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研究生: 簡伯如
論文名稱: 自我注視/監視的奇觀:1840-1880年間法國攝影師自拍像
The Observed Spectacle of Moi: The Self-Portraits of French Photographers,1840-1880
指導教授: 楊永源
Yang, Yung-Yuan
Lin, Chi-Ming
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 自拍像再現認同自我分身景框主體性現代性早期攝影師攝影工作坊19世紀攝影
英文關鍵詞: photographic self-portraits, representation, identity, self, double, frame, subjectivity, modernity, primitive photographers, ateliers of photographers, 19th-century photography
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:40
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  • 本文旨在透過1840~1880年間法國攝影師自拍像,探究其個人再現與攝影實踐,以及他們如何藉此與社會溝通,形塑其身分認同。鑑於過去早期自拍像研究受限於作者論觀點,側重影像的技術革新與形式美感,忽略攝影的媒體本質,及其獨特的觀看機制和接受脈絡如何對影像製作與符號指涉發揮作用。本文將結合後結構主義和視覺文化觀點,透過社會學式的歷史考察與文獻分析,重構早期攝影師紛雜、多變的社會身分,突顯其在現實與再現、社會與自我認同之間的衝突與相應,為面貌殊異的早期自拍像提出一套建立在攝影初始,正反論述交織、彼此對話的詮釋架構,主要是在:技術/藝術、公/私、職業/業餘、意欲/意外等四個端點之間相互擺盪、滑移,形成一充滿張力的多重論述網絡。
    第一章以Félix Nadar等博學攝影家為例,闡述早期攝影在技術與藝術上的交會。攝影雖因機械複製性與藝術對抗,卻也為科學家和藝術家建立新的合作關係,使肖像意涵與再現模式重獲省視、發生轉變,傳統肖像語彙的借用,為早期攝影師在布爾喬亞與波西米亞文化品味之爭中尋得雙贏可能。第二章以Hippolyte Bayard、Victor Hugo、Castiglione女伯爵為例,說明系列自拍像成為早期攝影者施展權利、主張自我的媒介,攝影加速個人意識的傳播,公與私領域的界線重新分野,自拍像由公眾形象的塑造過渡到私密性的揭露,展現變換自如、奇觀化的自我扮演。第三章對照商業攝影師Disdéri和業餘攝影家Olympe Aguado,呈顯早期攝影者社會角色和攝影實踐的多元與流動性。當時自拍像雖不乏新意,然在商業實用取向下難逃單調重複,又以名片卡肖像最能體現早期攝影師發達之夢下的取捨。第四章以達蓋爾版和現存少數意外影像為例,闡述早期攝影混雜真實與幻覺、自然與人造的對立概念。攝影兼具現實自身與其再現的媒材屬性,模糊了西方自來以圖像作為真實之鏡的再現框架。框架破除的意外影像在19世紀末遂成一大眾娛樂,影像透過現實的擷取向觀者提出意義,自拍像不再受過去單一、靜態、內聚的景框所限,開始朝向多元、動態、外推的界外之域,突顯影像作為現實切片的無盡連續和意義的開敞性。

    The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate the photographic self-portraits and practice of early French photographers, 1840-1880, and to probe into how they identify and fashion themselves through these images. The discussion of early self-portraits has been confined to technical innovation and formal analysis, and the spectatorship and receptive context of these images have been neglected. With poststructuralist perspectives on subjectivity and photography’s discursive spaces, the research tends to reconstruct varied and mobile roles of early photographers through historical investigation, and to manifest the contest and conformity between their social roles and self-imagery. It aims to examine these conflicting self-representations based on multiple, and seemly contradictory origins of early photographic discourses, mainly the debates of science vs. art, publicity vs. privacy, photographers vs. amateurs, and the artificial vs. the unintended.
    The first chapter focuses mainly on Félix Nadar and some erudite scientists whose self-portraits exemplify early photography as an art medium as well as its use in scientific practice. The second chapter analyzes the self-portrait series of Hippolyte Bayard, Victor Hugo, and Comtesse de Castiglione as fictionalized autobiographies to assert themselves by publicizing their private lives. In the third chapter, the contrast of A. A. E. Disdéri and Olympe Aguado provides the focus of a reexamination of versatile photographic practice and social roles of early photographers, which make their self-portraits paradoxically artistic and commercial, innovative and repetitive. The fourth chapter explores Daguerre’s daguerreotype portraits, which trace the duality of reality and illusion in early photographic discourse. Few remaining unintended images blurring the inside and outside of the picture frame have turned out to be recreational spectacles in the second half of the 19th century, which unfold the contingent and mobile nature of modern realities.
    The contradictory selves revealed in the self-portraits address modernity of the discrepant self/subject in the fin-de-siècle. As metteurs-en-scène, early photographers create numerous but unitary doubles through these images. The study on the photographic self-portraits of early French photographers demonstrated the discourses of photography, self, and modernity interweaving in the late modern period

