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研究生: 唐作豪
Tso-Hao Tang
論文名稱: 長期處理methimazole對海馬回神經突觸可塑性的改變,以及縫核和邊緣系統中血清素受器之影響
Chronic treatment of methimazole altered hippocampal synaptic plasticity and expression of serotonin receptors in raphe nuclei and limbic system
指導教授: 呂國棟
Lu, Kwok-Tung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 甲狀腺素功能低落憂鬱症長期增益現像強迫游泳測試海馬迴
英文關鍵詞: hypothyroidism, depression, LTP, forced-swimming test, hippocampus
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:155下載:5
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  • 甲狀腺素為調節生理代謝作用的重要激素,先前動物研究也顯示,成年大鼠甲狀腺機能減退,可能會影響大腦中血清素系統的功能並誘發憂鬱行為的表現。本實驗的主要目的:1. 利用甲狀腺摘除,或是長期在飲水中添加methimazole所建立甲狀腺功能低落的動物模式,並以real-time PCR來觀察大鼠多個腦區(包括縫核、海馬迴、杏仁核及中側前額葉內),相關血清素受體表現量的變化;2. 觀察長期給予methimazole所誘發之動物類憂鬱行為;及3. 長期給予methimazole對大鼠海馬迴神經可塑性的影響。


    Thyroid hormones play an essential and critical role for metabolism, growth, and tissue differentiation in chordate. Thyroid dysfunction such as hypothyroidism is a frequent disease in adults, leading to neurological symptoms and emotional disease including depression. The interaction between thyroid hormones and serotonin of central nervous system may account for it. The present study was aimed to: 1. Determine the expression level of serotonin receptors including 5HT1A, 5HT2A, 5HT2C, 5HT3A, and serotonin transporter (SERT) in hippocampus, amygdala, raphe nuclei, and medial prefrontal cortex in the hypothyroid rat induced by thyroidectomy or chronic treatment of methimazole (MMI) by using real time PCR. 2. Elucidate the depression-like behavior in the chronic MMI treated rats. 3. Evaluate the hippocampal neuroplasticity in the chronic MMI treated rats.

    Results showed the mRNA level of 5-HT1A was increased in raphe nuclei, and the mRNAs of 5-HT2C receptor and SERT were increased in hippocampus of the thyroidectomized or MMI-treated animals. Furthermore, chronic MMI treatment also induced depression-like behavior in the rats that showed a longer time of immobility in the forced-swimming test. Additionally, the glutamatergic neuroplasity in the hippocampal CA1 region was also altered in the chronic MMI treated rats. The hippocampal LTP formation and LTD had been impaired and enhanced respectively. These changes can be restored by administration of partial glutamate NMDA receptor agonist d-cycloserine. In conclusion, we found that hypothyroid status changed expression of serotonin receptors in the raphe nuclei and limbic system, and significantly affected glutamatergic neuroplasticity.
    Keywords: hypothyroididm, serotonin, depression, hippocampus, LTP, forced-swimming test

    Abbreviation Table ___________________________________ III List of Figures ______________________________________ IV Abstract in Chinese __________________________________ V Abstract in English __________________________________ VI Chapter1 Introduction _________________________________________ 1 Preface ______________________________________________ 2 1.1 The regulation of thyroid hormones _______________ 2 1.2 The metabolism of thyroid hormones _______________ 3 1.3 The effect of thyroid hormones in mind ___________ 4 1.4 Thyroid hormones and neurotransmitters ___________ 5 1.5 Depression and antidepressant ____________________ 7 1.6 Hippocampus and depression _______________________ 11 1.7 The role of thyroid hormones in depression _______ 12 1.8 Aim of this studies ______________________________ 14 2. Table _____________________________________________ 15 Chapter 2 Thyroidectomy induced hypothyroid status on the expression of serotonin receptors in raphe nuclei and limbic system ______________________________________________________ 17 1. Introduction ______________________________________ 18 2. Materials and methods _____________________________ 19 3. Results ___________________________________________ 22 4. Discussion ________________________________________ 24 5. Tables and figures ________________________________ 32 Chapter 3 The distribution of serotoninergic receptors in hypothyroid female rats induced by methimazole treatment and the neuroplasity in hippocampus __________________________ 36 1. Introduction ______________________________________ 37 2. Materials and methods _____________________________ 40 3. Results ___________________________________________ 45 4. Discussion ________________________________________ 51 5. Figures ___________________________________________ 56 Chapter 4 Summary and conclusion _______________________________ 63 References ___________________________________________ 68 Appendix (published papers) __________________________ 87

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