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研究生: 王鈞平
Wang, Chun-Ping
論文名稱: 六貫棋遊戲實作與強化學習應用
Hex Game Implement and Reinforcement Learning
指導教授: 林順喜
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 六貫棋強化學習深度學習
英文關鍵詞: Hex
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900146
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:392下載:45
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  • 六貫棋,又被稱作納許棋,是一個雙人對局遊戲,最初是在1942年12月26日在丹麥報紙Politiken發表的一篇文章中出現,被稱作Polygon。於1948年時,由數學家約翰·福布斯·納許重新獨立發明出來,在最初被稱作納許棋(Nash)。後來於1952年遊戲玩具製造商Parker Brothers將其作為遊戲發行,將此遊戲命名為Hex。

    Hex, also called Nash, is a game with two players. At first, it appeared and was called Polygon on a Denmark newspaper Politiken in 1942. In 1948, John Nash, who was a Mathematician, invented it and called it Nash. In 1952, Parker Brothers, which was a toy manufacturer, published it and called it Hex.
    On the board of Hex, two players take turns placing a stone of their color on a single cell within the overall playing board. The goal for each player is to form a connected path of their own stones linking the opposing sides of the board marked by their colors, before their opponent connects his or her sides in a similar fashion. The first player to complete his or her connection wins the game.
    Hex has been proved by John Nash by the strategy stealing argument so that the first player has a winning policy, and the boards with a size smaller than 8 have been solved by the program.
    In this research, we try to use the AlphaZero training method, which uses Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm with Deep Learning, and try to use Reinforcement Learning to train a model without human knowledge to solve Hex with a board size of 3 and 4. According to this approach, we hope that the boards with larger sizes can also be solved using more computation resources in the future.

    圖目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 六貫棋連接策略 6 2.2 蒙地卡羅樹搜索演算法 7 2.3 Solver 10 2.4 殘差網路(ResNet) 12 2.4 TensorFlow+Keras深度學習人工智慧實務應用 13 2.5 AlphaGo Zero 15 2.6 alpha-zero-general 17 第三章 程式實作 18 3.1 六貫棋規則實作 18 3.2 基礎類神經網路架構 21 3.3 模型訓練流程 22 3.4 蒙地卡羅樹搜索(MCTS) 24 3.5 鏡像盤面 25 3.6 快贏策略 26 3.7 深度函數 28 3.8 自我對下產生亂度 30 3.9 圖形介面設計 31 3.10 模型訓練與驗證 32 第四章 實驗結果 36 4.1 實驗環境 36 4.2 驗證方法比較 36 4.3 六貫棋3路盤面驗證 37 4.4 六貫棋4路盤面驗證 44 4.4 快贏策略驗證 46 第五章 結論與未來方向 48 參考文獻 50

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    [14]. Hexy plays Hex,http://vanshel.com/Hexy/。
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