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研究生: 洪緹縈
Suzette Lay See
論文名稱: 游擊廣告之研究與創作 以公益廣告為例
From the Fringes to Mainstream: A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations
指導教授: 張柏舟
Chang, Po-Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 354
中文關鍵詞: 非傳統廣告游擊廣告公益廣告社會營銷
英文關鍵詞: Non-traditional advertising, Guerrilla advertising, Public service advertising, Social marketing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:10
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  • 一般人每天會接觸到上幾百,甚至尚千個不同形式的廣告。這是所謂的”廣告干擾”(ad clutter)。在美國,一個人每天平均會接觸到500到1000個廣告信息。 (Arens, Weigold, & Arens, Contemporary Advertising, twelfth ed., 2009) 我們已被商業訊息淹沒。放眼望去,你將發現你的周圍到處都是廣告。那是因為廣告商花費了上億的成本來設法傳達他們的訊息。

    當記者問作者和廣告專家Warren Berger他認為尖端的廣告是什麼樣的?他回答說:「任何試圖做一些新的或不同的手法 – something that zigs when everybody else is zagging.」總之,要與眾不同。



    The average individual is exposed to hundreds, even thousands of advertisements each day, in a variety of forms. This is called “ad clutter”. It is estimated that, in the United States alone, the average person may be exposed to 500 to 1,000 commercial messages a day. (Arens, Weigold, Arens, p.67, 2009) We are inundated with commercial messages everywhere we go, everywhere we look.
    That’s because advertisers spend billions of dollars in expenditures trying to get their messages across. The economic impact of advertising has pervasively invaded practically every aspect of our lives, quietly proliferating across every available surface and airwave our senses can detect, and touches just about every industry there is. “It may be the most powerful art form on earth”, says award-winning American copywriter Mark Fenske. And he wouldn’t be far off from being right, though describing advertising as “art” is still in contention. Oftentimes the supply comes first. But it is up to a good advertisement to create the demand, to tell us we need something even before we think we do.
    That is the power of advertising.
    But what do you do when the enormity of the amount of advertisements makes it difficult for the consumer to cut through the clutter of traditional advertising and “hear” their intended message? What do you do when every advertising strategy looks the same? How do you jump out from the monotony and attract the notice of the consumer?
    When asked what he considers cutting-edge advertising, Warren Berger, author and ad expert, responded: “Anything that tries to do something new or different - something that zigs when everybody else is zagging. ” In short, be different.
    Mr. Berger could easily have been talking about guerrilla advertising, the most cost-effective unconventional form of advertising you never knew. Coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book, Guerrilla Marketing, it has become the most effective and low-budget form of advertising in the past twenty years, catching the consumers unaware and successfully entered their consciousness where the more traditional big-budget methods failed. Geared initially for small and medium size (SMEs) businesses, it is now increasingly adopted by large businesses and global brands.
    This thesis will explore the effectiveness of guerrilla advertising, the unconventional form of advertising that took the road less traveled, through the analysis of some of the more successful cases; its methods used, what elements were included, and apply them in conceptualizing guerrilla advertisements for non-profit organizations. It will also examine the possibility and consequences of this most non-traditional form of advertising becoming mainstream.

