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研究生: 李登翔
Teng-Hsiang Lee
論文名稱: 基於混合多準則決策架構之模具供應商評估與改善策略
The Hybrid MCDM Framework Based Mold Supplier Evaluation and Improvement Strategy Definitions
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 決策實驗分析法分析網路流程法多準則決策架構供應商評估模具
英文關鍵詞: DEMATEL, ANP, MCDM, Supplier Evaluation, Mold
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:178下載:0
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  • 近二十年來,3C(通訊、電腦、消費性電子產品)為技術創新推動康德拉捷夫長波(Kondratiev wave)的最主要推力,而模具供應商是資訊科技設備專業代工廠(OEM)供應鏈中最重要的元素,模具費用佔產品開發資本支出比例極高,且3C產業發展快速,產品生命週期時間短,模具供應商若不能與時俱進,將無法提供良好設備與零組件供生產線組裝,故資訊科技設備專業代工廠必需對合格之模具廠商定期評核,持續改善或淘汰不良的供應商,以維持高品質的模具設備與零組件供應,並進而生產優質的產品。雖然模具供應商之評估非常重要,但之前少有學者針對模具供應商進行評估並訂定改善策略,為達成模具供應商評估與訂定改善策略之目的,本研究將訂定一混合多準則決策(MCDM)的架構,先進行文獻回顧以收集評估供應商可能的構面與評估的準則,並邀集3C專業代工廠商的資深機構設計經理人進行問卷調查,以修正式德菲法針對文獻回顧的結果歸納出評估構面以及準則,再以決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)求取模具供應商各個評估準則互相影響因果關係以建立決策問題架構,再運用分析網路流程法(ANP)求取各評估構面與準則的權重,進行評估與排序,以次世代筆電模具供應商之評估為實證對象,實證分析以暸解供應商合格與否的關鍵因素,評估數個供應商並挑選最適者,但是選定的供應商不是每個準則都是最好的,我們可以針對供應商的弱項進行改善的策略以提昇其能耐,研究結果將可作為筆電代工廠未來評估模具供應商之參考,並作為模具供應商改善之策略。

    In these two decades, the innovation of 3C (communication, computer and consumer electronic products) technology becomes the major force in the long wave of the global economic growth (Kondratiev wave). Molding suppliers are one of the most important elements for manufacturing information technology (IT) products for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The cost of starting a new mold has grown higher in the total expense in the product development process. Due to fast 3C product development and the short product life-cycle, mold suppliers must improve the core technology in order to provide good service to OEM. In addition, it is also important for OEM to constantly evaluate current mold suppliers so that OEM can confirm the quality of suppliers and terminate contract with the unqualified ones. This ensures that contracted suppliers can provide mechanical components with stable quality. However, important as this evaluation should be, there are very few researchers who have investigated mold suppliers to provide improvement strategies. This study will use the hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) as framework to approach mold supplier evaluation with the objective to provide improvement strategies. Through literature review several criteria for supplier selection and evaluation are identified. Then a group of senior mechanical design managers who work for Taiwan 3C OEM are invited to complete the questionnaire. This study induces evaluation dimensions and criteria by using the modified Delphi method. The multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a framework which consists of the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) as the tool to configure decision problem structure for mold suppliers. Analytical Network Process (ANP) is a tool to calculate and rank the weights of each criterion. The evaluated object is the notebook mold suppliers, and the current analysis identifies the key qualification factors for suppliers. However, the selected suppliers might not be the finest in each criterion. The study further provides improvement suggestions regarding the weakness in order to increase the competence of mold suppliers. This study can be referenced in the future for OEM evaluation, and furthermore, it provides improvement strategies for mold suppliers.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii Table of Contents iv List of Tables v List of Figures vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivations and Research Problems 4 1.3 Objectives 5 1.4 Research Methods and Procedure 5 1.5 Research Contributions and Limitations 7 1.6 Research Structures 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 2.1 Supplier Chain Management 8 2.2 Supplier Evaluation and Selection 9 2.3 The Mold Industry and the Supply Chain 15 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 18 3.1 The Analytical Process 18 3.2 Modified Delphi 18 3.3 The DEMATEL Method 19 3.4 The Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method 23 3.5 DEMATEL based Network Process (DNP) Technique 28 3.6 VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) 33 3.7 Criterion Definitions 36 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 38 4.1 Decision Structure Derivations by Delphi 38 4.2 Empirical Study on a Taiwanese IT vendor Based on the ANP Method 41 4.3 Compromise Ranking by VIKOR 49 4.4 Mold industrial market 54 Chapter 5 Discussions 57 Chapter 6 Conclusions 61 References 63 Appendix A: Questionnaire 73

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