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研究生: 張靜嫻
Ching-Hsien Chang
論文名稱: 私立幼托機構教保人員與園所契合之研究
The Person-Organization Fit of Private Child Care Centers
指導教授: 廖鳳瑞
Liaw, Fong-Ruey
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 171
中文關鍵詞: 個人與組織契合需求與供給契合工作要求與能力契合幼托機構教保人員
英文關鍵詞: Person-Organization fit (P-O fit), Needs-Supplies fit (N-S fit), Needs-Supplies fit (N-S fit), child care center, early childhood educator
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:225下載:8
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  • 摘要



    Based on the fit theories by Kristof (1996) and Cable & DeRue (2002), this research covers the two facets of supplementary and complementary within the fit theory and uses a broad perspective to investigate the fit between early childhood educators and child care centers. Using the self-edited “Person- Organization Fit Questionnaire for private child care centers” as the tool, this research proceeds with the study on supplementary fit of early childhood educators, Needs-Supplies fit, and Demands-Abilities fit. The research utilizes a matching model, with the educators and directors in the private child care centers in Taipei City and County as samples.

    The important findings of this research:
    1. According to results from factor analysis, the four major factors that affect the supplementary fit between early childhood educators and private child care centers are “team goals”, “personalities”, “behaviors/norms”, and “values”. The two major factors that affect N-S fit between educators and director are “financial and welfare”, and “psychological and opportunities-related”. The two major factors that affect D-A fit between centers and educators include “resources” and “KSAs-related”.
    2. When we investigate the fit degree between early childhood educators and child care centers through the three aspects including supplementary fit, N-S fit, and D-A fit, we discover that, by comparison, the supplementary had a good fit between educators and centers, the D-A fit had a misfit between directors and educators, while N-S fit between educators and directors had a unfit.
    3. In terms of the overall fit ranking, “participation in major policies” had a good fit while “the reasonability of early childhood work welfare” had a unfit in terms of supplementary fit between early childhood educators and child care centers. “Early childhood work providing the chances for interaction” had a good fit while “the assigned works corresponding to the professional expertise of educators” had a unfit in terms of N-S fit between early childhood educators and their directors. As for D-A fit between child care centers’ directors and early childhood educators, “possessing professional knowledge in early childhood work” had a good fit, while “the sense of mission in early childhood work” had a unfit.
    4. The fit score of a single match of the measurement of absolute will not cause the scores to cancel each other out in the calculation process and can avoid the trouble of major fit categories being hidden. It can also allow one to observe clearly the fit degree differences between early childhood educators and child care centers, and is helpful in understanding the actual fit situations in all aspects.
    5. The research of matching child care centers with early childhood educators reveals that educators think they are similar with the centers in four aspects including personalities, values, goals, and behaviors / norms. The satisfaction of educators’ needs being answered is lower than the degree by which the directors think the centers’ provisions are satisfying the educators. The degree by which the directors think educators’ abilities correspond to the work demands is higher than the degree by which educators think their abilities live up to the work demands.
    6. Early childhood educators’ personal background variants such as age, years of experience in early childhood education, years of experience in current job, education level, the number of children in the institution, and monthly wage are all unrelated to fit. However, the different sizes of the child care centers have impact on supplementary fit degree and D-A fit degree.

    This research suggests the child care centers directors to care for the early childhood educators; as for the educators, they should likewise adhere to the long term goals held by the centers. Subsequent researches can use integrated fit theories as the premise to understand the impact different fit degrees pose on aspects including educators’ work performance, work satisfaction, educational resources, and the intention to leave the job. One can adopt random sampling with the research samples, or one can take samples according to the ratio of the employee numbers in the different centers. In terms of the calculation of the fit score, one can elaborate the differences score fit indices and explore the fit between educators and centers according to the absolute difference fit indices.

