研究生: |
楊仕裕 Shyh-Yuh Yang |
論文名稱: |
大學生認知發展、靈性發展及其相關影響因素之研究:以天主教輔仁大學為例 The Research on Cognitive and Spiritual Developments of College Students and Related Factors: Based on the Findings of Fu-Jen Catholic University |
指導教授: |
Huang, Yu |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 332 |
中文關鍵詞: | 輔仁大學 、大學生 、認知發展 、靈性發展 、個人背景 、校園經驗 、校外經驗 |
英文關鍵詞: | Fu Jen Catholic University, college students, cognitive development, spiritual development, personal factors, campus experiences, out of campus experiences |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:559 下載:162 |
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摘 要
為達研究目的,本研究奠基於Perry (1968)、Parks (1986, 2000)及Pascarella & Terenzini (2005)、黃玉 (2003c, 2004b, 2006)、劉若蘭 (2005)、邱文彬 (2000, 2002)等國內外相關理論與研究,設計研究架構,採質量並重研究方法,認知發展主要以量化研究為主,靈性發展則採質性方法。認知發展研究的個人因素包括:性別、年級、年齡、家庭社經背景、宗教信仰、主修領域,校園經驗包括:跨修不同領域課程、課業投入、師生互動、課外多元接觸經驗;靈性發展的個人因素與上述相同,校園經驗則包括:師生互動、課外多元接觸經驗、同儕互動、宗教支持團體。
一、 輔仁大學學生認知發展情況,大一到大四皆以「二元思考」為最低,大一、大二以「多元相對」為最高,「抉擇實踐」次之,大三、大四則以「抉擇實踐」為最高,「多元相對」次之,符合Perry認知發展理論指出隨年級增加而朝向更高階段發展。
二、 不同個人背景及校園經驗在輔仁大學學生認知發展上呈現差異:
(一) 性別方面:二元思考階段的大一男生大於女生,抉擇實踐階段的大一女生大於男生,其他年級的性別差異不顯著。
(二) 年級方面:二元思考階段的二年級大於三年級,抉擇實踐階段的四年級大於二年級,多元相對階段的年級差異不顯著。
(三) 年齡方面:抉擇實踐階段的24歲以上學生大於20歲學生,其他階段的年齡差異不顯著。
(四) 家庭社經背景方面:雙方家長教育程度越高,學生抉擇實踐平均分數在描述統計有越高趨勢,但未達統計水準,家長職業等級則無明顯的趨勢。
(五) 宗教信仰方面:二元思考的有信仰宗教學生高於無宗教信仰學生;多元相對的無宗教信仰學生則高於有信仰宗教學生;抉擇實踐又是有信仰宗教學生高於無宗教信仰學生。
(六) 主修領域方面:二元思考的數理領域學生高於文藝領域學生及醫衛領域學生,抉擇實踐的文藝領域學生高於數理領域學生,數理領域學生在四項校園經驗均低於文藝領域學生,多元相對階段的主修領域差異不顯著。
三、 家庭社經背景、宗教信仰、課業投入、師生互動對「二元思考」有顯著解釋力,解釋力為2.9%;年齡、宗教信仰、跨修不同領域課程、課業投入及課外與多元接觸經驗「多元相對」有顯著解釋力,解釋力為3.9%;年級、年齡、宗教信仰、課業投入、師生互動對「抉擇實踐」有顯著解釋力,解釋力為19.4%。
四、 個人背景、校園經驗影響認知發展最高階段學生的原因及過程為:
(一) 個人背景是助力也是阻力,取決於對應態度。
(二) 發展情形可能順利也可能延遲,取決於參與校園經驗的程度。
(三) 拓展校外經驗帶來增進或限制,取決於面對的態度。
五、 認知發展最高階段學生的靈性發展情形:
(一) 認知發展最高階段學生的靈性發展情形包括有傳統青少年、年輕成人、考驗成人階段。
(二) 認知發展最高階段學生經訪談的認知發展階段分別與其靈性發展階段中認知形式相符合。
(三) 個人背景、校園經驗影響學生靈性發展的原因及過程為:
The purpose of the study was to explore the developments of cognitive and spiritual and related factors for college students in Fu-Jen Catholic University.
The research questions included:
Quantitative part
1. What is cognitive development from freshmen to senior in Fu-Jen Catholic University?
2. Is the cognitive development of the students varied from different personal factors and campus experiences?
3. Which independent variables (included personal factors and campus experiences) explain the greatest amount of unique variance in the cognitive development of the students in Fu-Jen Catholic University?
