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研究生: 王俐蘋
Wang, Li-Ping
論文名稱: 學習觀的構築:工廠、部落與大海
The Tectonics of Learning Perspectives: Factory, Tribe, and Ocean.
指導教授: 黃鴻文
Huang, Horng-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 學習觀構築學習民族誌
英文關鍵詞: Learning Perspectives, Tectonics, Ethnography of Learning
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.ED.007.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:61
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This study aims for describing learners’ learning perspectives. Factory, tribe and ocean are the metaphors which represent learners’ learning perspectives. Based on the experience of participant observation, the study starts from the concept of holistic life in order to understand learners’ learning perspectives. The concept of “Tectonics” illustrates the process how a human builds the connection with the world through the spatiotemporal approach. “Tectonics”can be considered as an echo of learning process because the concepts are concerned about not only individuals themselves but their sociability. As a result, the concept of “Tectonics” is the foundation of sociological discussion in the study, and “the tectonics of learning perspectives” will be the main content which shows the learning from the horizon of leaners.
According to the methodology of ethnography, researcher had worked on data collection for one and a half year. On the basis of the theoretical dialog between tectonics and ethnography, the study emphasizes the holism of framework and the epistemology of intersubjectivity. For the horizon of learners, researcher worked out an ethnography of learning. The ethnography of learning starts from the description of individuals, then sketches the learning process through the social interaction. Just like stitch work, the self-description of an individual learner as a needle and one’s life experience as suture, they complete the picture of the learning perspectives.
With the metaphor of stitch work, the cases in the study will present the tectonics of learning perspectives with the frame of point, line and plane. The description of point represents the learning spots in various fields and its representation. And the description of line and plane show three eleven-years-old learners’ perspectives as cases. According to the cases, the article analyzes the process of tectonics to do some sociological discussion.
Result from this study can be illustrated in three points. First, the cases reveal that school members in the field lived in the culture with the academic performative division, and they also display the learning situation that learners are encountering an information society because of using internet. Second, based on the value of holism and subjectivity, the tectonics of learning perspectives and the ethnography of learning provide educational discussion with a learners’ horizon and a cultural approach to explore learning. Third, through the theoretical view from an individual’s social discussion, to respond the issues of the phenomenon of “learnification of education” and the postmodern condition, we need to discuss these issues with multilevel systematic thinking.

論文目次 第一章 關於「學習」 1 第一節 教育與學習 3 第二節 一個「學」視角的提案 10 第三節 探尋「學習觀的構築」 15 【第一部分 理論與方法】 第二章 構築的理論基礎 25 章 序 關於構築 27 第一節 人、空間與社會 28 第二節 觀點的構築 35 第三節 空間的文化分析 40 第四節 構築的實踐意涵 43 第三章 由民族誌看學習 45 第一節 關於民族誌 47 第二節 學習民族誌的構想 50 第三節 本研究的實行方式 55 【第二部分 實作:點、線與面】 第四章 現場學習地景的描繪 61 章 序 現場日常的學習地景 63 第一節 學校場域 64 第二節 非學校場域 72 第五章 學習觀的構築:三則個案 79 章 序 交會 81 第一節 工廠:小魚的學習觀構築 82 第二節 部落:小陳的學習觀構築 97 第三節 大海:小名的學習觀構築 117 第六章 學習地圖的分析與討論 133 第一節 三則個案的學習地圖 135 第二節 學習空間的文化分析 145 第三節 現場學習的社會網絡 151 第七章 結語 155 第一節 工廠、部落與大海 157 第二節 構築與學習民族誌 161 第三節 學習探究於教育議題中的位置 163 參考文獻 166 中文部分 166 外文部分 166 附錄 169 附錄一 田野概況 171 附錄二 家長同意書 189 附錄三 資料整理 193 附錄四 問卷 195 附錄五 訪談大綱與輔助表格 201

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