簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 曾奕楷
Tseng Yi-Kai
論文名稱: 故事、記憶與認同--嘉義和平館之文化研究
Stories, Memories, and Identity--A Cultural Study of Chia-Yi He-Ping Judo Dojo
指導教授: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 柔道和平館記憶認同文化研究
英文關鍵詞: judo, He-Ping Judo Dojo, memory, identity, cultural studies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:144下載:20
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  • 民國五十年創立的嘉義和平館,曾經是一個優異選手源源不絕的柔道道場,也曾經是連續拿下七年省運會柔道冠軍的霸主。然而在館主陳戊寅先生三十年的經營之後,隨著他的過世,和平館也漸走入低潮。近幾年來,在許多學生的努力下,於嘉義地區另覓場地,成立道館,繼續和平館的柔道訓練、推廣工作,也因此,中斷多年的和平館也逐漸恢復過去鼎盛時的光景。

    Established in 1961, He-Ping Judo Dojo in Chia-Yi has been a place where outstanding Judo players practice and stay. It has also consecutively achieved seven years championship of the Taiwan Provincial Athletic Games. However, following the death of Mr. Chen Wu-in, who has run He-Ping Judo Dojo for thirty years, the Dojo has stumbled into its low tide. In recent years, pupils of He-Ping have endeavored to search for another place in Chia-Yi to relocate the training hall and to continue its Judo training and popularizing works. As a result, He-Ping Judo Dojo has gradually retained its prosperity.
    Basic Judo trainings have always been difficult. However, keen in reviving the honor and achievements of He-Ping Judo Dojo, the pupils willingly undertook the mission of the trainings. This revealed that, in He-Ping Judo Dojo, ‘training’ is not merely a physical matter, but rather, it represents an embodiment of He-Ping’s past dreams and ideals.
    There were ‘stories’ filling the spaces of He-Ping Judo Dojo. Some stories belonged to the space itself, and the others were told and spread by people. Nowadays, these stories are also a collective memory of the pupils. The collective memory of the pupils became a platform for identifying themselves and each others. By this, an ‘imagined community’ was formed in spite of the death of Mr. Chen and the disuse of the previous training hall. Collective memories enhance cohesion within the members of He-Ping Judo Dojo. Therefore, members bear in mind the task of preserving He-Ping’s tradition, and the great mission of the revival of its highest peak.
    This essay adopted the method of interview to sort out the formation and operation of the culture of He-Ping Judo Dojo in its early days. It also applied the method of ethnography to examine how, after Mr. Chen has passed away, the members of He-Ping ‘recollect the past’ and form a shared memory by eulogizing the stories of the Dojo. Furthermore, the researcher scrutinizes how the ‘identity’, engendered by the collective memory, brings the members together and, at the same time, creates/represents the tradition of He-Ping Judo Dojo in the regenerated training hall. Rituals and ongoing storytelling in He-Ping Judo Dojo connect its new members with past memories. This allows the imagined community of He-Ping to last and exist as they wish.
    Keywords: judo, He-Ping Judo Dojo, memory, identity, cultural studies

    第一章 寫在起身出發前──緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的·············· 1 第二節 研究背景················· 4 第三節 問題意識················· 6 第四節 研究的必要性··············· 7 第五節 文獻探討················· 8 第六節 研究範圍與限制·············· 11 第七節 研究方法、流程與架構··········· 13 第二章 和平館中的神話流轉 第一節 武者的資本──戊寅仙的神話故事······ 19 第二節 神話性格的形成·············· 31 第三節 和風中的台灣味──戊寅仙的柔道詮釋···· 37 第三章 和平館──一個記憶的空間 第一節 文化的舞台──和平館建築········· 56 第二節 無形的空間位序·············· 65 第三節 技術的展覽館··············· 78 第四節 空間的記憶················ 86 第四章 和平館的轉型、消失與再現 第一節 技術的充電站──和平館的轉形·······102 第二節 想像的共同體···············110 第三節 和平館傳統的再現與創造··········120 第五章 回首來時路──結論與反思 第一節 口中的故事、心中的記憶與彼此的認同─結論·131 第二節 研究與自我的重新走過──反思·······134 附錄一 陳館長恩師逝世九週年追思會之主席致詞內容···144 附錄二 報導人背景說明················145 附錄三 相片集錦···················147 附錄四 陳戊寅老師生平事蹟··············152 附錄五 和平館歷年柔道績優保送大專院校者·······153 附錄六 和平館出身之國手暨國家教練··········155 參考文獻·······················158 參考書目·······················159

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