研究生: |
熊青泓 Hsiung, Ching-Hong |
論文名稱: |
綠色運具涉入程度對緩慢旅遊行為意向影響之研究 A Study of the Effect of Green Transportation Involvement to Slow Tourism Behavior Intention |
指導教授: |
Chen, Dun-Ji |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 117 |
中文關鍵詞: | 緩慢旅遊 、綠色運具 、計畫行為理論 、涉入理論 、市場區隔 |
英文關鍵詞: | Slow Tourism, Green Transportation, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Involve Theory, Market Segmentation Analysis |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:335 下載:8 |
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本研究針對台北市居民為問卷施測對象,共計發放550份問卷,回收518份有效問卷,有效回收率達94.2%。以統計套裝軟體SPSS 20.0與Amos 17.0進行敘述性分析、差異性分析、集群分析、驗證性因素分析及整體結構模式分析。研究結果顯示態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制均顯著且正向影響緩慢旅遊行為意向,其中以知覺行為控制之影響最顯著;綠色運具涉入程度對於主觀規範與緩慢旅遊行為意向具有部分中介效果;綠色運具涉入程度對於知覺行為控制與緩慢旅遊行為意向具有部分中介效果。以緩慢旅遊行為意向區分出高、中、低三種意願集群,發現三個族群在年齡、教育程度、個人所得、旅遊型態及國內外旅遊次數均有顯著差異。最後根據研究結果對相關旅遊業者提出管理實務建議,並對後續研究提出學術上的建議。
Slow tourism is one of the rising travel patterns due to the expansion of the tourism market. Slow tourism emphasize on slowing down your own pace during the travel in order to experience and observe the things deeply besides. Besides, it also takes the environmental protection into consideration. As lots of research all indicate that slow tourism emphasized on using the mode that will do less harm to the environment, we can take green transportation as an important influential factor to slow tourism. Hence, the purpose of the research is to explore the behavioral factors underlying tourist intentions to participate in slow tourism. The analytical framework relied on the Theory of Planned Behavior relating tourist intentions to attitudes toward slow tourism, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Besides, analyzed the mediation effect of the green transportation involvement. Also, use market segmentation analysis to find out the characteristic of the slow tourism market.
The empirical research has been realized in Taipei, 550 questionnaires were distributed and 518 of them were valid, with 94.2% effective return rate. Analyzed the data using descriptive statistic analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA Cluster analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis and structural equation modeling.
The result of the research showed that attitudes, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control all significant contribute to the participation of behavioral intention, in which perceived behavioral control will be the most influential. The involvement of green transportation has significant partial mediation effect on subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The Cluster analysis showed that there are significant differences between the three clusters such as the age, educational degree and personal income etc. Finally, based on the result several concrete advices for the travel agencies and future related study were suggested.
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