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研究生: 吳郁柔
Wu, Yu-Jou
論文名稱: 利用中央山脈中段地震網尋找新的長微震震源
Search for New Sources of Ambient Tremor Using Local Seismic Network
指導教授: 陳卉瑄
Chen, Hui-Hsuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 長微震中央山脈
英文關鍵詞: ambient tremor, central range
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000338
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:88下載:9
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  • 非火山自發型長微震(non-volcanic tremors)是慢地震家族的一員,常見於大型隱沒帶或板塊邊界型斷層,在孕震帶更深處,以數分鐘至數小時的持續時間釋放能量,對應的地震矩能量可高達規模六的一般地震,是了解板塊邊界的孕震潛能不可或缺的課題。臺灣的自發型長微震,過去被發現頻繁地發生在中央山脈南段下方,其特徵為地震波持續時間數分鐘至半小時,振幅與背景噪訊相當且無明顯體波波相,需依賴多測站微小波包之相近到時方能定義。長微震震源區是否僅限於中央山脈南段?測站密度能否影響震源位置?為釐清此點,本研究利用架設的臨時中央山脈中段地震網(位於長微震震源區北方,彌補原有地震網的空區),以進行長微震的自動化偵測和目視確認,進一步分析臺灣長微震的空間特徵。

    Non-volcanic tremor is one type of of slow earthquakes phenomena. It has been detected mainly in plate boundaries including subduction zones and transform faults and is usually found to occur below the seismogenic zone. The seismic characteristics include small amplitude, long duration of several minutes to hours, no obvious arrival of body waves, and the main frequency band of 2-8 Hz. By geodetically detected slow slip events, the equivalent seismic moment could be up to Mw 6. In Taiwan, ambient tremor events were previously detected in south Central Range with duration ranging from several minutes to thirty minutes. The location of ambient tremor, although showing location uncertainty below 10 km, is determined using the stations located to south of 23.5°. Whether different source of tremor can be found using widely distributed stations remains unknown. In this study, we aim at adding temporary mountain array to the north of 23.5° in middle Central Range, to address: Are there any tremor source located outside the previously recognized source area? Does coverage of station distribution influence the tremor location? And what is the spatial and temporal characteristics of ambient tremor detected using the mountain array? During the study period from January 2013 to January 2014, we found tremor mainly concentrated in the two areas: (1) South Central Range, here tremor events are located in a depth range of 15 to 50 kilometers with north-south striking feature, consistent with the previous discovery (2) middle Central Range ( northern than 23.5°N), here tremor events are vertically aligned and located deeper than 15 kilometers, roughly underneath the eastern flank of the Central Range. The new tremor source is located near the edge of seismic station coverage, leading to large location uncertainties of greater than 10 km. From the mapview, however, we found that the newly discovered tremor activity is roughly overlapped with the location of repeating events along the Central Range fault. By integrating with previous tremor catalogs, the temporal evolution of tremor activities in Taiwan illustrates a quiescence during the period of 2013-2015, while the rest of the study period from 2007 to 2016 reveals the concentration in southern Central Range. The cause of the tremor quiescence may provide the clue for the generation mechanism of tremor, however, requires the analysis on the long-term tidal, GPS, precipitation data in the future.

    謝辭 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目次 V 表次 VII 圖次 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 前人研究 2 2.1 長微震的重要性 2 2.2 臺灣的長微震 13 2.3 長微震的偵測方法 20 第三章 研究方法 28 3.1 研究區域與資料選定 28 3.2 長微震偵測、持續時間定義與定位 30 3.3 利用SSA參數偵測長微震 34 3.4 理論潮汐應力計算與潮汐敏感度 36 第四章 研究結果 37 4.1 長微震與似長微震的區域地震 37 4.2 長微震偵測結果與訊號特徵 41 4.3 長微震的空間分布與定位誤差 42 4.4 長微震的活動度 47 第五章 討論 48 5.1 長微震時空分布與地震網差異之關係 48 5.2 中央山脈南段長微震頻譜特徵與活動度 54 5.3 中央山脈北段可能的長微震震源與頻譜特徵 61 5.4 長微震之規模估計 66 第六章 結論 67 參考文獻 69 附錄一、本研究所使用的測站資訊 74

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