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研究生: 陳永倫
Yung-Lun Chen
論文名稱: NFC技術應用在Android行動裝置之安全通報系統
Using NFC in the Android mobile safety reporting system
指導教授: 葉耀明
Yeh, Yao-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 近場通訊安全通報巡邏Android
英文關鍵詞: NFC, Safety report, Patrol, Android
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:24
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  • 在遭遇緊急事件需向救援單位請求協助時,要在分秒必爭的狀況下,並不容易能冷靜正確地描述所在位置並提供相關的資訊;另一方面,藉由巡邏能盡早發現問題、降低事故的發生。但現有之巡邏簽到機制,除了紀錄的真實性不足,也無法主動提供即時資訊的傳遞。近年來漸趨普及的智慧型手機提供了GPS/AGPS定位的功能,卻常受到建築物遮蔽與網路連線品質不良而使其功能失效。而近期崛起之NFC近場通訊技術,經由感應即可快速獲得當中資訊之特性,使其被大量應用在導覽及消費扣款當中。如何能利用智慧型手機搭配NFC技術,來協助通報資訊之提供與改善巡邏機制,是本研究重要的探討議題。

    When people encounter emergency situations, he will request assistance from the police department. However, it’s not easy to calmly and correctly describe where he is and provide relevant information for the police department. On the other hand, Patrol can discover problems early and reduce accidents. But the existing patrol mechanism is not only lack of authenticity of the record, but also can’t transfer real-time information to the police department. In recent years, smart phones have gained popularity. They provide locating function such as GPS/AGPS, but the GPS signals will be affected by shelter from building and the poor network connection quality. The rise of the NFC technology has helped the users to get information quickly by touching the NFC tag. So it is widely used in information guide and consumption payment. It’s an important issue about how to use smart phones with NFC technology to assist the emergency report and improve patrol mechanism.
    This study is aimed to develop a safety reporting system on Android smart phone with NFC technology. The system combines three modules, including the reporting, patrol and back-end management system. First, in order to achieve accurate and fast reporting mechanism, our reporting system lets users to access the location information quickly by NFC tag, and to guide the reporting process. It can also upload files for the police department to distinguish the location conditions. Second, in order to implement the new type patrol mechanism, our patrol system can verify personal information, download patrol routes and sign-in the patrol node through the NFC technology and the network transmission. And our patrol system can send back all the record to the police department in real-time when the patrol officer didn’t check the patrol node on time. It will start the confirmation mechanism to protect the patrol officer’s safety. The third module, the back-end management system, includes SMS receiving module, management module, and database module. This module collects information from reporting system and patrol system to support the police department to make the appropriate treatment for different situations.

    第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 論文規劃 3 第2章 文獻探討 4 2.1 近場通訊(Near Field Communication,NFC) 4 2.2 全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,GPS) 7 2.3 電子地圖(Electronic Map) 9 2.4 Android作業系統 9 2.4.1 Android系統架構 10 2.4.2 應用程式 11 2.5 報案方式 12 第3章 安全通報系統 16 3.1 新型態通報機制 16 3.2 新型態巡邏機制 17 3.3 系統需求分析 19 3.4 NFC地點標籤格式 21 3.5 方法與步驟 22 第4章 通報系統 24 4.1 說明 24 4.2 功能設計 24 4.2.1 NFC感應 24 4.2.2 通訊方式 25 4.3 功能實作 26 4.3.1 訊息通報 26 4.3.2 電話通報 28 4.3.3 檔案上傳 29 第5章 巡檢系統 32 5.1 說明 32 5.2 巡邏點建立 33 5.3 巡邏系統 37 第6章 後端管理模組 44 6.1 說明 44 6.2 簡訊接收模組 45 6.3 網頁管理端 48 6.4 資料庫 51 第7章 結論與未來發展 55 7.1 結論 55 7.2 未來發展 55 參考文獻 57 附 錄 59

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