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研究生: 陳怡伶
Chen Iling
論文名稱: 約翰克理蘭《歡場女子回憶錄》中的婚姻與娼妓
Marriage and Prostitution in John Cleland’s Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
指導教授: 史文生
Frank Stevenson
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 妓女敘事婚姻個體性性別角色
英文關鍵詞: prostitute narrative, marriage, individuality, gender roles
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:76下載:4
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  • 本文探討約翰克理蘭《歡場女子回憶錄》中對娼妓的刻畫及其歷史背景。筆者首先研究十八世紀倫敦娼妓的工作情況及當時正在轉變中的妓女形象。接著,文中將分析克理蘭如何挪用當時社會改革者的妓女論述及浪蕩者的哲學來形塑小說中既善良又淫蕩的妓女。最後,筆者試圖以小說中女主角妓女及已婚婦女的身份來批判當時興起的伴侶式婚姻 (companionate marriage)。小說中對男性掌控女性肉體的描述一再強化,其實是彰顯了現實社會中兩性的不平等。此外,由於克理蘭將布爾喬亞的道德觀夾雜在他的對妓女的情色描寫中,兩相衝突的意識型態除了批判彼此對性別角色的論述,也揭露了女性在被視為丈夫的伴侶及慈愛母親的同時,也喪失了個人主體性。

    This thesis aims to explore the construction of the prostitute figure in John Cleland‘s Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by looking into its historical background. I will first focus on the actual practice of the sex trade in eighteenth-century London and the changing image of the prostitute. Then, I will discuss Cleland‘s appropriation of the reformist prostitute narrative and the libertine philosophy in order to create the character of a virtuous whore. Finally, I will attempt to show how the female protagonist‘s identity as a prostitute and a wife provides a critical view of the middle class ideal of the companionate‖ marriage. I argue that the essentialization of male dominance over the female body in Cleland‘s portrayal of prostitution reveals the inequality of gender relations in the society in general. Furthermore, I suggest that by incorporating bourgeois morality into his erotic portrayal of prostitution, he is questioning the presupposed gender attributes and disclosing woman‘s lack of individuality in her role as the companion of her husband and the loving mother of her children.

    Abstract in Chinese i Abstract in English ii Acknowledgements iii Introduction 1 Chapter One: Eighteenth-century Prostitution in London 14 1. The Practice of Prostitution 14 2. Two Prostitute Archetypes and the Transformation of Gender Roles 25 Chapter Two: Cleland’s Construction of the Prostitute Figure 32 1. Cleland’s Construction of a Virtuous Whore 34 2. Cleland’s Construction of a Libertine Whore 45 Chapter Three: Prostitute Identity and Marriage 51 Conclusion 69 Work Cited 75

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