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研究生: 林思賢
Lin Sih-Sian
論文名稱: 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員角色期待、實踐及專業需求之探究
A Study on Role Expectations, Performance, and Professional Needs of Special Education Paraprofessionals in Junior High School Resource Classrooms in Taipei and New Taipei City
指導教授: 胡心慈
Hu, Shin-Tzu
口試委員: 胡心慈
Hu, Shin-Tzu
Chao, Pen-Chiang
Chang, Bey-Lih
口試日期: 2024/07/17
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 327
中文關鍵詞: 國中資源班教師助理員特教學生助理人員角色期待角色實踐
英文關鍵詞: junior high school resource classrooms, paraprofessionals, special education student assistants, role expectations, role performance
研究方法: 主題分析深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401109
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:49下載:0
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  • 我國特殊教育領域自1999年以來,均有服務於特殊教育現場之助理人員,但其職責、角色、工作內容等長期未有法規完整敘明,甚至特殊教育團隊也對其工作範疇與角色不夠了解,以致發生合作上的困境。此外,助理人員因工作缺乏專業、訓練及保障,且人員流動率高,造成特殊學生難以獲得穩定的服務。本研究旨在探討雙北地區國中階段資源班特殊教育助理人員之角色期待、實踐及專業內涵和訓練需求。本研究之目的如下:
    一、 探討雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員之角色期待。
    二、 探討雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員角色期待與實踐之落差。
    三、 藉由角色期待與實踐間之落差探討雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員之專業內涵及訓練需求。
    一、 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員及其角色夥伴對助理人員的角色期待與實踐在入班協助操作性課程、安全維護、生活自理與作息、提醒與陪伴學生、觀察與評估學生、教材製作等項目為一致之處。
    二、 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員角色之期待與其角色實踐之間的落差主要呈現於處理情緒行為問題、課堂參與及學習協助、溝通三部分。本研究發現,這三個項目包含在助理人員的角色實踐中,但卻非教師對助理人員的角色期待。因此在教育現場難以劃定界線,目前主管機關法規也未有明確規範,僅依靠學校教師的想法或約定俗成來形成助理人員的工作。
    三、 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員之專業內涵可藉由專業訓培訓來形成,而專業內涵中包含專業知識、專業能力與專業態度。此外,助理人員之專業內涵也需要藉由自身的實務經驗逐步充實。
    四、 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員的訓練需求求包含對助理人員工作整體且完整的訓練需求、依照服務學生類別及服務內容分類訓練之需求以及在教育現場中教師督導以提供助理人員支持及知能之需求。
    五、 雙北地區國中資源班特殊教育助理人員專業內涵、訓練需求與待遇之間是具有關聯的。當助理人員欠缺專業且工作沒有保障、服務時數浮動等,會造成人員流動率高、難以專業成長等問題。而即便助理人員願意參與研習與訓練,也可能在時間、地點、內容上產生困難,且教師對助理人員研習內容的不了解、教師對自身個案不夠熟悉等原因,也會導致督導的支持與訓練難以完整落實。因此,助理人員應藉由訓練獲得專業,並得到更佳的工作待遇及保障,當待遇及保障提升,則有助於助理人員的人力穩定,吸引新鮮人踏入助理人員的工作行列。

    Rationale & Purpose: In the history of Taiwan’s special education, paraprofessionals have been serving in schools since 1999. However, their duties, roles, and job contents have not been fully defined by regulations for a long time. This lack of clarity has led to misunderstandings within the special education team about their duties and roles, resulting in collaboration challenges. Furthermore, paraprofessionals often lack professional training and job security, leading to a high turnover rate and instability in the services provided to special education students. The purpose of this study are as follows:
    A. To explore the role expectations of paraprofessionals in resource classrooms in junior high school resource classrooms in Taipei and New Taipei City.
    B. To investigate the discrepancies between the role expectations and actual practices of these paraprofessionals s.
    C. To understand the professional needs and training requirements of paraprofessionals by examining the discrepancies in role expectations.

    Methods: This study adopts a qualitative research approach and uses in-depth interviews. The author invited five special education teachers from Taipei and New Taipei City who have experience collaborating with paraprofessionals in resource classrooms, as well as five paraprofessionals who have experience serving in junior high school resource classrooms, to participate in this study. The research data was coded using thematic analysis to obtain the research findings.

    Findings: The findings of this research are as follows.
    A. Paraprofessionals and special education teachers in Taipei and New Taipei City have the same role expectations and practices in assisting with operational courses, maintaining safety, self-care and routines, reminding and accompanying students, observing and evaluating students, and producing teaching materials.
    B. The gap between the role expectations and actual practices of paraprofessionals exists in handling emotional and behavioral problems, providing learning assistance, and communicating. It is difficult to define since there is no clear regulation from the authorities at present. The work of paraprofessionals is formed only based on the ideas of teachers or established practices.
    C. The professional connotations of paraprofessionals can be formed through professional training, which includes professional knowledge, professional ability, and professional attitude. In addition, the professional connotations of the paraprofessionals also need to be gradually enriched through their own practical experience.
    D. The training needs of paraprofessionals include the overall and complete training, training classified according to the types of students they served and the needs for teacher supervision to provide support and knowledge for the paraprofessionals.
    E. There is a correlation between the professional connotations, training needs, and treatment of paraprofessionals in junior high school resource classrooms in Taipei and New Taipei City. Lack of professionalism, job security, and fluctuating service hours lead to high turnover and growth challenges among paraprofessionals. Therefore, enhancing paraprofessionals’ professionalism through training, improving their job conditions, and providing better job security can stabilize the workforce and attract new talent.

    Conclusions/Implications: This study provides directions for the education authorities, schools, teachers, and paraprofessionals themselves to strive towards in the present and future, and also makes suggestions for future research on related issues of paraprofessionals. The limitations of this study are also explained.

    目次 中文摘要 i Abstract iii 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 角色期待與實踐的內涵及形成因素 9 第二節 特殊教育助理人員的角色與職責 12 第三節 特殊教育助理人員的角色與專業需求 25 第三章 研究方法 37 第一節 研究取向 37 第二節 研究參與者 38 第三節 研究工具 40 第四節 研究步驟 42 第五節 資料收集與分析 44 第六節 研究信實度 46 第七節 研究倫理 48 第四章 研究結果與討論 49 第一節 雙北地區特殊教育助理人員的角色期待與實踐 49 第二節 特殊教育助理人員角色期待與實踐落差產生的困難 132 第三節 雙北地區特殊教育助理人員的專業需求 207 第四節 雙北地區特殊教育助理人員的訓練現況與需求 242 第五章 結論與建議 295 第一節 研究結論 295 第二節 對助理人員專業需求及訓練之建議 298 第三節 對未來研究之建議與研究限制 307 結語 311 參考文獻 313

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