Author: |
莊嵐雅 Chuang, Lan-Ya |
Thesis Title: |
單次運動對注意力不足過動症孩童視覺空間工作記憶之影響 Effects of acute exercise on visuo-spatial working memory in children with ADHD |
Advisor: |
Hung, Tsung-Min |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 121 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 身體活動 、執行控制功能 、短期記憶 、事件關聯電位 、P3 |
Keywords (in English): | Physical activity, Executive function, Short-term memory, Event-related potential, P3 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 345 Downloads: 0 |
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過去的研究顯示中強度的急性有氧運動能提升ADHD孩童的認知與學業表現,然而,運動對於ADHD孩童工作記憶的影響尚未被深入探討。本研究目的在探討單次中強度有氧運動對於ADHD孩童工作記憶影響之差異。本研究分兩部份,第一部份主要比較典型發展孩童 (TD) 以及注意力不足過動症孩童 (ADHD) 在工作記憶作業上表現的差異。研究召募9到12歲的TD孩童15位以及ADHD孩童14位,進行工作記憶-儲存作業、工作記憶-執行作業及簡單反應時間作業測量其行為表現(反應時間、反應正確率、個人內反應時間標準差),以及事件關聯電位 (P3)。第二部份主要是要檢驗單次運動對於ADHD孩童視覺空間儲存工作記憶及視覺空間執行工作記憶的影響。此階段召募14位9到12歲ADHD孩童,所有參與者均需完成運動情境及影片欣賞情境,完成後同樣進行工作記憶-儲存作業、工作記憶-執行作業及簡單反應時間作業,並以及神經電生理測量。所有的行為資料與事件關聯電位 (P3) 以獨立樣本t檢定和變異數分析分別來檢驗TD孩童與ADHD孩童(影片欣賞情境)的工作記憶表現的差別。此外,行為測量(反應時間、反應正確率、個人內反應時間標準差)與事件關聯電位 (P3) 將分別以相依樣本t檢定及重覆量數變異數分析來檢驗ADHD孩童在兩種介入情境後,認知表現的差異。結果發現,ADHD孩童在所有作業上都呈現較長的反應時間,且ADHD孩童也在兩個工作記憶作業上有較高的錯誤率。此外,相較於TD孩童,ADHD孩童在兩個工作記憶作業中,S1誘發較小額葉、中央區及頂葉P3振幅,而S2則誘發較小的中央區及頂葉區的P3振幅。在急性運動效果方面,ADHD 孩童在單次運動後,在工作記憶-執行作業方面有較低的錯認率 (false recognition),同時,在記憶的提取階段也出現較小的額葉P3振幅及較大的頂葉P3振幅。本研究結果與過去研究發現一致,亦即ADHD孩童與一般發展孩童相較之下,有較差的工作記憶表現。此外,ADHD 孩童在單次運動後,較能夠有效率分配有限的大腦資源,並且能夠在中央執行控制功能需求較高的工作記憶作業上有較佳的表現。
Single bout of aerobic exercise with moderate intensity has been linked to enhancement of cognitive performance in ADHD children. However, the effects of acute exercise on working memory are still unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute exercise on working memory in ADHD children. This study included two sections. First section aimed at exploring the differences in capabilities of visuo-spatial working memory between typical development (TD) and ADHD children. Fifteen TD children and 14 (inconsistent with your Chinese abstract) ADHD children were recruited and required to complete working memory-storage task, working memory-executive task and simple reaction time task. The second section targeted at examining the effects of acute exercise on performance of visuo-spatial executive working memory task and visuo-spatial storage working memory task in ADHD children. Fourteen (inconsistent with your Chinese abstract)ADHD children were required to participate in non-exercise, 20 min aerobic exercise sessions respectively before executing of working memory-storage task, working memory-executive task and simple reaction time task. All the behavioral parameters as well as ERP parameter (P3) were subjected to independent t-tests or two-way ANOVAs to compare the differences regarding working memory capacity between TD and ADHD children. In additions, paired t-test and ANOVAs were respectively utilized to evaluate the different effects of exercise and video watching on behavioral performance and event-related potential (P3) in children with ADHD. Results showed that ADHD children displayed greater RT in all tasks and lower accuracy in both working memory tasks. As for P3 component, ADHD children exhibited decreased S1-evoked P3 amplitude at Fz, Cz, and Pz, and smaller S2-evoked P3 amplitude at Cz and Pz in two working memory tasks. As for comparisons between conditions in children with ADHD, they exhibited lower false recognition only in executive working memory task after exercise comparing with video-watching. Besides, ADHD children also displayed greater P3 at Pz and smaller P3 at Fz during response phase after one bout of exercise. Such results replicate previous studies which indicated that children with ADHD may have impairment in working memory. Importantly, current results provided preliminary evidence supporting the beneficial effects of acute exercise on aspects of working memory which burden a higher level of central executive in children with ADHD. One bout of exercise may lead to develop an efficient and adaptable strategy to manage greater demands upon working memory capacity.
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