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研究生: 張立橋
論文名稱: 狂喜--一個關於搖頭丸使用的質性研究
指導教授: 黃淑貞
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: MDMA搖頭丸質性研究
英文關鍵詞: MDMA,, Ecstasy, Qualitative Research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:0
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  • 摘要
    研究發現:搖頭丸使用者與我們過去所習得的嗑藥者形象不同,使用搖頭丸的開端是因為朋友推薦,之後則是為了搖頭丸所帶來的快感與滿足、以及為了進入舞場或社交場所的氛圍。使用者共同的體驗是:放鬆、愉悅、快樂,容易與人交友,感官放大、感受增強。有受訪者表示曾有幻聽與幻視的經驗,創造力增加。也有受訪者表示會增強記憶力、縮短反應時間,但長期使用下來記憶力反而會減退。受訪者也認為嗑過搖頭丸的人都會變得比較開朗,願意與人交朋友,交友圈會擴大。藥效退去之後,受訪者的體驗是,生理上會很疲倦、反應速度變慢、有時還會有憂鬱的現象。搖頭丸對使用者的好處還因為比喝酒便宜,所以省錢;也可以取代咖啡,當作是白天工作提神的東西。受訪者還認為這波搖頭丸的流行帶動了相關的週邊產業活動,以及健身的風氣。受訪者所提到的負面作用,則是搖頭之後第二天的疲勞、失眠、反應變慢等等,以及長期使用可能出現的記憶力減退等。受訪者自己分析認為,造成心理依賴的原因,是現代人所常常感受到的空虛、寂寞與疏離。所以,Ecstasy Party是受訪者重要的、固定的社交生活。
    建議增加學校與社區方面的心理衛生教育,藥物教育則應該給予充足而豐富的資訊,不因意識形態而選擇誇大、或隱藏某些資料。在未來的研究建議方面,藥物效果的研究應持續,使用者方面則可以世代研究(cohort study)方法持續追蹤研究。不過,「數字不會說話,會說話的是研究者。」面對藥物,研究者能否客觀公正,會不會成為政客反毒作秀的幫手,或是道德糖衣的打手呢?這是未來藥物研究者必須謹慎小心面對的課題。

    MDMA at first was made by German’s drug factory. 70 to 80, some scientists thought MDMA could help to psychotherapy. After that, MDMA was been taken out its scientific name and mending part, enter a new field: Just chasing happiness, and became popular duct at street vendor. The government of Unite States put MDMA into 1st controlled drugs in 1985. Taiwan put it into 2nd controlled drug and 2nd narcotics.

    The writer doesn’t want this research is teaching, criticized. So, this research wants to receive report from young people who uses MDMA and then have a deeply conversation by qualitative research ways. No criminal or patient’s way but hope showing the fact of people who uses MDMA.

    This research has found: People who use MDMA are different from other drug abusers we used knew. The reason that makes them use MDMA is there friends, after that is because the happiness and satisfaction which MDMA effect, and dancing clubs or other parties. Users all said that use MDMA can bring relaxation, happiness, can make friends easily, feel more, and see more. Some clients said they have some experiences of hallucination in listening and the sense of sight, and are more creative. Someone said they feel they can remember more and react quickly, but long time past, remembrance will be fewer. Interviewer also said that take MDMA really can make people more broad-minded and outspoken, more friendly, and then have more friends. After the MDMA effect gone, their experience is feeling tired easily, reaction slowly, and feeling depressed. The positive part of MDMA effect for users is it’s cheaper than alcohol, also can instead coffee to make themselve feel strong in the office. They thought this popular of MDMA has made other industries alive, like water, beverage and GYM. The negative part of MDMA effects, clients said, is tired in the second day, sleepless, reaction slowly, and worse memorize after using MDMA for long time. Clients thought, the reason users depend on MDMA is feeling lonely, empty. So, ecstasy parties are the important and routine social contact of clients.
    Suggestion that school and community psychotherapy education should be more enforced. Drug education should give people abundant and enough information, cannot lie or hide something by ideology. For the future research, the effect of MDMA should be continued, especially in cohort study.
    But, “words can’t speak, only researchers.” for the drug study, researchers can be fair enough? This is a question that drug researcher should pay more attention on it.
