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研究生: 陳淑娟
Shu-Juan Chen
論文名稱: 影響優秀田徑運動員成功生涯轉換的關鍵因素探討
The Key to Successful Career Change of Outstanding Athletes
指導教授: 洪聰敏
Hung, Tsung-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 優秀田徑運動員生涯轉換關鍵因素
英文關鍵詞: Outstanding Track and Field Athletes, Career Change, Key Factors
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:25
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  • 本研究以質性研究來探討退休優秀田徑選手在生涯轉換歷程中,所經歷的成功關鍵因素,以及如何運用,在訓練階段所培養之特質發展及適應未來職涯的勝任能力,讓田徑運動員除了在追求受人矚目的獎牌及獎金數目之外,也能更深入的去瞭解自身在生涯歷程中所面臨的問題,得以讓這些尚未退役之運動員重新檢視、規劃自己生涯發展計畫。

    二、家庭因素:父母親的教養方式民主, 但生活管教嚴謹,面對小孩的生涯
    本研究建議是,運動員本身要有面對生活與工作的準備,主動尋找各種進修管道,培養第二專長及增進專業知能,工作考量以興趣及成就感作為驅力,並懂得將本身所具備的特質運用於生涯轉換,在生涯轉換時,更應培養正向積極的人生觀以及足夠的抗壓能力,確立目標,善用資源,將這些優勢與工作聯結,一定較容易在未來的事業中獲致成功 (洪聰敏,2003)。


    In this study, qualitative research is used to explore the key factors to success, that outstanding athletes would have undertaken in their career changes, and how would they make use of the characteristics cultivated from their past career trainings to develop their competence to meet the challenges of the future career, so that athletes, apart from pursuit of the eye-appealing medals and prize money, can better understand the issues they may face in their career journey, so as to re-examine and make plans for their own career development before retired from the athletic career.

    This study takes semi-structured interviews for data collection. The three data analysis models of "Time, Theme and Context" used by Min-ling Tsai (1995) is taken as the analysis framework of this study, with which the key factors to successful career change of athletes are analyzed and explored. The first chapter of this paper is Introduction, immediately followed by Literature Reviews of the second chapter, in which career development related literatures are collected as the basis for research design and analysis. In Chapter 3, the research method and research process are explained. In Chapter 4, the study results out of the four participant objects illustrate the life patterns of SWOT analysis, which are used to analyze and evaluate key factors to career success, and in an effort to discover the common phase out of the five special phases in the career development period, and to identify the critical career factors in each of the phases. Chapter 5 is the Conclusion, in which the outline of the study findings and analysis as a whole is given to summarize the internal and external factors that influence the success to career change, and make research recommendations, in hope of using more diversified perspectives to understand the career development paths of retired athletes.
    The conclusions of this study are as follows:
    In the ongoing career courses of the four participant objects of the study, the key factors to their successes can be viewed from three aspects for the conclusion:
    1. Personal factors: this comes with the claims from some domestic psychologists who believe athletes have the mental ability of pursuing excellence, and are able to simulate the change of circumstances and take positive attitudes towards it, in order to achieve the their goals.
    2. Family factors: athletes are usually raised in parental democracy environment, but with rigorous discipline of life, and are treated with respect and spiritually supported, so that in their youth they can do their best to develop their own interests and abilities without any worries.
    3. Environmental factors: The participant objects of the study know how to grasp their opportunities and make good use of their resources, so that each one of them has become a pioneer of their respective professions.

    This study suggests that athletes should be prepared to face life and work, and proactively seek training opportunities to develop their second skills and enhance their professional knowledge, and work considerations should be driven by interest and sense of achievement, knowing how to apply self characteristics to the career change, and in the course of the career change, they should cultivate positive outlooks on lives and adequate stress-resistant capabilities, to set up goals, make good use of resources, so as to combine their advantages with their works for a better chance to secure success in their future careers (Tsung-Min Hung, 2003).

    Athletes after retreating from their glorious stages can carry their sports career experiences with them, and as long as they understand their potential of sport and life, and convert the capabilities into the workplace and daily life, they will be able to continue their glories of lives on new stages (Tsung-Min Hung, 2002). In other words, for the successful career change, athletes need to know how to master the resources around them, and make good of use of their own advantages to strive and actively face their future lives with early preparations.

    目次 頁次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研就背....................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題.............................4 第三節 研究範圍與限制.............................4 第四節 詞操作性定義...............................6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 生涯發展相關理論............................7 第二節 優秀運動員生涯發展階段.......................14 第三節 優秀運動員具備良好特質與潛力..................21 第四節 文獻總結....................................24 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究方法的選擇...............................25 第二節 研究參與者..................................26 第三節 資料蒐集工具.................................27 第四節 資料整理與分析...............................30 第四章 研究結果 第一節 生涯歷程之成長環境影響因素.....................31 第二節 SWOT分析評估生涯關鍵成功因素...................32 第三節 影響各生涯發展期的重要因素.....................40 第五章 節論與建議 第一節 結論.........................................53 第二節 建議.........................................57 第三節 研究限制......................................61 參考文獻 一、中文部分.........................................63 二、西文部分.........................................66 附 錄 附錄一 研究邀請函.....................................71 附錄二 訪談錄音同意...................................72 附錄三 訪談大綱.......................................73 附錄四 效度檢核表(一)................................74 附錄五 效度檢核表(二)................................75 附表目錄 表1 國內外學者對生涯定義................................8 表2心理學家Super提出對生涯的看法.........................9 表3 Super生涯發展理論與發展任務..........................10 表4 Super生涯彩虹圖中各階段的角色定位.....................10 表5 國內外學者對生涯轉換的之釋義..........................11 表6 Hopson 和Adams(1981)的「生涯轉換心理狀態模式」.......12 表7生涯改變整合自我機會的四個時期..........................13 表8 Super生涯發展階段與優秀運動員生涯發展階段...............16 表9 運動員及一般人的生涯阻礙因素...........................17 表10以生涯轉換心理狀態模式分析.............................19 表11 以生涯改變整合自我機會的階段彙整.......................20 表12 研究參與者的基本資料..................................26 表13 四位研究參與者之生涯發展歷程...........................40 表14 啟蒙探索期-個體早期的生涯經驗..........................41 表15 經驗累積期-個體日後工作上所需的技能基礎生涯經驗..........43 表16 蟄伏轉折期-生命轉折點.................................44 表17 蟄伏轉折期-生涯目標與人生價值..........................46 表18 專業學習期-尋求相關的工作資源..........................48 表19 創業發展期-明確的工作目標與願景........................50

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