Qualitative part
4. Why and how these independent variables (include personal factors and campus experiences) explain the cognitive development of the college students who are at the highest position in the “Yang-Huang Cognitive Development Inventory”?
5. What is the spiritual development of the college students who are at the highest position in the “Yang-Huang Cognitive Development Inventory” in Fu-Jen Catholic University? What is the relationship between spiritual development and cognitive development? Why and how these independent variables (include personal factors and campus experiences) explain the spiritual development of the college students who are at the highest position in the “Yang-Huang Cognitive Development Inventory”?
Based on the theories and researches of Perry (1968), Parks (1986, 2000), Pascarella & Terenzini (2005), Yu-Huang (2003c, 2004b), Ruo-Lan Liu (2005), Wen-Bin Chiou (2000, 2002), the instrument of quantitative research, “Yang-Huang Cognitive Development Inventory “ (YHCDI), was developed by the researcher to collect data. Face, content and construct validity were established by a panel of experts, a field test, a pilot study and formal study. The reliability of the instrument was determined by an internal measure of consistency from pilot and formal study. The trustworthiness of qualitative interview was established by prolonged engagement, peer debriefing, member check and self-reflectivity. The personal factors in both cognitive and spiritual development were: gender, age, class rank, socioeconomic status, religion, and major. The campus experiences in cognitive development included: attending courses in interdisciplinary area, academic involvement, faculty-student interaction, and experiences in multiple extra-curriculum activities. The campus experiences in spiritual development included: faculty-student interaction, experiences in multiple extra-curriculum activities, peer interaction, and support from religious group.
The “YHCDI” was administered to 2000 college students who were cluster randomly selected from Fu-Jen Catholic University based upon the proportion of the target population by major and class rank. 1392 respondents were used in the study. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Hierarchical Regression statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data. Furthermore, the qualitative interview was conducted with eight students who were at the highest stage in the “YHCDI” and came from different class rank, gender, major and were willing to be interviewed.
The findings of the research indicate
Quantitative part
1. The cognitive development of college students in Fu-Jen Catholic University follows Perry’s theory with the “dualism” being the lowest position for all grades students, the “multiplicity-relativism” being the highest position for freshmen and sophomores, and “commitment “ being the highest position for juniors and seniors.
2. Personal factors and campus experiences show differences in cognitive development of college students at Fu-Jen Catholic University
(1) For gender, freshmen male are more in “dualism” than female; while, freshmen female are more in “commitment” than male.
(2) For class rank, sophomores are more in “dualism” than juniors; while, seniors are more in “commitment” than sophomores.
(3) For age, 24 + years old group is more in “commitment” than 20 years old group.
(4) For socioeconomic status, the mean score in “commitment” shows higher for students whose parents earn higher education degree than lowers, but not statistically significant.
(5) For religion, students who have religions are more in “dualism” and “commitment” than have none; however, students who don’t have religions are more in “multiplicity-relativism” than do have.
(6) For major, all make significant differences on cognitive development for Fu-Jen Catholic University students.
3. Socioeconomic status, religion, academic involvement, and faculty-student interaction can explain 2.9% of the variance for “dualism;” age, religion, attending courses in interdisciplinary area, academic involvement and experiences in multiple extra-curriculum activities can explain 3.9% of the variance for “multiplicity-relativism;” class rank, age, religion, academic involvement, faculty-student interaction can explain 19.4% of the variance for “commitment.”
Qualitative part
4. The reasons and processes of the impact from personal factors and campus experiences on the cognitive development of eight students who are at the highest position in the “YHCDI” include:
(1) Personal background may advantage or disadvantage the development depending upon the attitude toward the situation.
(2) Personal cognitive development may be growing or defered depending upon the extent of involvement in campus experiences.
(3) The expandedness out of campus experiences may foster or limit the development depending upon the attitude toward the critical events in the life.
5. The spiritual developments of eight students who are at the highest position in the “YHCDI” in Fu-Jen Catholic University are:
(1) The stages of development include: “adolescent/conventional,” “young adult,” and “tested adult.”
(2) There is a positive parallel relationship between spiritual and cognitive development.
(3) The reasons and processes of the impact from personal factors and campus experiences on the spiritual development of eight students who are at the highest position in the “YHCDI” include:
a) Personal background may advantage or disadvantage the development depending upon the attitude toward the situation
b) Personal spiritual development may be growing or defered depending upon the extent of involvement in campus experiences.
c) The expandedness out of campus experiences may foster or limit the development depending upon the attitude toward the critical events in the life.
Based on the findings, recommendations to students, faculty, and administrators of student affairs on practice in improving cognitive and spiritual development of students at Fu-Jen Catholic University are provided. The suggestions for further research are also presented.
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