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研究生: 李姿樺
Lee, Tzu-Hua
論文名稱: 逆齡之道:從運動體現主觀身心健康狀態
The Way to Reverse Aging: Achieving Subjective Physical and Mental Well-being Through Exercise
指導教授: 洪聰敏
Hung, Tsung-Min
口試委員: 洪聰敏
Hung, Tsung-Min
Chang, Yu-Kai
Hung, Chiao-Ling
口試日期: 2024/07/23
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 逆齡生理年齡肌少症健康餘命
英文關鍵詞: Reverse aging, physiological age, sarcopenia, healthy life expectancy
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401925
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:22下載:1
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  • 『逆齡』已不再是一個新名詞,如何抗老、不受到年齡的羈絆,可以從運動來改變比『法定年齡』更年輕的『生理年齡』創造更積極的生活態度。『越活越年輕』是中高齡族群在邁入高齡之前很重要的生活目標,展現逆齡的活力,不單單只有良好的活動力,避免大腦退化、抱持正向的心態,展現健康和自信甚至於時尚的穿著打扮更是吸引人注目的典範。
    本研究以質性研究採半結構訪談方式,依研究目的理解運動對逆齡抗老的成效及如何持續實踐的動力。訪談持續運動三年以上的中高齡者,在保持長期的運動後『生理年齡』比『實際年齡』至少年輕8歲以上,身體健康狀況的改善、生理及心理的變化、心智,及人際社會關係都有正向的效益,將研究的結果歸納分析發現: 有目的性的運動,較無放棄的念頭,一旦碰到瓶頸,透過心理技能及專業教練的協助,即能克服並持續進行。養成規律運動習慣改善了身體健康及退化性問題例如:肌少症、退化性關節炎…睡眠品質更好,也因運動著重蛋白質飲食,不但達到了減重目標、增肌減脂、也促使生理年齡因此而下降。運動有助於讓腦力更清晰,決策力較好,工作績效提升。良好的運動成效也提高對外社交的參與度並擁有高度的熱忱心,體能更好也更勇於接受挑戰,於內在心態及外在行為表現更自信、更年輕化。從運動改變身心狀態,可以越活越年輕,將高齡社會逆轉為逆齡社會。打造更有活力的社會風氣,減少長照的需求,延長健康餘命。

    “Reverse aging” is no longer a new term. The idea of resisting aging and not being bound by age can be achieved through exercise, which can transform one’s “physiological age” to be younger than their “legal age,” fostering a more positive lifestyle. “Becoming younger as you live” has become a vital life goal for middle-aged and older adults before entering old age. Demonstrating the energy of reverse aging is not only about maintaining good physical activity but also about avoiding cognitive decline, maintaining a positive mindset, and presenting health, confidence, and even fashionable appearance as an attractive example.
    This study employs qualitative research using semi-structured interviews to understand the effects of exercise on reverse aging and how individuals sustain their motivation for long-term practice. Interviews were conducted with middle-aged and older individuals who have exercised regularly for more than three years. The results showed that their “physiological age” was at least eight years younger than their “chronological age.” Positive outcomes were observed in physical health, physiological and psychological changes, mental sharpness, and social relationships. The study’s findings suggest that purposeful exercise reduces the likelihood of giving up. When participants encounter bottlenecks, psychological skills and the support of professional coaches help them overcome these challenges and continue their routines. Developing a regular exercise habit improves health and addresses degenerative issues, such as sarcopenia and osteoarthritis, while also improving sleep quality. With exercise focusing on protein intake, participants not only achieved weight loss goals, muscle gain, and fat reduction, but their physiological age also decreased. Exercise contributes to clearer thinking, better decision-making, and improved work performance. Positive exercise outcomes also increase social engagement, fostering enthusiasm and the courage to accept challenges. Both internally and externally, participants exhibited greater confidence and a more youthful demeanor. By changing physical and mental states through exercise, individuals can live younger lives, effectively reversing the trend of an aging society into one of reverse aging. This helps to create a more energetic societal atmosphere, reducing the need for long-term care and extending healthy life expectancy.

    謝誌i 中文摘要ii 英文摘要iii 目次v 表次vii 圖次viii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景1 第二節、研究動機6 第三節、研究目的8 第四節、名詞之操作性定義9 第貳章 文獻探討12 第一節、中高齡者的老化現象與健康問題12 第二節、運動對中高齡者全人健康的影響16 第三節、不同運動項目對抗老的效益(生理)19 第四節、運動與飲食21 第參章 研究方法25 第一節、研究方法與架構25 第二節、研究對象28 第三節、研究工具29 第四節、資料處理與分析31 第肆章 研究結果與討論32 第一節 開啟逆齡之路: 起心動念32 第二節 運動對逆齡之影響:生理層面34 第三節 運動對逆齡之影響:心理層面40 第四節 運動對人際社交的促進43 第五節 逆齡之道:實踐與成效45 第伍章 結論與建議50 第一節、結論50 第二節、建議52 參考文獻53 附錄一 訪談大綱60 附錄二 訪談同意書62

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