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研究生: 劉盈伶
Liu, Ying-Ling
論文名稱: 異性戀大學生情侶伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係適應之相關研究
The Relationships among Dyadic Perfectionism, Willingness and Behavior of Sacrifice, and Love Relationship Adjustment of Heterosexual College Couples
指導教授: 陳秀蓉
Chen, Hsiu-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 伴侶完美主義犧牲意願與行為愛情關係適應
英文關鍵詞: dyadic perfectionism, willingness and behavior of sacrifice, love relationship adjustment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:29
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The main purpose of the present study was to explore the relationships among dyadic perfectionism, willingness and behavior of sacrifice, and love relationship adjustment of heterosexual college couples. A total of 272 completed self-reported questionnaires (136 college couples) were collected through purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-term correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. The major findings of the present study were as follows:
1. For both male and female, partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism were negatively related to satisfaction/growth, positively related to conflict/paradox, and negatively related to autonomy.
2. Male’s willingness and behavior of active sacrifice and willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice” were positively related to satisfaction/growth, and negatively related to conflict/paradox. In addition, female students’ “willingness and behavior of active sacrifice and willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice were positively related to Satisfaction/Growth. Moreover, female students’ willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice” were negatively related to conflict/paradox and positively related to autonomy.
3. Female’s partner-oriented perfectionism were negatively related to male’s satisfaction/growth and positively related to male’s conflict/paradox. Moreover, both male’s and female’s partner-oriented perfectionism were negatively related to the opposite sex's satisfaction/growth, positively related to the opposite sex's conflict/paradox, negatively related to the opposite sex's autonomy.
4. Male’s partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth, and male’s willingness and behavior of active sacrifice” positively predicted their satisfaction/growth”. In addition, female’s partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth, and female’s willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice” positively predicted their satisfaction/growth”. For both male and female, partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism positively predicted conflict/paradox. For both male and female, partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their autonomy.
5. Considering the effect from partner, male and female’s partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted female’s satisfaction/growth. Male’s partner-oriented perfectionism, male and female’s partner-prescribed perfectionism positively predicted male’s conflict/paradox.
6. For both male and female, willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice had moderating effect between partner-prescribed perfectionism and satisfaction/growth. Male’s willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice had moderating effect between their partner-prescribed perfectionism and conflict/paradox. Female’s willingness and behavior of passive sacrifice had moderating effect between their partner-prescribed perfectionism and autonomy.
Lastly, implications for counseling and future research were proposed based on the results.

Key words: dyadic perfectionism, willingness and behavior of sacrifice, and love relationship adjustment

致謝詞.....................................................i 中文摘要.................................................iii 英文摘要...................................................v 目錄.....................................................vii 表目錄....................................................ix 圖目錄..................................................xiii 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究動機............................................1 第二節 研究目的............................................5 第三節 名詞釋義............................................6 第二章 文獻探討............................................9 第一節 伴侶完美主義及其相關研究.............................9 第二節 愛情關係中的犧牲意願與行為...........................18 第三節 伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為及愛情關係適應之相關研究...24 第三章 研究方法...........................................41 第一節 研究架構...........................................41 第二節 研究假設...........................................42 第三節 研究對象...........................................44 第四節 研究工具...........................................46 第五節 研究實施程序.......................................64 第六節 資料分析方法.......................................65 第四章 研究結果...........................................67 第一節 伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係適應之描述統計...67 第二節 不同背景變項在伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係適應 之差異情形................................................70 第三節 伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係適應之相關性.....76 第四節 伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為對愛情關係適應之預測分析...81 第五節 犧牲意願與行為對伴侶完美主義及愛情關係適應之調節效果...95 第五章 討論與建議.........................................111 第一節 討論..............................................111 第二節 實務建議..........................................125 第三節 研究貢獻、限制與建議...............................127 參考文獻.................................................131 中文部分.................................................131 英文部分.................................................134 附錄.....................................................141 附錄一 犧牲意願與行為預試問卷.............................141 附錄二 正式施測問卷......................................145 附錄三 量表使用同意書.....................................151 附錄四 關係適應量表的因素分析結果.........................153 附錄五 男性與女性伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係適應之描 述統計摘要表..............................................154 附錄六 男性與女性的年級在伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係 適應之分析摘要表..........................................155 附錄七 男性與女性的學院在伴侶完美主義、犧牲意願與行為、愛情關係 適應之分析摘要表..........................................157 附錄八 男性與女性大學生犧牲活動的百分比分佈.................159

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