研究生: |
洪婷軒 Hung, Ting-Hsuan |
論文名稱: |
珠寶品牌形象廣告中女性人物形象與廣告訴求對消費者品牌偏好之影響 The Influence of Female Character Image and Advertising Appeals in Jewelry Brand Image Advertising on Consumer’s Brand Preference |
指導教授: |
Liu, Li-Hsing |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 72 |
中文關鍵詞: | 珠寶品牌形象廣告 、女性人物形象 、廣告訴求 、品牌偏好 |
英文關鍵詞: | Jewelry image advertising, female character image, advertising appeals, brand preference |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203286 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:347 下載:11 |
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經濟發展導致消費者的購買行為改變,過去購買功能性產品轉變成購買慾望性產品,尤其消費者對於珠寶精品的價格不再重視,因此珠寶商逐漸著重於珠寶品牌形象廣告對於消費者的情感與刺激,以此影響消費者對品牌的偏好與選擇。過去較少探究珠寶品牌形象廣告中女性人物形象與廣告訴求對消費者品牌偏好之影響,故值得深入探討。因此本研究藉由實驗法,探討不同女性人物形象與不同廣告訴求對消費者品牌偏好之影響,本研究採二因子組間設計,二因子為:2(女性人物形象:傳統女性形象、新時代女性形象)× 2(廣告訴求:理性訴求、感性訴求)。依變數為品牌偏好。控制變數為品牌知名度與廣告元素呈現。研究結果顯示,珠寶品牌形象廣告中不同女性人物形象對消費者品牌偏好有顯著差異,新時代女性形象會使消費者品牌偏好較高;廣告之不同廣告訴求對消費者品牌偏好也有影響,感性訴求會使消費者品牌偏好較高,另外,不同女性人物形象與廣告訴求的組合,會產生交互作用影響消費者之品牌偏好,新時代女性形象搭配感性訴求的組合會使消費者品牌偏好最高,最後不同性別對於珠寶品牌形象廣告中不同的女性人物形象或是不同的廣告訴求是沒有差異的;因此,建議未來珠寶廣告商業者及社會科學研究者,可著重於女性人物形象的呈現及廣告訴求的運用。
Along with the economic development, consumer transfer to purchase behavior from the past to buy functional commodities instead desire commodities. Furthermore, jewelry is the high price and high homogeneity of products. Jewelers utilize brand image advertising to build brand image, making jewelry brand distinctive and impressing consumers. Especially, presented of female character image and advertising appeals not only stimulate brand preference of consumers but also want consumers aware of the jewelry brand.
Therefore, by experiment, we investigated the effects of different female character image of types and advertising appeals of demands on brand preference. The inter-group design study adopted two-factor, two-factor as follows:2 (female character image: traditional female image or new era female image) × 2 (advertising appeals type: rational or emotional). Variable according to the brand preference. Control variable for the brand awareness, and performance of advertising elements. The results showed that different female character image of jewelry brand image advertising on consumer’s brand preference is significant differences, new era female image and emotional, consumers will have high brand preference; different types of demands of jewelry brand image advertising also have an impact on consumer brand preference, emotional appeal consumers will have high brand preference, in addition, different types of female character image and advertising appeal of the combination will generate interaction on brand preference, new era female image with a combination of emotional appeal, consumers’ brand preference will be highest; therefore, recommended maintenance when jewelers want to promote their brand image, you can pay attention to the female character image and advertising appeals of use.
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