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研究生: 陳榮彬
Chen, Jung-Pin
論文名稱: 老化認知教學對國小學童老人意象影響之研究
A Study on the Effects of Elementary School Students' Images Toward Old People by Aging Cognitive Teaching.
指導教授: 黃富順
Huang, Fu-Shun
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 251
中文關鍵詞: 老化教育老化認知教學老人意象國小學童
英文關鍵詞: aging education, aging cognitive teaching, the images toward old people, elementary school students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:327下載:26
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  • 本研究是以國小學童為研究對象,旨在瞭解瞭解老化認知教學對其老人意象之影響,經由相關文獻探討的結果,採準實驗研究─不等組前後測設計來分析其成效。

    一、 對國小教師之建議
    二、 對相關教育機構之建議
    三、 對後續研究之建議

    A Study on the Effects of Elementary School Students' Images Toward Old People by Aging Cognitive Teaching.

    Adviser:Dr. Fu-shun Huang
    Researcher:Jung-pin Chen


    The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects about an aging cognitive teaching for elementary school students’ images toward old people. This study is based on the review of related literature and a quasi-experimental design on the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups was used.
    There are 62 participants in this study, including experimental group and control group. Each group is a sample size of 31. This study is to measure the pretest and posttest by the “Questionnaire of elementary school students’ images toward old people” and some related documents during the teaching process for 7 weeks. The present research asked five questions. First, what affect the elementary school students’ images toward old people?Second, what kind designs of aging education are available?Third, before aging cognitive teaching, what images toward old people will be?Fourth, after aging cognitive teaching, what images toward old people will be?Fifth, will the different characteristics of elementary school students affect their images toward old people?The statistical principles applied include paired t-test, test for regression homogeneity, analysis of covariance, and one-way analysis of variance. Findings of the study are as follows:
    1) Before aging cognitive teaching, the images toward old people were poor, especially about” Attributes of physiology”.
    2) After aging cognitive teaching, the images toward old people were improved, especially about “Attributes of psychology” and ”Values of society “.
    3) What the factors affect the images toward old people were “The experience of living with old people”, ”The time of getting along with old people”, and “ The close interaction with old people”.
    4) Main ideas applied to design aging cognitive teaching can improve the images toward old people effectively.
    Based on the outcome of the study, we have made the following recommendations:
    1) Suggestions for the elementary school teachers
    a) To enhance aging education about the attributes of physiology in old people, and establish the multiple values.
    b) Considering the characteristics of students and clarifying their values by dialogue for each other.
    c) Using pictures, role playing, stories, and intergenerational actions to enrich the teaching progress.
    2) Suggestions for the educational institutions
    a) Provide specialized training of aging education for teachers.
    b) Assess the characteristics and specific needs of the students and provide different courses to increase the learning.
    3) Suggestions for further research
    a) Select students from a wide variety of regions and other grades.
    b) In additional to the quasi-experimental, adopt other methods like focus group, interviews, and observations of assistant teachers in different time.
    c) Include other varieties like age, residence, religion, and learning experiences about old people.

    目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒論………………………………………1 第一節 問題背景與重要性………………………2 第二節 研究動機與目的…………………………6 第三節 研究方法與步驟……………………….10 第四節 名詞釋義………………………………13 第五節 研究範圍與限制………………………15 第二章 文獻探討……………………………….19 第一節 意象的意義、形成及意象與態度改變的 關係……………………………………........19 第二節 「老人意象」的意義、內涵及其相關因素 ……………………………………………......43 第三節 「老人意象」的評量…………………59 第四節 老化認知教學與對老人意象影響之探討 ……………………………………………......75 第三章 研究設計與實施………………………89 第一節 研究立場:實證典範的方法論….89 第二節 研究架構與研究假設………………….93 第三節 實驗教學的設計……………………99 第四節 實驗教學的實施……………………..118 第五節 資料處理……………………………..123 第四章 研究結果分析與討論…………….127 第一節 受試者老人意象前測的差異分析….127 第二節 受試者老人意象前、後測的比較分析.132 第三節 受試者老人意象後測的差異分析……136 第四節 受試者背景變項與其老人意象的比較 分析……………………………………........148 第五節 受試者對老化認知教學設計的回饋分析 ………………………………………..........159 第五章 結論與建議………………………………173 第一節 研究發現……………………………….174 第二節 結論…………………………………….180 第三節 建議…………………………………….182 參考文獻……………………………………………190 一、 中文部分……………………………….190 二、 英文部分……………………………….194 附錄………………………………………………….214 附錄一 「國小學童老化認知教學設計」…….214 附錄二 「國小學童老人意象問卷」效度評定用表 ……………………………………….226 附錄三 「國小學童老人意象問卷」預試問卷 236 附錄四 「國小學童老人意象問卷」正式問卷 243 附錄五 內容效度之專家名單…………………..249 附錄六 協同合作教師觀察記錄表……………..250 附錄七 學童回饋表……………………………..251

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