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研究生: 馬湘萍
Sophia Ma
論文名稱: 高等教育功能之變遷及機構分類策略之研究
The Changing o Higher Education's Functions and Strategy of Calssification of Higher Education Institutions
指導教授: 楊深坑
Yang, Shen-Keng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 高等教育功能機構分類策略
英文關鍵詞: Higher Education, Function, Strategy of Calssification of Higher Education Institutions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:177下載:25
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  • 本研究旨在探討高等教育功能的變遷及高等教育機構分類的策略。為深入了解高等教育功能的轉變,本文先從大學興起及發展的過程,探討高等教育功能演變的歷程,進而分析當代高等教育功能變遷的因素及功能,並分析英、德及美等三國對於高等教育機構分類的策略,歸納優缺得失並提出高等教育機構功能分類的策略之建議,最後依據前項之探討、分析提出結論及建議,作為教育行政研究及政策決定之參考。

    The Changing of Higher Education’s Functions and Strategy of Classification of Higher Education Institutions
    The purpose of the study was to explore the changing of higher education’s function and strategy of classification of higher education institutions. In order to understand the development of higher education and historical context of changing of higher education’s functions , the study begins with a sketch of backgrounds about origin of university in Medieval Europe, then, discusses the factors which influence and change contemporary higher education’s functions. Next , the study analyze the strategy of higher education institutions’s classification of Great Britain,German and United States. Based on the above discussion, the researcher attempt to expound suggestions.
    The findings of the study are as followings:
    1. Higher education’s functions change and develop gradually from Medieval university. The functions are always changed by circumstance and areas.
    2. The functions of contemporary higher education change heavily because of knowledge economy ,the rapid development of technology , globalization, massification and life-long learning.
    3. The functions of contemporary higher education are teaching, research , service, social critic, equal access opportunity to higher education and globalization and it is the best way to classify the higher education’s institutions to fulfill the multiple functions of contemporary higher education.
    4. The strategy of higher education institution’s classification of Great Britain,German and United States is to conserve the traditional elite-type universities which are research-oriented and establish the non-university sectors to react the massification and industrial need .
    5. There are some tendency about the strategy of higher education institution’s classification of Great Britain,German and United States.
    According to the findings above, the research brought up following suggestions:
    1. Government have to be aware that higher education’s functions of Taiwan have changed because of social change, then react aggressively.
    2. It is suitable to establish non-university sectors to react the massification and industrial need ; meanwhile, to maintain the traditional research-oriented universities.
    3. Government have to put emphasis on the research function of research-oriented university to keep excellent.
    4. Government must strengthen the function of technology college and university to react the development of economy and industrial need.
    5. The vertical-oriented diversification of the higher education’s system of the United States is a suitable for our country .
    6. The granting policy to lead higher education institutions to classified by the functions is a available strategy for government.
    7. Elementary and secondary school teachers can be trained in universities and teacher’s college ought to upgrade to universities.
    8. Government have to legalize to make higher education institutions to classify by functions.

    目次 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………1 第一節 問題背景……………………………………1 第二節 研究動機與目的……………………………5 第三節 研究方法與架構……………………………8 第二章 高等教育功能之歷史演變………………………..11 第一節 中世紀大學的興起及其主要功能…………12 第二節 英國培育菁英式的大學……………………20 第三節 研究型大學的崛起…………………………24 第四節 美國的綜合型大學…………………………32 第五節 小結…………………………………………36 第三章 當代高等教育變遷之因素及功能之轉變………..40 第一節 影響當代高等教育功能變遷的因素………40 第二節 當代高等教育功能的轉變…………………56 第三節 高等教育機構分類之必要性………………66 第四章 高等教育機構分類之策略………………………..68 第一節 英國高等教育機構分類之策略……………68 第二節 德國高等教育機構分類之策略……………78 第三節 美國高等教育機構分類之策略……………85 第四節 高等教育功能變遷及機構分類策略………95 第五章 結論及建議……………………………………….104 第一節 結論………………………………………...104 第二節 建議………………………………………...108 參考書目……………………………………………………114

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