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研究生: 簡沁琳
Chien, Qin-Lin
論文名稱: 4週瑜伽訓練改善肩關節功能的效益
Four-Week Yoga Training Improves Shoulder Joint Function Benefits
指導教授: 李恆儒
Lee, Heng-Ju
口試委員: 李恆儒
Lee, Heng-Ju
Li, Chun-Yen
Wang, Hsin-Min
口試日期: 2024/06/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系運動科學碩士在職專班
Continuing Education Master's Program of Sports Science
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 瑜伽肩關節關節活動度
英文關鍵詞: Yoga, Shoulder joint, Range of motion (ROM)
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400902
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:9
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  • 研究背景:科技發展與社會經濟轉型使生活型態發生改變。長期活動量少,只以手部操作工作或娛樂,易肩膀僵硬酸痛,長期忽略可能導致肩關節不適與發炎。目的:本研究為了解瑜伽是否具舒緩人體肩部緊繃作用,藉瑜伽介入後肩關節活動角度與痠痛不適表現,評估瑜伽訓練介入後對肩部影響。方法:招募 24 位高齡且肩痛及無力指數量表((Shoulder Pain and Disability Index, SPADI)篩選 40~70分肩關節僵硬及酸痛問題者。納入條件包括:肩膀疼痛持續三個月以上;疼痛指數3~7/10 (0分無痛,10分最痛);做外展與外轉肩膀時疼痛。受試者瑜伽訓練4週,每週兩次,每次60分鐘。四週後以Micro FET3電子關節角度檢測儀量肩關節活動度,並以疼痛指數評估主觀肩部整體疼痛。整體瑜伽訓練介入前(第0週)、後(第4週),測量受試對象肩關節之屈曲、伸直、內轉、外轉、外展、內收活動度。若測量未達測量執行標準則重新測量,直到達成測量標準。整體瑜伽訓練介入前、後計進行2次測量,每次測量3遍,數據採用標準差作統計分析。統計方式則用成對樣本t檢定與獨立樣本t檢定,檢定不同組受試者與其訓練前後肩關節功能的差異。統計顯著水準訂為 α=.05。結果:實驗組受試者肩關節屈曲(t=-5.09, p<.001)、伸直(t =-4.51, p <.05)、外轉(t =-3.08, p <.05)及外展(t = -3.24, p <.05)等活動度顯著提升,雖主觀疼痛指數未達顯著水準,但仍呈現下降趨勢,顯示瑜伽介入明顯改善關節活動度。未參與瑜伽介入的對照組受試者在肩關節伸直 (t = 3.51, p < .05) 和外展 (t = 2.45, p < .05) 方面,後測表現高於前測。結論:短期瑜伽訓練顯著提高關節的靈活性和活動範圍,且疼痛程度有下降趨勢。未來研究可延長介入為8~12週,以期達效果更佳。

    Background: Technological advancements and socioeconomic transformations have changed people's lifestyles. A long-term lack of physical activity, often in the form of sitting and performing work or entertainment with only the hands, has made people more prone to suffer from stiffness and soreness in the shoulders, particularly the right shoulder. Neglecting this condition over time may lead to shoulder joint discomfort and even joint inflammation.
    Objective: This study aims to investigate whether yoga can alleviate tension in the human shoulders. The evaluation of the effects of yoga intervention on the shoulders is based on the changes in the shoulder joint's range of motion and the participants' experiences of soreness and discomfort. Methods: The study recruited 24 aged adults who score over 40 on the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), indicating problems with shoulder stiffness and pain. Inclusion criteria include: persistent shoulder pain for more than three months; pain index exceeding 3 out of 10 (0 being no pain and 10 being the most severe pain); pain during abduction and external rotation of the shoulder. Participants will undergo 4 weeks of yoga training, with two sessions per week, each lasting 60 minutes. The shoulder joint's range of motion will be measured with a micro FET3 electronic goniometer, and pain index will be used to assess the overall shoulder pain as perceived by the participants. Measurements of shoulder flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, abduction, and adduction will be taken before (week 0) and after (week 4) the yoga intervention. If the measurements do not meet the standard upon the first attempt, they will be taken again until the standard is met. Two sets of measurements will be conducted, with three repetitions each, before and after the yoga intervention, using standard deviation for statistical analysis. paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test will be used to test the differences in shoulder joint function between participants before and after training. The significance level for statistics is set at α=.05. Results: In this study, the experimental group showed significant improvements in shoulder joint flexion (t = -5.09, p < .001), extension (t = -4.51, p < .05), external rotation (t = -3.08, p < .05), and abduction (t = -3.24, p < .05). Although the subjective pain index did not reach a significant level, there was a decreasing trend, indicating that yoga intervention can significantly improve joint mobility. The control group, which did not participate in the yoga intervention, showed higher post-test performance in shoulder joint extension (t = 3.51, p < .05) and abduction (t = 2.45, p < .05) compared to pre-test performance. Conclusion: Short-term yoga training significantly enhances joint flexibility and range of motion, with a trend towards reduced pain levels. Future research can extend the intervention time to 8 to 12 weeks in order to achieve better results.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究問題3 第三節 研究目的3 第四節 研究假設3 第五節 名詞操作型定義4 第六節 研究範圍與限制4 第貳章 文獻探討6 第一節 肩關節疼痛與僵硬相關研究6 第二節 瑜伽對健康促進相關研究9 第三節 肩關節活動度與瑜伽相關研究14 第四節 本章總結21 第參章 研究方法23 第一節 研究對象23 第二節 研究工具24 第三節 實驗設計29 第四節 統計分析36 第肆章 研究結果37 第二節 受試者基本資料37 第二節 不同介入方式對於受試者肩關節活動度之影響38 第伍章 討論42 第一節 瑜伽介入前後對肩關節疼痛、僵硬之影響42 第三節 瑜伽介入對肩關節疼痛之影響43 第二節 瑜伽介入對肩關節活動度之影響44 第陸章 結論45 參考文獻46 附錄一 【肩痛及無力指數量表】50 附錄二 【受試者同意書】51 附錄三 【肩關節活動角度測量記錄】52 附錄四 【肩關節活動疼痛測量記錄】53 附錄五 【介入活動紀錄】54

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