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研究生: 陳維家
論文名稱: 以理論計算方式探討以下反應機構:I.Pt(111)和Ni(111)表面上的C-N鍵結合反應 II.Pt(111)表面上以CHxNO為起始物之HCN生成反應
Theoretical Studies of the Following Reaction Mechanisms:I.The C-N Coupling Reaction on Pt(111) and Ni(111) Surface II.the HCN Formation from CHxNO on Pt(111) surface
指導教授: 何嘉仁
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 表面密度泛函裡論反應機構C-N鍵結合
英文關鍵詞: Surface, DFT Calculation, Reaction Mechanism, C-N Coupling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:92下載:7
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  • 第一部分:Pt(111)和Ni(111)表面上的C-N鍵結合反應

    我們使用周期性密度泛函理論來研究Pt(111)和Ni(111)表面上的C-N鍵結合反應,這是工業上用來製成氫氰酸(HCN)的重要催化反應。這個反應包含以下幾個部分:CH4和NH3的脫氫、反應物和產物(CHx、NHy和CHxNHy;x=0-3、y=0-2)的吸附、反應分子在表面上的移動以及C-N鍵結合反應。根據我們的計算結果,反應物CHx和NHy在Pt(111)/Ni(111)表面上的吸附能為7.41/6.91、6.97/6.52、4.58/4.39、2.19/2.01 eV以及5.10/5.49、4.12/4.79、2.75/2.87 eV,符合以下規律:C > CH > CH2> CH3以及N > NH > NH2;而產物的吸附能則是在Pt(111)上CNH2最佳,在Ni(111)上NCH3最佳。在C-N鍵結合的部分,不同表面上的活化能及反應熱都不盡相同,但它們的起始物、過度狀態以及產物的吸附結構都非常相似。其中,在Pt(111)表面上, CH2+NH2有最低的活化能;而在Ni(111)表面上,則是CH+NH2有最低的活化能。我們也使用了電子態密度(LDOS)、電子局域密度函數(ELF)以及電荷分析,用以佐證我們的計算結果。


    我們使用周期性密度泛函理論來研究HCN在含氧情況下的生成反應,用以模擬HCN工業製成中的Andrussow process。我們使用NO (由O2氧化NH3產生)和CHx (由CH4脫氫產生)結合成的CHxNO (x=0-3)為起始物,研究其生成HCN的反應機構。根據我們的計算結果,CHxNO吸附在Pt(111)表面上之吸附能分別為4.11、1.91、2.04和2.12 eV。其中,從CH3NO生成HCN之最可能反應路徑為:CH3NO依序斷兩個C-H鍵形成CHNO,CHNO進一步氫化成CHNOH後再斷N-OH鍵形成最終產物HCN。此步反應之速率決定步驟為CH3NO(a)→CH2NO (a) + H(a),活化能為1.22 eV。

    I: The C-N Coupling Reaction on Pt(111) and Ni(111) Surface.
    We used the density functional theory (DFT) with the projector-augmented-wave method (PAW) to systematically investigate the C-N coupling reaction, an important catalytic process in industrial synthesis to form hydrogen cyanide (HCN), on Pt(111) and Ni(111)surface. This reaction includes several steps, such as the adsorption of reactants and products (CHx, NHy and CHxNHy x=0-3 y=0-2), dehydrogenation of methane and ammonia, movement of molecular fragments on the surface, and C-N coupling processes. From our calculation, the adsorption energy of CHx and NHy on Pt(111)/Ni(111) surfaces in the decreasing order are: C > CH > CH2> CH3,and N > NH > NH2 with the values of 7.41/6.91, 6.97/6.52, 4.58/4.39, 2.19/2.01 eV, and 5.10/5.49, 4.12/4.79, 2.75/2.87 eV, respectively. For the adsorption energy of CHxNHy, the CNH2 species is the largest on Pt(111) surface, but on Ni(111) surface, CH3N is the most stable. The C-N coupling barriers are different on the two metal surfaces while the initial, transition state and finial structures are very similar. On Pt(111) surface, the coupling reaction of CH2+NH2 has the lowest barrier, but CH+NH2 is the most favorable on Ni(111) surface. The detail local density of states (LDOS), electron localization function (ELF), and Bader-charge analysis have also been investigated to rationalize the calculated outcomes.
    II: The HCN formation from CHxNO on Pt(111) surface.
    We applied density functional theory (DFT) with the projector-augmented-wave method (PAW) to investigate the hydrogen cyanide synthesis in the presence of oxygen, a simulation of Andrussow process. The CHxNO (x=0-3), produced by the coupling of NO (oxidation of NH3) and CHx (dehydrogenation of CH4), which is used as the reactant in our caculatation, with adsorption energies 4.11, 1.91, 2.04 and 2.12 eV on Pt(111) surface, respectively. The most possible synthesis pathway from CH3NO to HCN is: (i) the continuous dehydrogenation of CH3NO to CHNO, (ii) the hydrogenation of CHNO to CHNOH, and (iii) the bond scission of N-OH to form the finally product, HCN. The rate determing state is CH3NO (a)→CH2NO(a) +H(a),Ea = 1.22 eV.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 總目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 理論與計算原理 5 2-1絕熱近似法(Born-Oppenheimer approximation) 5 2-2變分定理(Variation Theorem) 8 2-3密度泛函數理論(DFT) 9 2-4局部密度近似法(LDA)與廣義梯度近似法(GGA) 12 2-5空間週期性(periodic boundary condition) 14 2-6布洛赫定理(Bloch Theorem) 15 2-7虛位勢(pseudopotential) 17 2-8 VASP計算軟體 18 第三章 C-N在Pt(111)和Ni(111)表面的鍵結合反應 19 3-1前言 19 3-2 計算參數 20 3-2.1計算方法 20 3-2.2表面結構 24 3-3結果與討論 26 3-3.1反應物的吸附能與結構 26 3-3.2反應物的電荷分析及電子結構探討 31 3-3.3產物的吸附能與結構 41 3-3.4 CHx和NHy的C-N鍵結合反應 45 3-4本章總結 53 第四章 Pt(111)表面下含氧環境的C-N鍵結合反應 55 4-1前言 55 4-2 計算參數 57 4-3結果與討論 58 4-3.1吸附結構和吸附能研究 58 4-3.2 NOCHx生成HCN的反應途徑 62 4-4本章總結 74 第五章 總結 75 參考文獻

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