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研究生: 魏肇慧
Chao Hui Wei
論文名稱: 臺灣國語口說和書寫中文的英語化現象
Englishization of Oral and Written Mandarin in Taiwan
指導教授: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 英語化語言接觸
英文關鍵詞: Englishization, language contact
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:181下載:12
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  • 本研究旨在探討口語和書面中文西化的現象。過去諸多關於中文西化的研究指出此現象不僅侷限於詞彙和構辭層面,甚至影響句法結構。基於過去文獻所歸納之重要西化句法結構,本研究進一步分析和比較二十年來台灣書寫中文的句法西化程度和使用情形。此外,過去研究皆宥於書面中文而未有系統且完整地討論口說中文的西化現象,因此本研究特別探討口說中文之西化,並和書寫中文之結果相較。


    The Englishization of Mandarin has been a hot issue since 1950s. Previous studies have pointed out plenty of Englishized syntactic structures in Mandarin. However, the latest linguistic study of Englishization of Taiwan Mandarin was conducted in 1994. Considering the rapid development in these twenty years, it is interesting to observe the development of Englishization nowadays. In addition, since Englishization of the oral Mandarin has never been systematically studied before, the present study aims to investigate the frequency and distribution of Englishization of Taiwan Mandarin in writing and also speaking.
    The written data used in the current research are from two magazines, 新新聞Xinxinwen ‘The Journalist’ and天下Tienxia ‘Common Wealth’. The oral data are collected from four talk shows, 今晚誰當家Jinwan shei dangjia ‘Who Hosts Tonight’ and 王牌大賤諜Wangpai da jiandie ‘Top Spy’, 關鍵時刻Guanjian shike ‘Crucial Moment’ and夢想街57號Mengxiangjie 57hao ‘No.57 Dream Street’.
    The results reveal that the Englishized structures suggested in the literature have already localized as part of Chinese grammar at least early since twenty years ago. Thus, the comparison between the writing in 1988 and in 2010 does not show significant difference. As for the Englishized structures in oral Taiwan Mandarin, it is found that they are popular in speaking, revealing that the use of Englishized structures is not limited to translation or writing but extends to the speech as common expressions.
    Comparing the results of the written data and oral data, there is significant difference of the distribution of Englishized structures between two language modes. The causes of difference can be attributed to the diverse linguistic features in spoken and written languages. Moreover, the distribution of examined Englishized structures in the written and oral data corresponds to the literature of written and spoken English respectively, giving supports to the proposal of these structures as Englishized ones.

    Table of Contents Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Table of Contents iv List of Tables vii List of Abbreviations ix Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Goals 1 1.2 Research Questions 3 1.3 Method 3 1.3.1 Data Collection 4 1.3.2 Data Analysis 5 Chapter Two Literature Review 6 2.1 Language Contact 6 2.1.1 The Types of Language Contact 6 2.1.2 The Results of Language Contact 8 Contact Induced Language Change 8 Extreme Language mixture 10 Language Death 11 2.1.3 Interim Summary 12 2.2 Historical Development of Englishization of Chinese 12 2.3 Englishization of Chinese: Diachronic and Synchronic Approaches 15 2.4 Englishized Syntactic Structures 19 2.4.1 Increasing Use of Subjects 20 2.4.2 Increased use of the copula shi ‘to be’ 22 2.4.3 Lengthening of sentences: modifying clauses with head nouns 24 2.4.4 Variety of third person and impersonal singular and plural pronouns 27 2.4.5 Extended use of the passive construction被Bei 28 2.4.6 Use of preposition and increasing use of conjunction 31 2.4.7 當Dang ‘When’ as a conjunction 32 2.4.8 在Zai as preposition and an auxiliary 34 2.4.9 Increasing use of 一Yi (one) and Classifiers 36 2.4.10 Reversing the order of subordinating clauses 38 2.4.11 Pronoun before the antecedent 39 2.4.12 Pronominal heads with adjective or adjective clauses 40 2.4.13 Position of the Speaker in Direct Quotations 40 2.4.14 前者…後者Qianzhe…houzhe ‘the former…, the latter’ 41 2.4.15 Expansion of the Construction可能Keneng ‘May’ 42 2.4.16 The construction of之一 Zhiyi ‘one of’ 43 2.4.17 Pronouns in possessive and object position 44 2.4.18 Lexical nominalization 45 2.4.19 Interim Summary 46 2.5 Chapter Summary 49 Chapter Three Results and Discussion 50 3.1 The Results of the Written Data in 1988 and 2010 50 3.1.1 Pronouns 50 Increasing use of pronouns as subject 51 Increasing use of pronouns as object and possessive 55 3.1.2 Long Pre-modifiers 58 3.1.3 Insertion of Yi ‘one’ and Classifiers 61 3.1.4 Passive Structure Bei 64 3.1.5 Lexical Verbal Nominalization 67 3.1.6 Concessive Clauses in the Final Position 70 3.1.7 Other Englishized Patterns 70 Other Prepositions 71之一Zhiyi ‘one of’ 73前者…後者Qianzhe…houzhe ‘the former… the latter’ 73 3.1.8 Summary and Discussion 74 3.2 The Results of the Oral Data in 2010 75 3.2.1 Pronouns 76 Increasing use of subject pronouns 76 Increasing use of object pronouns 86 Increasing use of possessive pronouns 89 3.2.2 Long Pre-modifiers 93 3.2.3 Insertion of Yi ‘one’ and Classifiers 95 3.2.4 Passive Structure Bei 96 3.2.5 Lexical Verbal Nominalization 98 3.2.6 Concessive Clauses in the Final Position 100 3.2.7 Other Englishized Patterns 100 Other Prepositions 101之一Zhiyi ‘one of’ 101前者…後者Qianzhe…houzhe ‘the former… the latter’ 102 3.2.8 Summary and Discussion 102 3.3 General Summary and Discussion 103 Chapter Four Conclusion 108 4.1 General Summary and Implications 108 4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 109 Reference 111

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