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研究生: 周俐君
Chou, Li-Chun
論文名稱: 生命的轉彎處-一個紐西蘭華裔青年的生命故事探究
The Turning of Life – Life Story of a Young Taiwanese-Chinese Descendent in New Zealand
指導教授: 楊聰榮
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用華語文學系
Applied Chinese Language and Culture
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 218
中文關鍵詞: 華裔回流生命故事海外華人紐西蘭移民
英文關鍵詞: Chinese descendent, returnee, life story, overseas Chinese, New Zealand, immigration
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:248下載:36
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  • 當代海外華裔青年回流臺灣,是各有其經歷與動機所促成的,如過去文獻所言,是多面向的考量、綜合評估下的決策。本文從過去文獻歸納出海外華裔青年回流臺灣的因素包含就業需求因素、環境偏好因素、人際牽動因素,及個人志願因素。

    In recent years, the rationale for many overseas Chinese youths to migrate back to Taiwan consists of a multitude of reasons, experiences and motives. As discussed in other literature, the decision to return is the sum of many considerations and multi-faceted assessment that come together to make a final choice. A study of the prior literature demonstrates many common motivations, including career choice, environmental preferences, interpersonal relationships, and personal aspirations.
    To the aspect of career choice, young returnees often make the decision in relation to their current stage in their life-span, which is more focused on career stability or the career-of-life searching. Therefore, they potentially consider turning back to Taiwan if what their field of study has little room for development and prospering in immigrate country while Taiwan could offer a greater space for development. To the aspect of interpersonal relationship, the individual could be more inclined to return to Taiwan if there exists certain relationship-based connections, such as family or friends being in Taiwan, or family needs and expectation from them. As to the motive of environmental preferences stimulates overseas Chinese youths to return is for those who like the abundant and diverse or some certain lifestyle in Taiwan, speak Chinese or enjoy various foods with reasonable price, for example. And to the reason of personal aspiration can explain more of those who left Taiwan with their older age might share stronger belonging to Taiwan, and those who made their life-goal to benifit Taiwan, or who wants to study in Taiwan or expand their life experience. These reasons impel the overseas Chinese youths to return. Additionally, they could be more inclined to return to Taiwan if they could benefit from having dual-language and multicultural background.
    This study is focused on a detailed analysis of a single case, and uses in-depth interviews, life stories and narrations depicts the miraculous change of heart for one to proactively decide to return to Taiwan. It will analyze different levels of understanding, thoughts and opinions throughout the individual's many stages in life, along with the impact of each on his decision making process. This research establishes a depiction of how this individual's decision making process and transition fits into the larger scope of other studies' observations, and points out the linkage between each consideration and its affect on the final decision. This study will show that every consideration is important; the process can be broken into turning points of capitulation, protest, compulsion, and enthusiasm, culminating in the dissipation of the individual's original reasons for resistance, and return to Taiwan. While the person's decision making process may not be the same as those of other overseas Chinese youths, the decision making process and its related motivations can be taken as a detailed example to further similar research.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究理念與焦點 5 第三節 研究範圍及選材 8 第四節 名詞釋義 12 第二章 文獻回顧 20 第一節 青年發展生涯規劃 20 第二節 紐西蘭華裔青年輪廓 26 第三節 海外華人回流因素相關研究 28 第四節 小結 40 第三章 研究方法 42 第一節 方法取徑 42 第二節 重要考量 50 第三節 研究步驟 53 第四節 研究工具 56 第四章 生命故事 62 第一節 牽動-在紐華人轉變 62 第二節 拼圖-成長階段歷程 67 第三節 牽繫-重要他人 82 第四節 角度-我眼中的他 92 第五節 生命的轉彎處 99 第六節 回流因素解析 105 第五章 回流脈絡 109 第一節 層遞的變項 109 第二節 生命週期轉化視角 111 第三節 兩大推動力 115 第四節 跨國華人的利基 118 第五節 小結-天時地利人和 121 第六章 結論 123 第一節 研究結果 123 第二節 研究過程與限制 128 第三節 延續研究發展 132 參考文獻 134 圖次 圖 一-1 研究基本概念 6 圖 二-1 Super的生涯發展拱門模型 23 圖 二-2 就業機會少之成因脈絡之一 38 圖 四-1 綸綸口述家庭樹 83 圖 四-2 在臺生活期待之形成因素 107 圖 四-3及早回臺認知之形成因素 107 圖 五-1 回流決策的產生型態 121 表次 表 二-1 回流因素文獻整理表 31 表 二-2 回流因素 37 表 三-1社會科學的不同典範內涵 43 表 三-2質性研究的知識獲得形式 49 表 三-3 四類分析要義與本研究運用方式 55 表 三-4 生命故事研究自我要求要點 59 表 三-5「訪談逐字稿及想法與重點備忘」範例 60 表 四-1研究對象綸綸年事譜 68 附錄次 附錄 一 初探性研究受訪華裔青年資料表 163 附錄 二 初探性研究訪談大綱 164 附錄 三 Creswell (1998)五類質性研究取徑原文 165 附錄 四 Creswell (1998)質性研究取徑五類 166 附錄 五 研究參與同意書 167 附錄 六 主要研究對象訪談大綱 168 附錄 七 經修編訪談逐字稿及想法與重點備忘 169 附錄 八 研究檢核函 210 附錄 九 紐西蘭學制 211 附錄 十 「綸綸的留言」原版影像 212 附錄 十一 紐西蘭華人移民大事年表 218

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