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研究生: 陳靜芝
Ching-Chih Chen
論文名稱: 從一位資優班教師的角度看 疑似亞斯伯格症資優生與學校環境交互出的面貌
On Aspects of the Interaction between a Gifted Student with Suspected Asperger’s Syndrome and the School Environment: A Gifted Education Teacher’s Point of View
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 260
中文關鍵詞: 疑似亞斯伯格症資優生充實學習人際關係
英文關鍵詞: gifted student with suspected Asperger’s syndrome, enrichment learning, interpersonal relationship
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:42
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The qualitative case study, in a gifted education teacher’s point of view, aims at investigating aspects of the interaction between a gifted student with suspected Asperger’s syndrome and the school environment.

To explore the interaction, the researcher interviewed the subject and significant persons, observed him directly, and collected his literary work and personal files. Generally, the subject’s behavior and mental development were highly affected by the school context; the school responded to the subject’s needs and difficulties on various dimensions and degrees. The very complicated interference was observed, described, and interpreted in this study. The study claims that:

1. Characteristics: The subject is discovered and supported in terms of his difficulties.
The specialty of the subject’s verbal excellence exceeded possible comprehension of his teachers and classmates, but it resulted in conflicts and misunderstandings. Yet the school responded the subject’s special needs intensively by adjustment of administrant system. Experienced teachers, for instance, took care of the subject’s occasional melancholic moods, and developed an intimate relationship between them. Gifted education functioned as a vital supportive system as well.

2. Opportunities: The reveal of the subject’s strength extends his relationship among teachers and classmates.
In the elementary school, focusing on language arts, the subject’s verbal ability was elicited and promoted. Specifically, as he participated in humanity curricula of the school’s gifted resource classroom and contests about language arts, his excellent language talent was recognized and appreciated by teachers and classmates. That is, the teachers offered a wide range of assistance regarding his talent in language. Further, through self-awareness and accommodation, he could be engaged in the peer interaction at school.

3. Labels:The ambiguous labeling is applied to the subject so that he obtains counseling treatment.
Because of his unclear diagnosis, the subject was regarded as a student with adaptive problems rather than a special needs one. By this, the supports from the special education system might not be the proper intervention, for the school, to take with him, so that they provided guidance and assistance from the perspective of counseling. His uniqueness cannot be clearly defined as a typical Asperger ‘s syndrome. More possible understanding the subject could be made as considering his outstanding performance.

目 錄 第一章 研究動機與背景 1 壹、視而不見還是見而不察 1 貳、這條涇渭分明大道上的寥寥星點 4 參、乍見可能的服務方式 5 肆、探訪的向度 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 霧裡探花~探尋亞斯伯格症資優學生 7 壹、亞斯伯格症資優學生的被看見 7 貳、亞斯伯格症資優學生的身心特質 15 參、國內外實徵研究帶來的啟發 23 第二節 築起這座橋~回應性環境的可能 34 壹、學校環境的探勘 34 貳、回應性環境的可能-讓複雜難懂的環境變聰明 36 第三章 研究方法 43 第一節 研究設計 43 第二節 研究參與者 48 第三節 資料蒐集與紀錄 51 第四節 研究者的角色 58 第五節 資料處理與分析 62 第六節 研究的信賴度 65 第七節 研究上的倫理 67 第四章 研究結果與發現 69 先從《等待果陀》的荒謬說起 70 第一節 合理的生存空間 73 壹、這些基底的樣貌 74 貳、尋求合理的解釋 80 參、學校展現的作為 88 第二節 接受充實服務的可能 96 壹、當伯樂遇上千里馬 97 貳、資優班彈性開放的落實 102 第三節 戀戀依存的關係 133 壹、對師長的無以名狀 135 貳、對同儕的愛恨分明 147 第四節 盡其自我的機會與限制 160 壹、熠熠光點的閃動 162 貳、知其不可奈何而安之若命 173 第五章 浮現出的面貌與啟示 191 第一節 浮現出的面貌 191 壹、相遇在困境中 191 貳、徜徉於轉換間 195 參、遊走於關係裡 199 第二節 浮現出的啟示 204 壹、標籤的再思 204 貳、學校不該是死板板 205 參、家長和孩子學習互相調適 209 肆、轉化受苦的靈魂為美麗的火焰 210 伍、研究者不同的探看角度 221 第三節 遺漏的東西 213 壹、等待傷口的癒合 213 貳、研究之外的關係 217 參、勾勒未來的引道 220 肆、研究者的省思 229 參考文獻 231 附 錄 附錄一、訪談大綱……………………………………………………236 附錄二、家長同意函…………………………………………………237 附錄三、情緒智力量表(青少年版)問卷……………………………238 附錄四、語任小學階段之傑出表現…………………………………241 附錄五、語任小學階段之生活經歷…………………………………243 附錄六、研究工作資料一覽表:訪談記事…………………………245 附錄七、研究工作資料一覽表:觀察記事…………………………248 附錄八、研究工作資料一覽表:檔案紀錄…………………………251 附錄九、訪談轉譯稿範例……………………………………………254 附錄十、入班觀察範例………………………………………………255 附錄十一、檔案紀錄範例:語任作品………………………………256 附錄十二、檔案紀錄範例:信件紀錄………………………………257 附錄十三、研究日誌範例……………………………………………258 附錄十四、與語任媽媽平時的書信交流……………………………259 附錄十五、來自外校老師的一段分享………………………………260 表 次 表二-1 美國身心障礙資優發展大事記…………………………………7 表二-2 國內身心障礙資優發展事記……………………………………10 表二-3 亞斯伯格症出現率的趨勢………………………………………13 表二-4 一般能力資優與亞斯伯格症資優孩童之間的區………………21 表二-5 亞斯伯格症資優學生之報導……………………………………23 表二-6 國內亞斯伯格症資優學生的相關研究…………………………26 表二-7 亞斯伯格症不同發展時期之研究的個案基本資料……………30 表三-1 主要研究參與者之背景資料……………………………………49 表三-2 相關研究參與者:訪談對象……………………………………50 表三-3 轉譯符號表………………………………………………………53 表三-4 資料管理編碼範例………………………………………………63 表三-5 資料分析舉例說明………………………………………………64 圖 次 圖二-1:弱勢族群資優族群……………………………………………11 圖二-2:IEM模式………………………………………………………38 圖三-1:個案式探究的脈絡……………………………………………46

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