    目錄 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 目錄 Ⅶ 表次 Ⅸ 圖次 ⅩⅠ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與名詞界定 7 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 契合理論 9 第二節 契合理論在教育領域的應用與相關研究 18 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究方法 37 第二節 研究工具 39 第三節 研究對象 46 第四節 資料處理與分析 50 第四章 研究結果 第一節 教保人員與園所相似性契合 61 第二節 教保人員需求與園所供給契合 78 第三節 園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合情形 83 第四節 背景變項和教保人員與園所契合面向之相關 93 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 105 第二節 建議 108 參考文獻 中文部份 111 英文部分 113 附錄 附錄一 本研究「私立幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究」問卷各構面子向度及各問項之參考來源及設計緣由一覽表 118 附錄二 專家效度之專家名單 133 附錄三 「幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究問卷」專家效度問卷說明 134 附錄四 「幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究問卷」教保人員用卷之專家效度評定用表 138 附錄五 「幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究問卷」園所長主管用卷之專家效度評定用表 146 附錄六 「幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究問卷」教保人員用卷正式版 151 附錄七 「幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究問卷」園所長主管用卷正式版 155 表次 表3-3-1 臺北縣市私立幼稚園及托兒所總數一覽表 47 表3-3-2 本研究有效問卷之幼托機構分布情形 47 表3-3-3 園所長主管與教保人員基本資料一覽表(一) 48 表3-3-4 園所長主管與教保人員基本資料一覽表(二) 49 表3-4-1 教保人員與園所相似性契合解說總變異量 52 表3-4-2 教保人員與園所相似性契合因素分析萃取之主成份與各構面之 信度 54 表3-4-3 教保人員需求與園所供給契合解說總變異量 55 表3-4-4 教保人員需求與園所供給契合因素分析萃取之主成份與各構面 之信度 56 表3-4-5 園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合解說總變異量 57 表3-4-6 園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合因素分析萃取之主成份與各 構面之信度 58 表4-1-1 教保人員就業目標與認為園所目標得分一覽表 62 表4-1-2 教保人員目標與園所目標契合分數一覽表 64 表4-1-3 教保人員個人特質與園所重視員工特質得分一覽表 66 表4-1-4 教保人員特質與園所重視員工特質契合分數一覽表 67 表4-1-5 教保人員個人行為與知覺園所規範得分一覽表 70 表4-1-6 教保人員行為與園所規範契合分數一覽表 71 表4-1-7 教保人員價值觀與知覺園所價值觀得分一覽表 73 表4-1-8 教保人員價值觀與園所價值觀契合分數一覽表 74 表4-1-9 教保人員與園所相似性契合子向度契合度一覽表 76 表4-1-10 教保人員與園所相似性契合整體契合度排序一覽表 77 表4-2-1 教保人員需求與園所供給得分一覽表 79 表4-2-2 教保人員需求與園所供給契合分數一覽表 80 表4-3-1 園所工作要求與教保人員能力得分一覽表 84 表4-3-2 園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合分數一覽表 86 表4-3-3 教保人員與園所契合各構面之計分差距比較表 88 表4-3-4 教保人員與園所互補性契合度排序一覽表 91 表4-4-1 教保人員之年齡變項在三種契合構向之得分一覽表 94 表4-4-2 教保人員之幼教年資變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 95 表4-4-3 教保人員任職目前園所年資變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 96 表4-4-4 教保人員之教育程度變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 97 表4-4-5 機構類別變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 98 表4-4-6 園所規模變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 99 表4-4-7 園所規模變項在教保人員與園所相似性契合面向之得分一覽表 100 表4-4-8 園所規模變項在園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合面向之得分 一覽表 100 表4-4-9 園所幼兒人數變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 103 表4-4-10 教保人員之每月薪資變項在三種契合面向之得分一覽表 104 圖次 圖2-1-1 Kristof的個人與組織契合模式 15 圖3-1-1 幼托機構教保人員與園所契合度之研究流程圖 37 圖3-1-2 教保人員與園所契合之研究架構圖 38 圖3-4-1 教保人員與園所相似性契合陡坡圖 52 圖3-4-2 教保人員需求與園所供給契合陡坡圖 55 圖3-4-3 園所工作要求與教保人員能力契合陡坡圖 56

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