簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 孫豪廷
Hao-Ting Sun
論文名稱: 臺灣北部人爲活動與環境因子對外來植物多樣性之影響
The effects of anthropogenic activities and environmental factors on naturalized flora in the Northern Taiwan
指導教授: 林登秋
Lin, Teng-Chiu
Wu, Shan-Huah
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 人為活動生物多樣性環境因子外來植物地景異質性原生--外來種豐富度交互關係臺灣北部植物入侵
英文關鍵詞: anthropogenic activities, biodiversity, environmental factors, naturalized plants, landscape heterogeneity, native--exotic richness relationships, Northern Taiwan, plant invasion
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:455下載:19
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  • 本研究討論臺灣北部不同土地利用類型的入侵現況及人為活動
    與環境因子對於外來植物多樣性的影響。總共使用了100 個1 平方公
    里樣點內共2242 個1 平方公尺的調查樣方。受人為活動影響較大的
    殖來源(propagule pressure)和干擾(disturbance)有關。另外同時討論了
    具有的生物抵抗能力(biotic resistance),而正向的交互關係則與非生物

    To approach the effects of anthropogenic activities and
    environmental factors on local native and naturalized plant communities,
    this study was conducted in the Northern Taiwan. A total of 2,242
    quadrats in 1m2 of 100 plots in 1km2 were sampled according to
    designated habitat types. Selected anthropogenic and environmental
    factors were obtained, and biodiversity indices were applied on the field
    data for further analyses. According to the results, habitat types with
    higher anthropogenic activities (e.g. roadside, cemetery, crop field) were
    highly invaded. Plant invasions were facilitated by anthropogenic
    activities (including both diversity and intensity) as well as environmental
    factors. Significantly positive relationships were found between
    anthropogenic activities (e.g. landscape heterogeneity, exploitation
    intensity, and agriculture factor) and the biodiversity and dominance of
    naturalized species. On the other hand, exploitation intensity was
    negatively correlated to native biodiversity. Propagule pressure and
    disturbances created by anthropogenic activities may be the major
    mechanism facilitating biodiversity and dominance of naturalized species.
    Environmental factors including elevation-temperature and precipitation
    factors were negatively correlated to naturalized biodiversity but
    positively correlated to native biodiversity. Native—exotic richness
    relationships were also examined under different plot characteristics at
    same spatial scale. Negative relationships (more native less exotic) were
    found at plots with lower anthropogenic activities, while positive
    relationships (more native more exotic) were found at plots with higher
    anthropogenic activities. The mechanisms related to the native—exotic
    relationship transformation may be biotic resistance in negative
    relationships and abiotic factors including landscape heterogeneity in
    positive relationships. This result demonstrated the new evidence of how
    anthropogenic activities affect plant invasions and also made the current
    discussions in native—exotic richness relationships more comprehensive.
    These results can provide valuable direction in the management of
    naturalized plants.

    序言................................................................................................................................ I 摘要............................................................................................................................... II 目錄.............................................................................................................................. III 圖目錄........................................................................................................................... V 表目錄.......................................................................................................................... VI 壹、 前言................................................................................................................ 1 貳、 研究材料與方法 ......................................................................................... 11 (一) 研究區域 ................................................................................................. 11 (二) 調查方法 ................................................................................................. 14 (三) 資料處理 ................................................................................................. 14 (四) 生物多樣性與優勢度評估 ..................................................................... 17 1. 豐富度 ................................................................................................. 17 2. Shannon diversity index (SHDI) ....................................................... 17 3. 豐富度比例 ......................................................................................... 18 4. 出現頻度比例 ..................................................................................... 18 5. 覆蓋度比例 ......................................................................................... 18 (五) 環境因子 ................................................................................................. 19 (六) 人為活動因子 ......................................................................................... 19 1. 地景異質性 ......................................................................................... 19 2. 地景破碎化 ......................................................................................... 20 3. 土地利用類型比例 ............................................................................. 20 (七) 統計方法 ................................................................................................. 22 1. 因素分析(Factor analysis) ................................................................. 22 2. 史比爾曼等級相關係數(Spearman’s rank correlation) ................. 23 3. 兩階段集群分析法(TwoStep Cluster Analysis) ............................... 24 (八) 研究流程圖 ............................................................................................. 26 參、 結果.............................................................................................................. 27 (一) 樣點概況 ................................................................................................. 27 (二) 土地利用類型之調查結果 ..................................................................... 27 1. 土地利用類型調查概況 ..................................................................... 27 2. 各土地利用類型之原生種與外來種關係 ......................................... 29 3. 各土地利用類型優勢外來物種 ......................................................... 33 (三) 影響入侵情形之解釋因子 ..................................................................... 34 1. 簡化變數之因素分析 ......................................................................... 34 IV 2. 人為活動與環境因子對生物多樣性的影響 ..................................... 37 3. 解釋因子間的相關情形 ..................................................................... 44 (四) 原生—外來種豐富度交互關係 ............................................................. 47 肆、 討論.............................................................................................................. 55 (一) 不同土地利用類型的入侵情形不同 ..................................................... 55 (二) 人為活動對原生、外來種的影響 ......................................................... 58 (三) 環境因子對原生、外來種的影響 ......................................................... 61 (四) 原生—外來種交互關係的轉變 ............................................................. 65 (五) 綜合討論 ................................................................................................. 70 (六) 管理相關建議 ......................................................................................... 71 伍、 參考文獻 ..................................................................................................... 72 陸、 附錄.............................................................................................................. 79 Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................... I Contents ....................................................................................................................... III Figures......................................................................................................................... IV Tables ............................................................................................................................ V I. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 II. Materials and methods ................................................................................ 7 Terminology .......................................................................................................... 7 Study area ............................................................................................................. 8 Sampling design ................................................................................................. 11 Biodiversity and dominance of native and naturalized plants ...................... 12 Shannon diversity index (SHDI) ............................................................... 12 Species percentage ..................................................................................... 12 Frequency ................................................................................................... 13 Cover percentage ........................................................................................ 13 Environmental factors ....................................................................................... 13 Anthropogenic activities .................................................................................... 14 Landscape heterogeneity ........................................................................... 14 Landscape fragmentation .......................................................................... 14 Land use type percentage .......................................................................... 15 Analyses .............................................................................................................. 17 III. Results ......................................................................................................... 21 Summary of the plant invasions in the Northern Taiwan .............................. 21 Biodiversity of habitat types ............................................................................. 24 Grouping ............................................................................................................. 30 The effects of factors .......................................................................................... 34 Native—exotic richness relationships .............................................................. 42 IV. Discussion.................................................................................................... 53 Plant invasions in different habitat types ........................................................ 53 The effects of anthropogenic and environmental factors on native and naturalized biodiversity ..................................................................................... 56 Native—exotic richness relationships .............................................................. 60 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 65 V. References ........................................................................................................... 66 Appendix ..................................................................................................................... 71

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