簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黎曉鵑
Hsiao-Chuan Li
論文名稱: 插畫中徒手線畫風格之創作表現與應用--以歐遊系列、台灣系列觀光海報設計為例
The presentation and application of freehand illustration in line
指導教授: 張柏舟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 插畫徒手線畫新藝術旅遊海報
英文關鍵詞: illustration, freehand illustration in line, art nouveau, poster
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:215下載:68
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  • 根據【布里塔尼卡百科事典】(encyclopaedia brilannica)裡的說明,將「Drawing」一辭詮釋為:「把物體、人物、風景或感情、創意以及構想等,主要以線條表現出來謂之。」由此看來,以線條把對象抽象化、簡約化,是Drawing最大的特徵。對Drawing的範疇與目的,【布里塔尼卡百科事典】做了如此的規範:「Drawing大體來說,是為了準備大畫前先畫的草稿,但有時是以它為最終目的而畫的線畫,這就叫做Drawing。」(註1)
    本論文中徒手線畫的研究作品,便是以Drawing為主,把各地具有特色的風景轉變為圖像的形式,再搭配不同明度與亮度的色塊、色彩,形成具有立體與空間感的插畫;並利用插畫中的徒手線畫,結合部分新藝術(Art Nouveau)風格為裝飾,表現歐洲及台灣各地的獨特風光,目的是藉著圖形的傳遞,嚐試創造出兩個不同系列的觀光海報。創作形式以平面的手繪線條,配以當地豐富的色彩,來表達如漫畫般充滿想像的空間,以建構成具有輕鬆風格特色的作品。
    註1: 王秀雄譯,1996,伊東壽太郎著,設計用的素描,台北:大陸書店,頁11。

    According to encyclopaedia brilannica : It explains the meaning of “ Drawing ”: 「 it shows object , people , scenery , emotion , creation and idea with line 」. Hence we know , the great character of drawing is to make object become abstract and simple by line . The encyclopaedia brilannica concludes some rules about the range and the purpose of drawing : 「Generally speaking , drawing is a rough draft which I have painted before I prepare to draw a picture . Sometimes the rough draft become our final work 」 .
    The research work of freehand illustration in line is based on drawing , which translate scenery into the form of picture , and match the shade of color which has different color , bright and light . Then they will become three-dimensional illustration . I use the freehand illustration in line to combine decoration style of Art Nouveau and the unique scenery in Europe and in Taiwan . I create different series of sightseeing poster by transmission of picture . Creative form use the freehand line in plane and plentiful color , I also want to show the imaginative space of comic and easy attitude style .
    My main research adopt literature discussion , The step of research starts from the research of illustration literature , and then you will know the definition , history , classification of illustration . When it comes to the definition of illustration : Illustration is a additional explanation for contents , it just for decoration or define the picture . In respect of illustration , we can see that the history of illustration are different in east and in west , but they all develop from spreading idea . It goes through development in history to develop slowly , and the modern illustration form becomes a unique art step by step . The development of production method is from freehand , woodcut , stonecut , which print to spread , till now the modern print technique make the illustration more exquisite and wide spread . In speaking of the classification of illustration : It can discuss by display method and by display material , the display method includes humor , satire , reality , decoration , imagination , symbol , exaggeration , abstract , etc. The display material includes freehand illustration , print illustration , solid and 3D illustration , computer illustration , etc. And then I will research the definition and classification of line , and the relationship between line and color , to discuss my subject which is freehand illustration in line . In this part , We can know that , the line is routes of dot moving . The line can divide straight and curve , and the different painting tools can draw different line with special character . The line and color can interact each other . For example, I use the line to be the main character of picture , the color is going to change the solid space into the plane of picture . And the front-back relation of the surface of picture can use the three attributes of color : hue , value and chroma , to divide the space of front-back .
    At last , I will discuss the decorative style of illustration . I hope this work can show the relaxed , natural , romantic and frank style. Therefore, I choice the Art Nouveau that is close to this style. Hundred years ago , it was a great age , The Art Nouveau creator braved to create and made the best achievement . In the new century , I adopt the Art Nouveau to expect modern creator will have the same attitude , just like Art Nouveau creator to create another great age .
    In this paragraph , it introduce simply the original , background , development , character of each nation all about Art Nouveau , and that is my basic of thesis and source of creation .
    After I discuss the literature , I use the knowledge and conception from the literature to develop the illustration which use technical pen to draw freehand line . The objects of describing are local custom and practice , natural and humane scenery , it shows thespecial introduction to differ from the common photo picture , and it assimilate the thoughts and the atmosphere which I have feeled when I was traveling in each place . Otherwise , I also hope the modern creator do not depend on computer so much to desert the traditional freehand painting method . We should adopt the advantage of them to match our design idea , and then we will create more human nature and beautiful works .
    The last point , I want to clear it up : the application items of creation are including 8 traveling posters , a calendar with introduction of scenery , a book for children with illustration and introduction of scenery , a note book for young man and adult , 12 bookmarks , 4 cards . You can see all kind of the application items in the same style .

    自序 摘要 英文摘要 目錄 圖目錄 第一章、緒論 一、研究動機 二、研究目的 三、研究方法與步驟 四、研究範圍與限制 第二章、文獻回顧 一、插畫的概述 (一)插畫的定義 (二)插畫的來源與歷史 (三)插畫的分類 二、線畫的概述 (一)線的定義 (二)線的分類 (三)線畫與色彩 三、新藝術(Art Nouveau)裝飾風格的研究 (一)新藝術(Art Nouveau)概述 (二)新藝術(Art Nouveau)在各地的發展 (三)新藝術(Art Nouveau)之特徵 (四)新藝術(Art Nouveau)之表現手法 第三章、插畫中徒手線畫風格之創作表現 一、創作理念 二、創作流程 三、作品解析 (一)歐遊系列 (二)台灣系列 四、應用表現 (一)月曆設計 (二)書籍設計 (三)封面設計 (四)書籤設計 (五)卡片設計 (六)展場佈置 第四章、結論與建議 第五章、參考文獻 簡歷

    §李渝譯,1998,James Cahill(高居翰)著,中國繪畫史,台北:雄獅圖書股份有限公司。
    §呂清夫譯,1997, 嘉門安雄著,西洋美術史,台北:大陸書店。
    §李惠珍、連惠幸等譯,1998, Sister Wendy Beckett著,繪畫的故事,台北:台灣麥克。
    §許明潔校對,1999,Richard Hollis著,平面設計發展史,台北:龍辰。
    §郭大微等譯,1996, Lenny Borger 等著,巴黎-描述與旅遊,台北:遠流。
    §Thomas Hauffe, 1996, Design, New York:Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
    §Lara-Vinca Masini,1984,ART NOUVEAU,London:Thames and Hudson Ltd.
    §Sarah Mucha,2000,MUCHA,Paris:Grund.
    §Zeichnungen and Plane,1994,OTTO WAGNER,uberarbeitete Auflage:Tusch.