    Table of Contents Abstract................................................................................................................................................... I 摘要 ...................................................................................................................................................... III Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. IV Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ VI 中文 目錄 ............................................................................................................................................. IX List of Illustrations .............................................................................................................................XII 中文 圖目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... XIV List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... XVII 中文 表目錄 .................................................................................................................................. XVIII Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose and Objectives ............................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Scope of Study and Demarcations .............................................................................................. 2 1.4 Structure of the Thesis ................................................................................................................ 4 1.5 Methodology and Procedure ....................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................... 6 2.1 What is Advertising? ................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Definition of advertising ........................................................................................................ 6 2.1.2 Basic Classifications of Advertising ...................................................................................... 8 2.1.3 Functions of Advertising ...................................................................................................... 12 2.1.4 DNA of an Effective Advertising ........................................................................................ 14 2.1.5 Factors that affect the effectiveness of advertising .............................................................. 16 2.2 Traditional and Non-traditional Advertising ............................................................................. 21 2.2.1 A Brief History of Advertising ............................................................................................ 21 2.2.2 The Emergence of Traditional Advertising and the Advertising Agency ............................ 23 2.2.3 Decline of Traditional Advertising and Rise of Non-Traditional Advertising .................... 32 2.2.4 Non-Traditional Advertising ............................................................................................... 45 A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations VII 2.3 Guerrilla Advertising (also known as ‘Guerrilla Marketing’) ................................................... 58 2.3.1 “Guerrilla“ in the Midst: etymology of the term “guerrilla” ............................................... 58 2.3.2 Origins and Nature of Guerrilla Advertising ...................................................................... 60 2.3.3 Principles of Guerrilla Advertising ..................................................................................... 62 2.3.4 The Guerrilla Effect ............................................................................................................ 64 2.3.5 What makes guerrilla advertising different from traditional advertising ............................ 65 2.4 Factors that affect a Guerrilla Advertising strategy ................................................................... 69 2.4.1 Culture and Consumer Behaviour ....................................................................................... 69 2.4.2 Legal Constraints and Ethical Risks ................................................................................... 73 2.4.3 Samples of Guerrilla Advertising ....................................................................................... 78 2.5 Non-Profit Organizations and Non-governmental Organizations .............................................. 81 2.5.1 Definition of Non-profit and Non-government Organizations ........................................... 81 2.5.2 Classifications of Non-profit Organizations ........................................................................ 83 2.5.3 Marketing to Nonprofits ...................................................................................................... 84 2.5.4 Elements of a good ad for nonprofit .................................................................................... 85 2.5.5 Marketing and Advertising for Non-profit Organizations ................................................... 86 2.5.6 Advertising for Non-profits ................................................................................................. 89 Chapter 3 Case Analysis .................................................................................................................... 93 3.1 Basis for analysis ........................................................................................................................ 93 3.2 Case Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 95 I. CASE ANALYSIS No.1: UNICEF ’s Clean Water Vending Machine, New York ................ 95 II. CASE ANALYSIS No. 2 : Amnesty International’s ‘4 Weeks to Freedom’ ......................... 100 III. CASE ANALYSIS No. 3: Anar Foundation “Only for Children” Anti-Child Abuse Ad ... 106 Chapter 4 Application of Method in Design ................................................................................... 113 4.1 The Creative Process ................................................................................................................. 113 4.1.1 Subject and Theme ............................................................................................................. 114 4.1.2 Understanding the SPCA ................................................................................................... 115 4.1.3 The Problem: Shark Fin Soup ............................................................................................ 115 4.1.4 Understanding the audience .............................................................................................. 119 4.1.5 Planning the strategy .......................................................................................................... 120 A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations VIII 4.2 The Final Concept ..................................................................................................................... 122 4.2.1 DESIGN CONCEPT No. 1 : The Red Wedding Packets (紅包袋) ............................. 122 4.2.2 DESIGN CONCEPT No. 2 : Shark Fin Car Hood 3D Flyer Magnets ............................... 130 4.2.3 DESIGN CONCEPT No. 3 : Ketchup Packets ................................................................. 142 4.2.4 DESIGN CONCEPT No. 4 : “JAWS” Bus Handles .......................................................... 151 Chapter 5 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 157 A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations IX 中文 目錄 第壹章 緒論 ...................................................................................................................................... 163 第一節 研究動機 .......................................................................................................................... 163 第二節 研究目的 .......................................................................................................................... 164 第三節 研究範圍與限制 .............................................................................................................. 165 一、研究範圍 ............................................................................................................................. 165 二、研究限制 ............................................................................................................................. 165 第四節 研究流程架構 .................................................................................................................. 166 第五節 研究方法 .......................................................................................................................... 167 第貳章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................................................. 168 第一節 廣告是什麼? .................................................................................................................... 168 一、廣告的定義 ......................................................................................................................... 168 二、廣告的基本分類 ................................................................................................................. 170 三、廣告的功能 ......................................................................................................................... 173 四、有效廣告的DNA ............................................................................................................... 175 五、影響廣告效果的因素 ......................................................................................................... 176 第貳節 傳統與非傳統廣告 .......................................................................................................... 180 一、廣告簡史 ............................................................................................................................. 180 二、傳統廣告及廣告代理的興起 ............................................................................................. 181 三、傳統廣告的低落和非傳統廣告的崛起 ............................................................................. 188 四、非傳統廣告 ......................................................................................................................... 198 A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations X 第三節 游擊廣告(亦稱為“游擊營銷”) .................................................................................. 210 一、 ”游擊“之詞源 .................................................................................................................. 210 二、 游擊廣告的起源和性質 .................................................................................................. 211 三、 游擊廣告的原則 .............................................................................................................. 213 四、 游擊效應 .......................................................................................................................... 214 五、 游擊廣告與傳統的廣告的差異 ...................................................................................... 215 第四節 影響游擊廣告策略的因素 .............................................................................................. 218 一、 文化與消費者行為 .......................................................................................................... 218 二、 法律約束和道德風險 ...................................................................................................... 220 三、 遊擊行銷的例子 .............................................................................................................. 224 第五節 非營利組織及非政府組織 .............................................................................................. 226 一、 非營利組織及非政府組織的定義 .................................................................................. 226 二、 非營利組織的分類 .......................................................................................................... 228 三、 非營利組織營銷 .............................................................................................................. 229 四、 優質非營利廣告的要素 .................................................................................................. 230 五、 適用于私人企業的市場推廣也適用于非營利組織 ...................................................... 230 六、 非營利組織的廣告 .......................................................................................................... 233 第參章 案例分析 .............................................................................................................................. 235 第一節 分析基礎........................................................................................................................... 235 第二節 個案分析........................................................................................................................... 236 一、 案例分析 No.1 : UNICEF 髒水販售機 .......................................................................... 236 二、 案例分析 No.2 : Amnesty International 廣告 ................................................................ 241 三、 案例分析 No.3 : ANAR防兒童虐待廣告 ..................................................................... 246 A Study on the Use of Guerrilla Advertising for Non-profit Organizations XI 第肆章 設計創作表現 ..................................................................................................................... 252 第一節 創作過程........................................................................................................................... 252 一、 了解你的目標 .................................................................................................................. 252 二、 視覺的目的: .................................................................................................................. 252 三、 對象和主題 ...................................................................................................................... 253 第二節 設計創作 .......................................................................................................................... 259 一、 設計創作 No.1: 婚宴紅包袋 ....................................................................................... 259 二、 設計創作 No.2: 鯊魚鰭汽車引擎蓋3D磁鐵傳單 .................................................... 267 三、 設計創作 No.3: 番茄醬包 ........................................................................................... 280 四、 設計創作 No.4:“JAWS” 公車手把 .............................................................................. 289 第五章 結論 ..................................................................................................................................... 295 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................... 299 Questionnaire for SPCA ..................................................................................................................... 311 Online Consumer Survey Sample Form ............................................................................................. 314 Survey Results .................................................................................................................................... 327


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