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研究生: 余瀧濱
Long-Bin Yu
論文名稱: 於Android智慧型手機以近場通訊啟用藍芽資料傳輸之研究
A study on NFC-activated Bluetooth data transmission over Android smart phones
指導教授: 葉耀明
Yeh, Yao-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: AndroidNFC藍芽近場通訊
英文關鍵詞: Android, NFC, Bluetooth, near-field-communication
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:128下載:27
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  • 藍芽技術從1999年推出後,雖有短距離高速資料傳輸的功能,但其設定步驟之繁複,儘管智慧型手機配備了藍芽技術,但仍使許多不黯科技產品的使用者仍視為畏途。自從2010年Google推出首支內建近場通訊(NFC)的Android智慧型手機Nexus S後,其簡單與易用特性,使近場通訊的應用與相關的研究如雨後春筍般地被推出。近場通訊技術除了資料傳輸之外,也可以透過控制指令的傳送來取代藍芽技術的前置動作,降低操作的複雜度,藉以增加該通訊技術的使用性。如何利用NFC來擴充與改善藍芽的技術應用為重要課題。

    Bluetooth technology was proposed in 1999. Although it can transmit in high speed within short range, nevertheless the setting procedure is complicated for users. Since Google launched the first near-field-communication (NFC) smartphones on the Android platform, the simplicity and friendly design of its user-interface makes related applications sprang up like mushrooms. NFC provides data transmission between smartphones. Beside data transmission, NFC also can activate Bluetooth communication between two smartphones by tapping the back of these two smartphones, which can reduce the complexity of Bluetooth setting procedure.
    In this thesis, we develop a system which can set up Bluetooth transition automatically by using NFC P2P mode. To cope with the problem that official SDK doesn’t provide the method of transfer files by Bluetooth, we design a text-based file transfer module. Further, we compare our module with NFC P2P mode, the result shows that 4 KB is a crossover point between NFC and Bluetooth. If file size of the data transmission is less than 4KB, then NFC provides better performance; if file size is greater than 4KB, then Bluetooth provides better performance. We also developed three applications which are based on our NFC activated transmission modules, they are “Child Guard”, “Draw Together”, and “NFC memory game”. “Child Guard” is a Bluetooth-based parent assisted software which can warn parents when their child stays in the distance more than Bluetooth reachable distance. “Draw Together” provide two users take turns to draw pictures on their smartphones. “NFC memory game” is the same as classic poker game, which matches colors in the poker cards, but the game state is synchronous using Bluetooth communication.

    第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景及動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第2章 文獻探討 4 2.1 近場通訊(Near Field Communication,NFC) 4 2.2 Android作業系統 5 2.2.1 Android系統架構 5 2.2.2 四大組件 6 2.3 藍芽(Bluetooth) 7 2.3.1 網路架構 8 2.3.2 藍芽的連接狀態 10 2.3.3 跳頻展頻(frequency-hopping spread spectrum, FHSS) 11 2.3.4 藍芽與近場通訊的比較 12 第3章 系統規劃 14 3.1 系統架構 15 3.2 藍芽連線實作與比較 17 3.3 藍芽傳輸文字實作部分 23 3.4 藍芽檔案傳輸實作部分 24 3.5 藍芽檔案傳輸測試部分 31 3.6 NFC P2P傳輸模式 34 3.7 NFC與藍芽傳輸的比較 36 第4章 系統應用 38 4.1 Child Guard 38 4.2 Draw Together 40 4.3 翻牌遊戲 44 4.4 模組整合說明 45 第5章 結論與未來發展 49 5.1 結論 49 5.2 未來發展 50 參考著作 51 附錄 53 附錄A. 系統第一層與第二層class diagram 53 附錄B. 系統係二層與第三層class diagram〈一〉 54 附錄C. 系統第二層與第三層class diagram〈二〉 55 附錄D. 連線程式nfc_btActivity.java 56

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