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研究生: 郭姿秀
論文名稱: 自創品牌之玩偶形象應用於商品設計研究與創作-以購物包為例
The Study and Creation of Original Brand Product Design for the form of Doll Application - Case of Tote Bag
指導教授: 張柏舟
Chang, Po-Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 自創品牌玩偶形象設計購物包設計
英文關鍵詞: original brand manufacturing, doll image design, tote bag
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:42
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  • 現今社會趨勢結構的演變,人們需要的物質享受與喜歡的事物日益增多,其中以自創品牌的風潮為一大熱門。自創品牌結合玩偶形象已是目前的趨勢,因為玩偶形象不但可替品牌創造特色與獨立性,也可替品牌宣傳,是最好的代言人。而現今企業與個人不斷推出自創品牌,顛覆傳統的大量生產模式, 導入收藏與價值性的附加價值,藉由自創品牌結合玩偶形象與商品獨特的價值性,加深品牌、玩偶、消費者三者之間的重要性,更可讓自創品牌的地位與形象更穩固於大眾心中。玩偶形象本身具有引發消費者聯想力、創意及對品牌產生親切感的能力,可讓消費者貼近品牌,進而喜歡品牌。而玩偶本身的形象、個性、動作、姿態、造型特色都是設計師創造玩偶形象的重點,讓品牌與玩偶形象之間可以連結,並提高品牌注視度。

    Due to the changes of social trends and structure, the material comforts people demand and the things people like have grown. Among other things, the trend of original brand manufacturing (OBM) is a red-hot favorite today. Given the fact that doll image could not only create characteristics and independence for brand but also provide publicity for the brand that will be the best advocate, the combination of OBM and doll images has been the trend. The enterprises and individuals are incessantly launching OBM that subverts the traditional mass production model by introducing added-values and something worth collection and valuable. Through the combination of OBM and doll image and the unique value of the products, it could raise the importance of relationship between brand, doll and consumers and even consolidate the position and image of OBM in the mind of the public.

    The doll image itself can trigger the associative force, creativeness and intimacy with the brand from the consumers. It could help the consumers close to the brand and further to love the brand. The characteristics of image, personality, motions, posture and modeling are the key points for the designers in creating doll images that will facilitate with linkage between the brand and doll image and raise the visibility of brand.

    Through the process of virtual OBM, the researcher established the positioning and conception of brand and understood the feasibility and strong points of doll image for the brand. She also applied the doll image to the design of brand tote bag to explore the correlation and unique style between the doll image and the brand. By means of research methodology and creative design, the characteristics of doll image were combined. The brand image was designed and the tote bag was developed through the appearance and internal personality of doll itself. The tote bag will become meaningful and special due to the combination of brand and doll image. The researcher also planned the brand image and the design of tote bag in the contents of creative design and simulated the importance of relationship between OBM, doll image and tote bag.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 XIII 第壹章、緒論 1 第一節 設計創作背景與動機 1 第二節 設計創作目的 2 第三節 設計創作方法 3 第四節 設計創作流程 4 第五節 設計範圍與限制 5 第貳章、文獻探討 6 第一節 自創品牌 6 一、品牌與品牌權益 6 二、自創品牌定義 12 三、自創品牌模式與策略 13 四、自創品牌之建構品牌 17 五、自創品牌之形象塑造 20 六、自創品牌之形象定位 21 七、自創品牌之行銷 26 第二節 造型玩偶與形象 30 一、造型玩偶的定義與相關名詞解釋 30 二、造型玩偶形象之設計方向 33 三、造型玩偶形象之設計流程 37 四、造型玩偶收集與分析 39 第三節 造型玩偶與商品企劃 41 一、企業形象與商品企劃 41 二、造型玩偶形象應用於商品範圍 43 三、造型玩偶應用於商品材質 45 第四節 品牌消費與購物包 46 一、品牌消費與符號 46 二、品牌體驗與消費文化 48 三、環保時尚與購物包熱潮 52 四、小結 53 第參章、品牌設計策略分析 54 第一節 品牌策略規劃流程 54 第二節 品牌設計概念發想 55 第三節 品牌設計資料收集與分析 57 第肆章、創作設計內容 63 第一節 創作理念與品牌精神 63 第二節 品牌形象與定位 65 第三節 設計創作與發展 66 一、品牌形象設計 66 二、玩偶角色設計 70 三、品牌購物包設計 71 四、品牌周邊設計 76 第伍章、結論與建議 81 第一節 研究與創作結論 81 第二節 研究與建議 81 參考文獻 82 附錄 85


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