, imperialism and other forms of political agencies.
    The dissertation takes Siraya and feminism as dual vantage points for rethinking on Taiwanness, probing the possibilities for a Taiwan-based study by rearticulating a Siraya-based feministic cross-field in the face of contemporary trends of globalization and the so-called pan-Chineseness. As the first word of the title “Toward” explicates, this dissertation marks a writing action and embodies a future-oriented endeavor to unveil an embryonic epistemology and trans-discourse.

    Keywords: Siraya, lowland indigenous peoples, feminism, post-colonial, trans-discourse

    Table of Contents Special Thanks to the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica i Mandarin Abstract ii English Abstract iii Foreword iv Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi Chapter 1: Overview 1 1.1 Motivation and Goals of the Research 1 1.2 Definitions of Concepts 20 1.3 Scopes of Research and Literature Review 25 1.4 Methodology and the Structure of the Dissertation 27 Chapter 2: A Revisit to Taiwan Herstory from a Lowland Indigenous Perspective 32 2.1 Rethinking on Taiwan Herstory 32 2.2 The Unique Position of Siraya in the Reconstruction of Taiwan Herstory 59 2.3 The Revitalization of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples since the 1980s 66 2.4 The Revitalization of Lowland Indigenous Peoples from 1990s Onwards 69 Chapter 3: Reflections on Sirayan Tradition: Gender, Body, Marital-Familial Practice, Economic Production and Human-Nature Interaction 77 3.1 Dialectics between Gender, Body, Ethnicity and Femininity 78 3.2 Gender, Sex, Marital/Familial Practice, and Mandatory Abortion in Sirayan Tradition 92 3.3 Siraya’s Economic Production in Line with Gender and Siraya Women’s Farming Domain 102 3.4 Siraya’s Eco-friendly Traditional Wisdom, Linkage with Eco-feminism and Indigenous-based Epistemology 113 3.5 Siraya’s Communal Practice and Women’s Participation in Public Forum 126 3.6 Rethinking on the Plural-formed Tradition of the Colonized 137 Chapter 4: Women, Siraya and Religion 139 4.1 Siraya’s Traditional Religion v.s. Christianity 140 4.2 Gender in the Revitalization of Siraya’s Religious Tradition 156 4.3 The Rearticuation of Gender and Ethnicity in Christianity 182 4.4 Musuhapa Siraya? 203 Chapter 5: The Rearticulation of Siraya as a Cross-communal Practice--Siraya Writing in Contemporary Tai-gi Literature in Reference to Vernacular Poetry by Hakka Women 206 5.1 Literature as a Decolonizing Trans-discourse with Manifold Planes 206 5.2 Problematics with Cross-communal Representation, Interethnicity, Hybridity and Deep Diversity 216 5.3 The Rearticulation of Siraya and Sirayan Women in Three Contemporary Tai-gi Literary Works 224 5.4 The Pioneering Participation of Hakka Female Poets in Hakka Vernacular Literature 254 5.5 The Interrelation between Tai-gi Siraya Writing and Hakka Women’s Vernacular Poetry 273 Chapter 6: Coda: Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism 275 6.1 A Cross-disciplinary Vantage Point of Siraya and Feminism 275 6.2 Problems with Nationalism 276 6.3 Sirayan Legacies and their Impacts upon Taiwan 277 6.4 Paradigm Shifts and an Embryonic Taiwan-based Epistemology 283 6.5 Self-empowerment of the Subaltern 287 6.6 Coda: Toward a Siraya-based Taiwanese Feminism 293 References 294 Appendixes 315

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