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研究生: 吳依蓁
論文名稱: 使用參考工具對搭配詞學習之成效:以台灣英語學習者為例
The Effects of Using Referencing Tools on Collocation Learning: A Case Study Based on Taiwanese EFL Learners
指導教授: 陳浩然
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 搭配詞搭配詞參考工具字典搭配詞字典搭配詞索引
英文關鍵詞: collocation, collocation referencing tool, dictionary, collocation dictionary, collocation retrieval tool
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:230下載:24
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  • 隨著語言教學研究發展的精進,越來越多研究結果顯示搭配詞的教學不僅能幫助學習者增進單字量,還可以提升單字運用能力,進而幫助聽說讀寫各方面能力。除一般課堂教學外,學習者如能運用合適的參考工具輔助學習搭配詞,必能收事半功倍之效。因此,探討何種參考工具適合輔助英語學習者學習搭配詞有其必要性。
    本篇研究旨在探討台灣高中生透過字典、搭配詞辭典及搭配詞索引,學習英語動詞名詞搭配詞的成效差異。受試者為一百一十位高二普通班學生,英語程度介於中級到中高級之間,分別被指派使用朗文線上字典(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)、牛津搭配詞辭典(Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English)、和線上搭配詞索引Webcollocate。測驗工具為一份由研究者設計的三十題搭配詞填空。測驗分為: 前測、後測及在使用搭配詞輔助工具的情況下填寫的測驗。
    實驗共為期四週: 第一週—學生分別在未使用任何輔助工具的情況下完成前測。第二週—學生利用參考工具完成測驗,並於測驗完成後,填寫一份問卷,針對學生的搭配詞背景知識,搭配詞學習型態,及使用參考工具後的感想。第四週—為了解受試者在使用搭配詞輔助工具後的學習成效,在隔了一週後,受試者接受後測。
    造成以上結果差異的原因有三: 第一、朗文雖為一般目的字典,但它不僅提供單字定義解釋、足夠的例句顯示該搭配詞的適用情境,還有依該字的慣用搭配詞欄位,讓受試者能快速瀏覽其搭配詞,並透過其簡短解釋與例句,立即判斷該搭配詞的用法。在另一方面,牛津雖為搭配詞辭典,但因目標使用者預設為英語能力中高或高級程度的使用者,所以辭典裡沒有給單字定義解釋,此外,因意義相似的搭配詞皆列在一起,又無充足的例句供使用者分析判斷。至於Webcollocate,雖沒有單字定義解釋,但有字頻及大量的語料例句供使用者閱讀判斷。另外Webcollocate因為需要較長的網路處理時間,並且花時間閱讀一筆筆語料分析決定最適合的搭配詞,對使用者而言,需耗費較多時間查詢搭配詞,因此成效雖沒有陳列明確搭配詞欄位且資料處理快速的朗文佳,但仍比缺乏字義解釋及例句的牛津好。所以於本篇研究中,相較於牛津與Webcollocate,朗文反而較適合英文程度為中級的高中生使用。

    Recently, more and more studies have revealed that collocation learning can enhance not only the learners’ vocabulary bank but also their ability of word use, and thus improve their overall language skills in the long run. Besides the lectures and exercises on collocations given by English teachers in class, appropriate referencing tools can also be applied to helping students learn collocations. Online referencing tools such as general dictionaries, collocation dictionaries, and collocation retrieval tools are considered useful and reachable for learners. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on investigating which type of referencing tool is more effective and how it can be applied to improve students’ collocation learning.
    The present research is to investigate the effect of using online/electronic dictionary, collocation dictionary, and collocation retrieval tool on Taiwanese senior high school students’ collocation learning. The participants were 110 high school students (3 classes) with intermediate level. Each class was respectively assigned to use one collocation referencing tool—Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE), Oxford Collocation Dictionary of English (OCDE), and Webcollocate (WEBC)—to take a test containing 30 items of collocation blank-filling.
    The overall process of the experiment lasted 4 weeks: a pretest was conducted in the first week to check the students’ knowledge of collocation before the treatment. Three classes of participants were asked to take the test without any assistance of collocation referencing tools. In the second week, the participants could use the assigned collocation referencing tool to do a fifty-minute collocation task and a questionnaire on their perceptions of the assigned collocation referencing tool. In the fourth week, the posttest was conducted to check the effect of the referencing tools on the participants’ collocation ability.
    Results showed the LDCE group got the highest scores in the treatment task. As to the retention, the WEBC group performed the best in the posttest, though not significantly. The OCDE group did not score as well as the other two groups in any of the tests and the task.
    Six vital factors were found contributing to the success rate of the LDCE group. First, a clear layout, including the bright color and the boldface type for collocations, facilitated the searching process. Second, simple but essential explanations of the collocations seemed necessary for learners of intermediate proficiency level to decide the proper collocates. Third, adequate example sentences helped the participants make sure the right usage of collocations through the context of the example sentences. Fourth, the collocation box covering the most commonly-used collocations made it fast and convenient to search for the right answers. Fifth, the numbers of collocations provided in LDCE were not too large to overwhelm the participants. Only the most frequently used collocations were presented in LDCE. Last but not least, the LDCE’s speed of searching process was high so that the users could receive the answers in a limited of time.
    Despite the inferior performance of the task, the OCDE group still held a rather positive attitude toward the collocation dictionary. They regarded it as a useful and authoritative dictionary with rich content. In general, most of the participants in the three groups all expressed their willingness to learn different types of collocations with the assistance of the referencing tools.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要 i ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE INRODUCTION 10 Background 10 Purpose of the Study 16 Significance of the Study 17 Organization of the Study 18 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 19 The Definitions of Collocation 19 Collocations in Language Learning 22 The importance of collocation learning. 22 Learners’ difficulties in collocation learning. 24 Collocation Learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning 38 Electronic dictionaries in collocation learning. 39 Corpora and concordancers in collocation learning. 42 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 62 The Overall Design 62 Participants 63 Instruments 63 Tools 64 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English (OCDE). 64 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE). 68 WebCollocate--wikipedia edition (WEBC). 71 Experimental Procedure 74 Data Collocation and Analysis 76 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 78 Results of the Tests and the Task 78 Results of the pretest. 78 Results of the treatment task. 79 Results of the posttest. 79 The comparison of the scores for the tests and the treatment task. 80 The differences in the correct rates of each item among the groups. 81 Results of the Questionnaire 82 Results of the perceptions. 82 Results of the written comments. 88 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSIONS 92 Reasons for the Differences Among Groups in the Treatment Task 92 Clear layout. 93 Simple but essential explanations. 96 Adequate example sentences. 101 Explicit collocation boxes. 102 The number of collocations provided. 104 The speed of information processing. 106 Reasons for the Differences Among Groups in Collocation Retentions 107 Perceptions and Characteristics of the Referencing Tools 108 The students’ perceptions of the referencing tools. 108 Strengths and weakness of the referencing tools. 112 Conclusions 114 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSIONS 116 Summary of the Major Findings 116 Pedagogical Implications 119 Limitations and Directions for Future Research 120 REFERENCES 123 APPENDIX A Collocation Test 132 APPENDIX B Questionnaire 136

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