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研究生: 陳凱凌
論文名稱: 城市競爭力關鍵因子之探討-以高雄市2000-2010年發展為例
A Study on the Measurement for City Competitiveness Index System - An Example of Kaohsiung City’s Development 2000-2010
指導教授: 紀俊臣
Chi, Chun-Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 305
中文關鍵詞: 全球化城市競爭力政府效能永續發展城市治理城市競爭優勢
英文關鍵詞: globalization, city competitiveness, government efficiency, sustainable development, urban governance, urban competitive advantages
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:166下載:0
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  • 城市競爭力(City Competitiveness),係指一個城市在競爭和發展的過程中與其他城市相比較所具有的吸引、爭奪、擁有、控制和轉化資源,爭奪、占領和控制市場,在創造價值,為其居民提供福利的能力。城市競爭力之理論基礎所概括範圍廣泛,包含:地區行銷、永續發展、城市治理;更進一步延伸發展,則是各國政府所關心的國家競爭力、全球競爭力。



    The City Competitiveness refers to a city in the process of competition and developing which compares with other cities has attraction of, competes for, own, control and the transformed resources, seizes, occupies and controls the market, in the creation value, the ability to provide welfare for its resident. The theoretical foundation of City Competitiveness is a quite wide range, which includes: The local marketing, Sustainable development, the urban government; further extends, the national competitiveness, the global competitiveness, which most concerned to all countries around the world.
    The impact of globalization produces an effect on the cities under a state, and market competition between countries or economies. "Global city" is beyond the country, as the world's important economic, political and cultural strongholds, and leads the direction of globalization.
    In recent years, scholars of the world committed to research the rankings of the National Competitiveness and the Global Competitiveness. Local Economic Development has become the central issue of Taiwan Government economic policy in recent ten years. However, three is no suitable model for measuring urban competitiveness. The study on related indicators of urban competitiveness include both fields of construction and application; references both of the national Competitiveness and City Competitiveness, exposition multiple value of City Competitiveness, an empirical case study of Kaohsiung City’s development; With a view constructing a pointer system model of City Competitiveness with local characteristics and practical operation. By means of document database analysis and management science, to construct the key factors of City Competitiveness, a case study of Kaohsiung City, find out the key factors that impact on local economic development strategy. Based above research, it might be a strong reference to policymaker and decision-making mechanism in decision process.

    第一章 緒論. 1 第一節 研究背景與動機... 1 第二節 研究方法與流程... 9 第三節 研究範圍與限制... 14 第二章 城市競爭力之理論建構與文獻探討. 15 第一節 城市競爭力的理論建構及文獻探討... 15 第二節 城市競爭力的政經意含... 46 第三節 城市競爭力指標體系比較與分析... 56 第三章 高雄市城市發展歷程與城市競爭力之分析. 87 第一節 高雄市城市產業發展歷程... 88 第二節 2009世界運動會對高雄市產業發展之影響... 104 第三節 高雄市縣合併對大高雄市產業發展之影響... 127 第四章 研究設計與方法. 173 第一節 研究對象及資料來源... 173 第二節 問卷設計... 177 第三節 資料分析方法... 187 第五章 資料分析與結果. 197 第一節 敘述性統計分析... 197 第二節 城市競爭關鍵因子之DEMATEL分析... 203 第三節 城市競爭關鍵因子之AHP分析... 213 第六章 結論與建議. 225 第一節 研究發現... 226 第二節 研究建議... 233 第三節 後續研究發展... 243 參考文獻 ………………………………………245 附件 …………………………………………267






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