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研究生: 陳韻如
Chen, Yun-Ju
論文名稱: 幼兒父親父職參與之影響因素-生態系統理論觀點的模式建構
Building A Paternal Involvement Model of Preschoolers’ Fathers: Ecological Systems Theory Perspective
指導教授: 廖鳳瑞
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 生態系統理論父職參與幼兒父親結構方程模式
英文關鍵詞: Ecological System Theory, Paternal Involvement, Preschoolers’ Fathers, Structural Equation Modeling
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204990
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:45
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  • 本研究主要目的有二:(一)依據生態系統理論與過去研究發現,建構「生態系統父職參與影響因素關係模式」,並以實徵資料考驗模式的適配情形。(二)探討「生態系統父職參與影響因素關係模式」中幼兒父親父職參與的各系統因素間的關聯性。為達上述目的,本研究者以問卷調查法及分層叢集按比例隨機抽樣方法進行,運用「父職參與量表」、「父職承諾量表」、「夫妻關係量表」、「配偶支持量表」、「工作對家庭的衝突量表」、「配偶社交圈之父職參與情形量表」與「現代性量表」為工具,收集國內496位家有就讀立案幼兒園幼兒、與配偶同住且有全職工作的幼兒父親資料,運用兩階段結構方程模式,進行測量模式與結構模式的評估分析。








    The purposes of the present research aimed to: (a) construct a paternal involvement model of preschoolers’ fathers from Ecological Systems Theory perspective, and test the model with an empirical model-fitting analysis; (b) explore the relationships between the systems variables in the present model. Paternal involvement, fatherhood commitment, marital satisfaction, spousal support, work-to-family conflict, paternal involvemen of spousal social sphere, and modernity were the main varuables to measure the performance of 496 Taiwanese preschoolers’ fathers who has full-time job and live with spouse. The results were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling to evaluate the Measurement Model and Structural Model.

    The principal findings of the present study include:

    1.The results supported the present model of paternal involvement of preschooler’s fathers.

    2.The relationships between variables:

    (1) Fatherhood commitment (micro-system factor) and work-to-family conflict (meso-system factor) had direct effect on paternal involvement. Spousal support, marital satisfaction (micro-system factor), paternal involvemen of spousal social sphere (exo-system factor) and modernity (macro-system factor) had no direct effect on paternal involvement.

    (2) Fatherhood commitment was the most effective factor toward fatherhood commitment. Spousal support had indirect effect on paternal involvement through fatherhood commitment and marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction had no indirect effect on paternal involvement through fatherhood commitment. Furthermore, spousal support had partial indirect effect on patherhood commitment through marital satisfaction.

    (3) As to the relationships between variables of different systems, the present study discovered that macro-system had indirect effect on paternal involvement through micro-system. In addition, exo-system had indirect effect on paternal involvement through micro-system as well as meso-system. Those findings fundamentally correspond cardinal principle of Ecological System Theory that human development is a product of interaction between the growing human organism and its environments.

    The present study was based on a systematic viewpoint to provide more particular knowledge of the relationships between influencing factors of paternal involvement. According to the above results, recommendations for future research and implications for parent education were discussed.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 10 第三節 名詞釋義 11 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 幼兒階段的父職參與 15 第二節 父職參與影響因素相關論述 20 第三節 由生態系統理論彙整過去研究發現 25 第四節 跨系統間的因素關係 42 第三章 研究方法 49 第一節 研究架構 50 第二節 研究對象 52 第三節 研究工具 54 第四節 資料分析 82 第四章 研究結果 91 第一節 各變項得分情形與父職參與差異檢定 91 第二節 生態系統父職參與影響因素關係模式整體考驗 94 第三節 各變項間的關聯性探討 100 第四節 模式的穩定性考驗 109 第五章 討論與建議 113 第一節 研究結果與討論 113 第二節 研究限制、貢獻與建議 119 參考文獻 125 附錄一:研究參與同意書 144 附錄二:正式問卷 145 附錄三:第一次內容效度問卷 150 附錄四:第二次內容效度問卷 157 附錄五:量表各題項得分情形 165

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