研究生: |
呂柏緯 Lue Boi-Wei |
論文名稱: |
由粒線體16S rDNA核酸序列分析褸網蜘蛛之親緣關係 Molecular and Phylogenetic Analysis of Mitochondrial 16S rDNA of Pscherid Spiders |
指導教授: |
Fang, Kang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 粒線體16S rDNA 、褸網蜘蛛 、親緣關係 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:512 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
臺灣產褸網蜘蛛 (Psechridae) 為臺灣六科篩疣類 (cribellate) 蜘蛛中體型最大的蜘蛛,會結大型的漏斗網 (funnel web),網的長度可達一公尺以上,且雌蜘蛛會以螯肢 (chelicera) 攜帶卵囊,表現護幼的行為 (Levi, 1982)。先前文獻記載認為篩疣類蜘蛛及無篩疣類蜘蛛有顯著不同親緣關係,而部分學者根據褸網蜘蛛的護幼行為,網的形狀及眼睛構造,認為篩疣類的褸網蜘蛛科應與無篩疣類的狼蜘科 (Lycosidae),跑蜘科 (Pisauridae),絞蜘科 (Ctenidae),貓蜘科(Oxyopidae) 等有較近的親緣關係,並將之合併稱為狼蜘總科 (Lycosoidae) (Coddington and Levi, 1991),但缺乏更進一步的證據支持此一假說。本論文以分子生物方式,利用粒線體 16S rDNA 核酸序列,探討新疣亞目中篩疣類的褸網蜘蛛 (Psechrus sp.)、膝形渦蜘 (Zosis geniculatus) 與無篩疣類的人面蜘蛛 (Nephila maculata)、溪跑蜘 (Dolomedes raptor)、黑腹狼蜘 (Lycosa coelestis)、沙地豹蜘 (Pardosa takahashii) 及斜紋貓蜘 (Oxyopes sertatus) 的親緣關係,並以原疣亞目的赫爾絲特上戶蜘蛛 (Macrothele holsti) 為外群,另外將前人發表的豹蜘 (Pardosa agrestis)、跑蜘 (Dolomedes fimbriatus)、袋蜘(Clubiona pallidula)、絞蜘 (Cupiennius salei; Cupiennius getazi; Cupiennius coccineus) 等一併加入分析。由序列相似度 (homology),序列歧異度(divergence),轉換顛換比 (transition over transversion) 及南方吸漬雜交 (southern blot) 等分析結果均顯示,篩疣類的褸網蜘與無篩疣類的狼蜘、跑蜘、貓蜘、絞蜘的序列較相近,而與同為篩疣類的渦蜘 (Zosis geniculatus) 序列差異較大。再由Neighbor-Joining及 Wagner parsimony繪出的親緣關係樹可得知,篩疣類的褸網蜘蛛和無篩疣類的狼蜘、跑蜘、貓蜘、絞蜘等,均被歸類在一起,而篩疣類的褸網蜘與渦蜘不應被歸類在一起,證實了篩疣類蜘蛛為多系群,也證實了褸網蜘與狼蜘、跑蜘、貓蜘及絞蜘的親緣關係較近而與同為篩疣類的渦蜘親緣關係較遠,且由 16S rDNA 序列分析臺灣褸網蜘蛛已有分化的跡象,未來仍應再由其它標記作更明確的分析。
Psechrid spiders are the largest among six cribellate families in Taiwan. They are characterized by their funnel webs of more than a meter wide and carry their eggs with chelicera. Among them, the Psechridae are born with nursery nature and grate-shaped tapetum eye structures, which are typical of the acribellate spiders. Levi (1982) hypothesized that Psechridae is close to acribellate spiders, e.g. Lycosidae, Pisauridae, Ctenidae and Oxyopidae. Furthermore, Coddington and Levi (1991) grouped them together as Lycosoidae superfamily based on their common features. In this work, DNA from both cribellate and acribellate spiders in Taiwan were extracted, and their mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences were amplied. The samples sequenced from Taiwan for sequencing determination included cribellate Zosis geniculatus and Psechrus sp. as well as family of acribellate Nephila maculata, Dolomedes raptor, Lycosa coelestis, Pardosa takahashii, Oxyopes sertatus with Macrothele holsti as outgroup taxa. In addition, 16S rDNA sequences of Pardosa agrestis, Dolomedes fimbriatus, Clubiona pallidula, Cupiennius salei, Cupiennius getazi, Cupiennius coccineus previously published were analyzed altogether with the data obtained. The analysis indicated that Psecchridae are proved phylogenetically related to acribellate spiders based on their sequence homology, divergence, transition over transversion ratio and southern blotting. The data confirmed that Psechridae be placed close together with acribellate Lycosidae, Pisauridae, Ctenidae and Oxyopidae, but not with Zosis geniculatus. The polyphyly of the cribellate spiders is also proved. The preliminary data based on 16S rDNA also reveal geographical differentiation of Psechrid spiders in Taiwan. Further analysis with different markers is needed.