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研究生: 王靖惠
Wang Ching-Hui
論文名稱: 中年人生命期發展內涵及其影響因素之研究
A Study of the Developmental Components in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults, and their Relevant Influence Factors
指導教授: 林美和
Lin, Mei-Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 中年中年人發展生命期發展內涵
英文關鍵詞: middle age, development in middle-aged adults, developmental structure in the life-course
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:383下載:66
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  • 中 文 摘 要

    系 所:國立台灣師範大學社會教育學系碩士班
    指導教授:林美和 教授



    A Study of the Developmental Components in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults, and their Relevant Influence Factors
    Adviser: Professor Lin Mei-Ho
    Researcher: Wang Ching-Hui

    The main purpose of this study is to examine key developmental components in the life-course of middle-aged adults in Taiwan, and specifically exploring factors that potentially impact and/or predict events in these developmental components during the mid-life period. Based on a review of the relevant literatures concerning mid-life development, this study was conducted by means of a questionnaire, designed by the researcher, entitled "Developmental Issues in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults." The subjects of the survey possess the following characteristics: 40 to 60 years of age, married with one or more children. The sample size is 296. The statistical principles of data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The main findings of the study are as follows:
    1. According to a self-evaluation, the subjects are in a good health.
    2. Four salient developmental components of middle-aged adults can be identified: health and leisure activities, marital and family life, interpersonal and social relationships, and work and career achievement.
    3. The most important factor in explaining differences in life-course development is the subject's health status.
    Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions have been drawn:
    1. Four key dimensions of life-course development identified above are truly important.
    2. The core developmental component for middle-aged adults is marital and family life.
    3. Factors that impact the four components for middle-aged adults include gender, age, educational background, type of occupation and health status.
    4. Health status is the most important factor in predicting the developmental condition for middle-aged adults, and vice versa.
    Based on the above conclusions, this study has proposed several recommendations:
    1. Suggestions for middle-aged adults
    (1) Focusing on the management of the four key developmental components.
    (2) Balancing family life and professional achievement.
    (3) Maintaining a sound state of health, in order to cultivate the energy needed for optimal development.
    (4) Participating in learning activities which fulfill developmental needs.
    2. Suggestions for adult educators
    (1) Designing learning activities according to the above developmental components.
    (2) Providing the varied programs and teaching styles based on middle-aged adults’ characteristics.
    3. Suggestions for further research
    (1) Expanding the scope of subjects to include middle-aged adults with a wider variety of marital statuses, as well as a different number of children.
    (2) Employing methods other than a survey, such as interviews or meta-analysis.
    (3) Adding other variables, such as marital status, geographical location of subjects, family income, number of children, learning conditions, and the timing of specific life events.
    (4) Furthering studies such as mental and spiritual development, personality and emotional management, civic involvement, social responsibility, and career transition could be under consideration.

    目次 第一章 緒 論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究動機4 第三節 研究目的與問題6 第四節 研究方法7 第五節 名詞釋義7 第六節 研究範圍與限制9 第二章 文獻探討11 第一節 中年期成人發展相關理論11 第二節 Levinson等人及Levinson夫婦的生命週期發展理論18 第三節 中年人生命期發展內涵29 第四節 影響中年人生命期發展內涵之因素35 第三章 研究設計與實施41 第一節 研究架構41 第二節 研究假設44 第三節 研究對象44 第四節 研究工具45 第五節 實施程序與資料處理52 第四章 研究結果與討論53 第一節 受試對象基本資料分析53 第二節 中年人生命期發展內涵之分析57 第三節 影響因素變項與中年人生命期發展內涵之分析63 第四節 影響因素變項對中年人生命期發展內涵之預測分析73 第五章 結論與建議77 第一節 研究發現77 第二節 結論80 第三節 研究建議83 參考文獻 89 附錄一 Levinson等人的理論應用研究摘要整理97 附錄二 「中年人生命期發展問卷」專家效度評定表101 附錄三 中年人生命期發展(預試問卷)107 附錄四 中年人生命期發展(正式問卷)111 表 次 表2-1-1 Roger Gould 的中年期發展特性……………………………………13 表2-1-2 Gail Sheehy 的成人期三階段 ………………………………………15 表2-3-1 中年人生命期發展內涵四層面………………………………………31 表3-3-1 受試者分佈及問卷施測情況…………………………………………45 表3-4-1 預試對象分佈及問卷施測情況………………………………………47 表3-4-2 中年人生命期發展問卷預試之項目分析摘要表……………………48 表3-4-3 中年人生命期發展問卷因素分析表…………………………………50 表3-4-4 中年人生命期發展問卷之內部一致性係數…………………………51 表4-1-1 受試者基本資料表……………………………………………………56 表4-2-1 中年人生命期發展情形………………………………………………58 表4-2-2 受試者健康與休閒活動層面之分析…………………………………59 表4-2-3 受試者婚姻與家庭生活層面之分析…………………………………60 表4-2-4 受試者人際與社會關係層面之分析…………………………………61 表4-2-5 受試者工作與事業成就層面之分析(排除未就業)………………62 表4-3-1 不同性別的受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析……………………64 表4-3-2 不同年齡的受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析……………………65 表4-3-3 不同教育程度的受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析………………67 表4-3-4 不同宗教信仰的受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析………………68 表4-3-5 不同職業的受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析(重新分組後)…70 表4-3-6 自覺身心健康狀況的不同受試者生命期發展內涵之差異分析……72 表4-1-1 虛擬迴歸分析結果摘要表……………………………………………74 圖 次 圖2-1-1 Levinson等人提出的早成年及中成年期發展週期………………21 圖3-1-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………………41


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