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研究生: 施竣升
SHIH, Chun-Sheng
論文名稱: 部落地圖製作於提升都市原住民高中生部落連結意願之研究
Fostering Place Bonding among Urban Indigenous High School Students through Community Map-Making: A Case Study
指導教授: 沈淑敏
Shen, Su-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 部落為本都市原住民學生部落連結文化回應教學部落地圖原住民族教育
英文關鍵詞: tribe community-based, urban indigenous students, place bonding, culturally responsive teaching, tribe-community map, indigenous education
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001576
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:94下載:11
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  •   隨著社會環境的變遷,在都市就學的原住民學生日益增加。雖然原住民族教育議題愈來愈受重視,但是在都市主流文化環境中學習的原住民學生,是否有課程著眼於促進學生與原鄉部落的連結,非常值得關注。為探討學校課程如何增進都市原住民學生與部落的互動、提升對部落的認識與情感,本研究與臺灣北部地區一所普通高中的原住民專班合作,開設一門兩個學期共33時的課程,並以認識原鄉部落為課程主題。在第一學期,主要以部落內常見的環境與人文議題作為案例,引導學生學習部落踏查的方法與技巧;第二學期引導學生製作一份屬於自己部落的生活地圖;寒假期間則設計作業,鼓勵學生返鄉進行踏查、蒐集部落相關資訊。課程設計具有以部落為本、強調實作、連結生活經驗等特色。

      As society continues to evolve, the population of indigenous students in urban areas is also growing. Despite increasing scholarly emphasis on indigenous education, it remains to be seen whether indigenous students, surrounded by urban mainstream cultures, have access to courses that foster connectedness to their tribal origins. In order to investigate how school courses could contribute to enhancing interaction between urban indigenous students and their tribal homelands, and improving their knowledge about and affinity with their tribal communities, the study partnered with an indigenous high school class in Northern Taiwan, and designed a double-semester course (in total thirty-three hours) on “learning about your tribal community.” The course for the first semester used common environmental and cultural issues in tribal communities as case studies to equip students with fieldwork skills to explore their communities. In the second semester, the students were asked to make a map of their tribal communities. During the winter vacation, the students were encouraged to visit their tribal homelands for fieldwork and data collection. The course design focuses on hands-on learning, and seeks to connect students to their ’ tribal origins.
      In assessing students’ map projects and feedback to understand their learning outcome, the study made several findings: a) making maps on their tribal communities step by step gave students a sense of achievement and strengthened their ties and connectedness with their communities; b) the fieldwork project gave students opportunities to visit their tribal homelands and cultivate awareness of tribal space and environment features; c) the use of map images helped foster place bonding among urban indigenous students. The process of data collection helped advance the students’ understanding of their tribal communities, and motivated them to explore further. Most students experienced strengthened ties with their non-urban tribal communities, with increased familiarity and sense of belonging; few students even expressed a stronger sense of identity, assuming the responsibility to pass down cultural traditions and exhibiting heightened awareness to tribal issues and willingness to make more frequent visits.
      Mainstream society offers urban indigenous students limited opportunities to learn about their tribal origins. The course developed for the study served to inspire the students to think about their indigenous identity while exploring their tribal communities. Indigenous cultures are a result of human-environment interactions, and tribal communities are important places where cultural traditions are practiced and passed down. Through the hands-on learning-oriented course, the students, who previously had limited knowledge of their tribal homelands and little chance to visit, were able to better understand their communities and motivated to care about tribal issues. They were also encouraged to make proactive inquiries and have discussions about their tribal roots with family members, which also helped improve parent-child relationships.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 重要名詞釋義 3 第四節 文獻回顧 4 一、臺灣原住民族文化與環境的關係 4 二、都市原住民學生的學習現況 7 四、文化回應教學 14 第二章 研究設計與實施 19 第一節 研究架構與流程 19 一、研究架構 19 二、研究流程 22 第二節 研究方法 24 一、學生作品 24 二、學生回饋問卷 26 第三節、合作學校原住民專班的課程特色與學生組成 27 一、原住民專班課程特色 27 二、研究參與學生組成 28 第三章 課程設計與實施 31 第一節 課程設計與規劃 32 第二節 課程規劃與實施 35 一、第一學期108(1) 36 二、寒假部落踏查 37 三、第二學期108(2) 38 第三節 「部落生活地圖」評分規準 39 第四章 結果與討論 45 第一節 結果 45 一、部落生活地圖作品表現 45 二、學生回饋分析 49 三、問卷回饋分析與部落生活地圖評分之關聯性分析 60 第二節 討論 61 一、學生作品所展現的部落連結 61 二、學生「部落生活地圖」成果的影響因素 65 三、都市原住民學生認識部落的學習挑戰 66 四、返鄉踏查的效益 67 五、「認識部落」課程實踐的影響因素 68 第五章 結論與建議 71 第一節 結論 71 一、多元的地圖影像有助於都市原住民學生認識部落 71 二、自主蒐集資料,有助於提高學生認識部落的意願 72 三、與家人的互動能強化都市原住民學生生活中的文化學習氛圍 72 第二節 建議 73 一、認識原鄉實驗課程作為校定課程開設 73 二、邀請家人共同參與課程 74 參考文獻 75 附件一 第一階段課程教案 80 附件二 第三階段課程教案 92 附件三 108/9/20課程回饋單 99 附件四 108/9/27課程回饋單 100 附件五 108/10/25課程回饋單 101 附件六 108/11/8課程回饋單 103 附件七 108/12/27課程回饋單 105 附件八 109/1/3課程回饋單 107 附件九 109/4/24課程回饋單 110 附件十 109/6/19課程回饋單 111 附件十一 寒假返鄉踏查學習單 113 附件十二 部落生活地圖分析 116

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