研究生: |
陳裕元 Chen, Jacky |
論文名稱: |
國小扁平足學童不同著地型態之生物力學分析 Biomechanical Analysis of Primary School Children With Flatfoot in Selected Landing movement |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Chien-Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 50 |
中文關鍵詞: | 扁平足 、垂直跳 、著地 、生物力學 |
英文關鍵詞: | flatfoot, vertical jump, landing, biomechanics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:389 下載:19 |
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本研究的目的在探討國小扁平足學童在三種不同負荷程度的著地型態(叉腰垂直跳、叉腰著地站立和叉腰著地反彈跳)跳法的運動學和動力學變化情形,以找出扁平足在這三種跳法中,其跳躍能力和著地策略與正常足學童有何異同。本研究以台北縣三峽國民小學15名學童(8名扁平足、7名正常足弓學童)為受試對象。運動學和動力學資料的收集是利用Redlake攝影機(125Hz)和Kistler 9287型測力板(1200Hz)同步收集運動學和動力學資料。統計方法則是使用獨立樣本t-test(α=.05)分析兩組學童在三種不同跳法的跳躍高度和著地策略的差異。結果發現在運動學資料方面,兩組學童在著地瞬間、身體重心速度為零時下肢各關節的角度和重心上升高度並無差異存在。顯示扁平足學童的跳躍能力和正常足學童是沒有差別的。而扁平足學童其負荷程度較強的著地站立和著地反彈跳中,其著地之後所產生的第二峰值(PK2)比正常足弓學童來得大。另外在50毫秒之被動衝量上也比正常足弓學童大,顯示在著地瞬間扁平足學童比正常足學童有較大的衝擊力,可能在著地時會比正常足學童容易發生受傷的機率。因此在進行跳躍性運動或訓練時,不應排斥扁平足學童,認為他們是跳躍能力較差的一群人,而是鼓勵他們參與運動,以改善其運動能力。只是建議在訓練時需要穿著吸震力較強的鞋子,以預防扁平足學童在著地時產生過大的衝擊力而造成運動傷害。
The purposes of this study were to analyze and compare the kinematic and kinetic variables including the vertical jumping ability and the strategies absorbing mechanism in landing between elementary school flatfoot students and normal foot students. We were interesting in the performances when they were executed three types of landing which were vertical jump, landing standing and rebound jump. Fifteen elementary school students(eight flatfoot students and seven normal foot students)were recorded simultaneously by using a Redlake camera(125Hz)and a Kistler force platform(model 9287,1200Hz). The two groups of three different landing movements were tested by a t-test(α=.05). The kinematical data indicated that there were no significant differences between two groups when they were performing vertical jump. The kinetics results showed the force of the PK2 during landing in the landings that flatfoot students’ were greater than normal foot students. The 50 microsecond impulses of the flatfoot students were greater than the normal students. So we can make a conclusion that the flatfoot students’ jumping ability is the same with normal foot students. But the landing strategies of flatfoot students are different with the normal students. The flatfoot students have greater possibility to get injury in landing than normal foot students. So, when the flatfoot students take exercise or training, they had better to choose the high-absorbing shoes to avoid injury.
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