研究生: |
李希揚 |
論文名稱: |
我國教育事業民營化之研究 |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 241頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 民營化 、教育事業民營化 、契約外包 、BOT |
英文關鍵詞: | privatization, the privatization of education, contracting out, BOT |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:759 下載:0 |
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一、 教育事業民營化的主要內涵在於強調由公部門至私部門的移轉過程,並經由這樣的過程來滿足其動機背景的需求,最後達成教育事業民營化的三大目標:增加多元選擇機會、促進資源合理分配使用、及提昇教育品質。
一、 教育事業民營化必須以經濟學理論、公共組織理論、及法律的觀點作為其實施上的重要考量與理論依據。
一、 實施教育事業民營化須要具備一些條件,這些條件主要包括經濟、法律、選擇權、誘因、競爭環境、民間經營能力等六項,並且這些條件有賴整個國家、社會、政府、與民間來共同完備。
一、 教育事業民營化的實施模式甚多,各種模式有其特點,政府在選取實施模式上,應考量這些特點再加以權宜應用。
一、 教育事業民營化的限制在時間上,有發生在實施的前期、中期、與後期;在所涉層面上,則主要包括四個層面的限制:共識不足、國家對教育應有的責任、民營化對教育產生衝擊、及其他相關問題所產生的限制等,有賴實施相關策略來加以克服。
一、 為使教育事業民營化的實施順利而有效,必須有一套相應的策略,此策略主要包括實施程序的規劃與配合措施的推動。
一、 教育事業民營化已成為世界各國教育改革的重要趨勢與方向,我國雖然尚未形成具體的政策,但已有相關的計劃陸續推出,並有部份法律朝此方向修訂,綜觀未來在我國實施的可能性極高,本研究的受訪者亦普遍對此持贊成肯定的態度。
一、 政府應即早對我國教育事業的民營化進行全面通盤的研究,並積極著手逐步推動實施。
一、 教育事業民營化的目標雖是多元的,但在實施時仍應首先考量教育本身的特性,尤其應堅守教育理念、維護教育環境,並以提昇教育品質作為最優先目標。
一、 推動教育事業民營化必須以法律為基礎,因此政府宜積極制定及修訂相關的法律規範。
一、 在推動教育事業民營化前,應先盡力滿足各項實施條件的基本要求。
一、 政府在選取教育事業民營化的實施模式時,應考量各種模式的特點,再依整體教育環境與個別情境的需要權宜採用。在當前諸多實施模式中以契約外包模式最可行;BOT模式較不可行。
一、 我國在推動教育事業民營化時,應根據一定的程序循序進行。
一、 政府在實施教育事業民營化的過程中,應事先針對所可能面臨的限制,提出一套策略或配合措施以為因應。
一、 政府應以幼兒教育、成人教育、正規補習教育或高中職以上教育作為優先實施民營化的對象,至於民營化的程度應視實際需要決定。
一、 政府在推動教育事業民營化的過程中,應逐漸將其角色由集權者、生產者轉變為分權者與催化者。
二、 民營化之後政府仍應負起監督的責任,積極維護教育市場的秩序並有效確保公平正義。
The goals of this research are to clarify the meaning, purpose and background of education privatization. Then, the themes are discussed including the education privatization's related theories, required condition, applied modules, possible limitations and necessary strategies. At last, based on the research's results, the concrete recommendations are proposed as the reference of improvement or promotion for relative institutes.
To achieve the above goals, the research adopts the methodology of literature analysis and interview one. Firstly, through literature analysis, education privatization's meaning, purpose, background, related theories, condition, modules, limitations, strategy are discussed, as well as the promotion in our country and else. Secondly, interview analysis not only helps readers to understand the opinion of interviewees in different fields, but also underpin former literature analysis.
From the adopted methodology above, the author comes up the following conclusions.
1. Education privatization stresses the shift from public sectors to private ones; then the demand corresponding its background can be satisfied to achieve three goals: wider range options, better resources allocation, and education quality.
2. The theories concerning economics, public organization and law should be highly considerate for education privatization's implementation.
3. To implement education privatization, it includes 6 factors: economy, law, option, attraction, competitive environment and private operation ability; these factors can only be fulfilled by coordinated country, society, public and private sectors as a whole.
4. There are many modules with different characteristics for education privatization. Before choosing specific modules, government should consider their features expediently.
5. Viewing limitation of education privatization, there are beginning, middle, ending stage in the process. As for level, there four ones: insufficient consensus, country's responsibility upon education, privatization's shock against education, and other related problems.
6. To implement education privatization, it is necessary to have a series of corresponding strategies including procedure planning and coordinated practice.
7. Education privatization has shaped the important trend in worldwide education reform. Though our country hasn't come out concrete policy yet, relative projects are promoted gradually, and parts of law are revised accordingly. In the long-term view, it is possible to put education privatization into practice, which interviews commonly hold the positive attitude.
Finally, the research suggests the following points for education privatization in our country.
1. Government should initiate overall research on education privatization, and take active moves for its implementation gradually.
2. Though education privatization's goals are multifarious, its characteristics need to be considered firstly, such as firm educational ideal, maintaining educational environment, and educational quality as the priority.
3. Government has to set up and revise the related law, as education privatization's implementation has to base on law.
4. The basic requirements will be better to fulfilled completely before education privatization's implementation.
5. Government should consider different modules' traits according to the needs of both educational environment and particular situation.
6. It is necessary to follow the proper procedure to implement education privatization.
7. When implementing education privatization, government needs to establish a series of strategies for corresponding limitations.
8. Government should prioritize childhood education, adult education, formal cram school, or senior high school as the object of education privatization's implementation. As for the level of education privatization, it depends on the actual demand.
9. In the process of education privatization, government should shift its role from ruler to facilitator.
10. After education privatization, government should take the responsibility of supervision to maintain the order of education market and ensure the justice.
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