    授權書..........................................................................................................................iii 論文通過證書................................................................................................................v 圖版目錄.......................................................................................................................xi 謝辭........................................................................................................................xxv 摘要......................................................................................................................xxvii Abstract.....................................................................................................................xxix 緒 論............................................................................................................................1 第一章技術與藝術的選擇........................................................................................25 第一節早期攝影史中以技術者定位的攝影師再現........................................25 第二節攝影的藝術論戰....................................................................................35 第三節攝影藝術家的角色形塑........................................................................42 1.3.1. 十九世紀藝術家的再現風潮...........................................................43 1.3.2. Nadar的藝術家攝影肖像..................................................................44 1.3.3. 浪漫主義藝術家的概念...................................................................48 1.3.4. 十九世紀藝術家的角色形塑...........................................................50 第四節早期攝影藝術的技術性........................................................................59 1.4.1. 早期自拍像的藝術感.......................................................................59 1.4.2. 藝術攝影肖像的技術法則...............................................................61 1.4.3. 科學與藝術的交會...........................................................................70 第五節小結........................................................................................................71 第二章公與私的過渡................................................................................................75 第一節攝影加速自我的公眾化:Bayard的〈溺斃者自拍像〉....................77 第二節自拍像的場面調度................................................................................85 2.2.1. Bayard的室內雕像與花園系列:自我作為一物件........................86 2.2.2. Le Secq自拍像中的文字隱喻...........................................................87 2.2.3. Aguado兄弟的家庭自拍像...............................................................89 2.2.4. 職業攝影師的他者扮裝...................................................................92 2.2.5. 活人畫的戲劇傳統...........................................................................94 第三節私密性作為一種視覺奇觀....................................................................95 2.3.1. Victor Hugo的流亡者系列肖像........................................................96 2.3.2. 卡司迪里翁女伯爵的自我扮裝.....................................................100 第四節小結......................................................................................................102 第三章在業餘與職業之間遊移..............................................................................105 第一節大眾眼中的攝影師..............................................................................106 第二節工作室中的攝影師..............................................................................114 3.2.1. 早期攝影師工作室.........................................................................114 3.2.2. 攝影工作室的企業化經營.............................................................115 3.2.3. 工作室作為視覺奇觀的場域.........................................................117 第三節攝影師之夢..........................................................................................120 3.3.1. 十九世紀攝影師的執業歷程.........................................................120 3.3.2. Disdéri的個人興衰史......................................................................122 3.3.3. 商業攝影師的另一典型:Pierre Petit...........................................128 第四節業餘攝影家的世界..............................................................................129 3.4.1. 早期業餘攝影家的形成.................................................................131 3.4.2. 從業餘到職業:Aguado兄弟的攝影實踐....................................133 第五節小結......................................................................................................136 第四章意欲與意外的演出......................................................................................137 第一節達蓋爾版的自然與魔法......................................................................139 4.1.1. 從環景畫幕到達蓋爾版:Daguerre的真實幻覺..........................141 4.1.2. Daguerre與其分身...........................................................................146 4.1.3. 達蓋爾版的藝術性追求.................................................................147 第二節從自然魔法到視覺娛樂......................................................................149 4.2.1. 自我扮裝的雙重性.........................................................................150 4.2.2. 多重分身影像.................................................................................150 4.2.3. 攝影師的鏡像倒影.........................................................................153 4.2.4. 十九世紀末的娛樂攝影手冊.........................................................155 4.2.5. 笑與自我的分裂.............................................................................156 第三節意外的新視象......................................................................................157 4.3.1. 有意識的黑影.................................................................................157 4.3.2. 十九世紀失誤影像的再發現.........................................................160 4.3.3. 幽靈影像與鬼魂理論.....................................................................164 第四節框內與框外的消解..............................................................................165 4.4.1. 十九世紀觀看的雙重性.................................................................165 4.4.2. 面具與臉:攝影肖像的景框和邊界.............................................166 第五節小結......................................................................................................168 結論........................................................................................................................171 參考書目....................................................................................................................177 人名索引....................................................................................................................195 圖版........................................................................................................................20



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