簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 凌蕙蕙
Ling, Hui-Hui
論文名稱: 繽紛‧四季-凌蕙蕙夢幻炫彩創作論述
Colorfulness and Four Seasons-The Discourse of Fantasy Creation in Polychrome
指導教授: 李振明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 繽紛四季夢幻炫彩色彩意象
英文關鍵詞: colorfulness, four seasons, fantasy, colorful, color image
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000470
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:100下載:20
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  • 大自然美景是最佳創作的靈動,隨者四季不同的氣候轉換,繽紛色彩的變化無窮,如此的美輪美奐,夢幻般的景色,在在表現於不同的季節裡。

    The beauty of nature is the inspiration for the best art creation. As the four seasons shift with climate - changing, the colorful tinges change endlessly. Such beautiful and fantastic sceneries are expressed in different seasons.
    Spring is prosperous , summer is green and sunny, autumn leaves are bleak, winter is gloomy and dim ; and there are also strong sunlight, beautful moonlight, dark night,romantic hazy fog, thunderstorm and white snow. The natural sceneries of four seasons are the best themes for paintings, and they are also excellent for the creations of poets of ancient and modern China and other countries. Artists use four seasons as the poetic theme,whatever in drama, stage background, installation art, package design and window design. The color-image of four seasons is an indispensable ideal material.
    The author loves nature and has traveled through many countries during all kinds of four seasons. The theme of this thesis is “Colorful Four Seasons”. The composition is mainly composed of trees and flowers , and the colors are emphasized on the differences among all seasons. The creative contents are expressed in a dreamy situation with insects and animals making the pictures more lively and romantic,reiterating the change of leaves, flowers and earth in varied seasons.
    The author has actually visited many countries, and taken pictures, and sketched them up. Different colors are produced due to the varied seasons. The colorful four seasons are the scope of the author's discussion. I've also read and referred to the relevant creation of the painters,and then the actual locations of creations. Taking photographs can stimulate creative inspirations , and I hope that my work will be favored and resonated with my viewers.
    This thesis contains five chapters in all. It will explore the artistic imagery of colorfulness and four seasens , color psychology , seasonal plant color image and symbolic meaning of psychology,delicate image associations of four seasons, Chinese and Western Four Seasons ----- artistic expressions related to creation , so as to study the creative concepts and the form analysis of the Four Seasens. Creative series of “Splendor”, “Colorfulness” , “Impression” , “Blossoming”, and “Fantasy”, are deducing the author's research process , creative thinking and future prospects being explored.The reflections and personal perspectives of “ tradition and modernity”, Eastern and Western Arts , and research and creation of works that break through past painting forms and styles are expected to get resonations.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目次 v 圖次 vii 作品圖次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 2 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 創作學理依據 10 第一節 色彩心理學與四季植物色系形象與心理學的象徵意義 10 第二節 四季景緻的意象聯想 14 第三章 東、西方四季創作相關之藝術表現 17 第一節 春的藝術表現 17 第二節 夏的藝術表現 19 第三節 秋的藝術表現 22 第四節 冬的藝術表現 24 第五節 搜羅東、西方,尋找藝術知音並比較 26 第四章 創作理念與作品解析 32 第一節 《璀璨系列》1-4 34 第二節 《繽紛系列》5-8 42 第三節 《印象系列》9-12 50 第四節 《繁華系列》13-16 58 第五節 《夢幻系列》17-20 66 第五章 結論 74 第一節 創作省思 74 第二節 未來展望 75 參考文獻 76


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    3. 陳瓊花,《藝術概論》,台北:三民書局,1995出版。
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    5. 戴孟宗Dr. Mengtsung Tai編著,《現代色彩學:色彩理論、感知與應用》,台北:全華圖書公司,2015年。
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    2. 王美美(2018),《花漾‧蝶舞-王美美意象彩墨創作論述》,國立台灣師範大學美術學系在職碩士班國畫組碩士論文
    3. 邵曼琦(2019),《靈動虛幻與現實意境融合-邵曼琦水墨繪畫創作論述》,國立台灣師範大學美術學系在職碩士班國畫組碩士論文。

    1. 〈繽紛〉《百科百度》網站。取自:https://mr.baidu.com/fr7oxyi?f=cp&u=d68d4d2688d08d0c,2019/07/24。
    2. 〈夢幻〉《百科百度》網站。取自:https://mr.baidu.com/5r9kic1?f=cp&u=7039eb86278db88a,2019/07/24。
    3. 〈炫彩〉《百度百科》網站。取自:https://mr.baidu.com/zcz2d2f?f=cp&u=d360925ed863eb4b,2019/07/25。
    4. 〈藝術網〉,《百度百科》網站。取自:https://m-news.artron.net/20160714/n851025.html,2019/09/10。
    5. 〈讀古詩詞網〉。取自:https://fanti.dugushici.com/ancient_proses/5624,2019/08/20。
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    9. 〈讀古詩詞網〉。取自:https://fanti.dugushici.com/ancient_proses/70362,2019/08/20。
