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研究生: 謝佩雯
Hsieh, Pei-Wen
論文名稱: 探討於不同服務型態餐廳類型中劇場元素、體驗價值、關係品質及品牌熱愛之關係
Exploring the Relationship among Dramaturgical Elements, Experiential Value, Relationship Quality and Brand Love in Restaurants of Different Service Levels
指導教授: 麥康妮
Athena H.N. Mak
口試委員: 麥康妮
Athena H.N. Mak
Lin, Hsin-Hung
Ku, Chih-Ming
口試日期: 2024/07/08
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 劇場元素體驗價值關係品質品牌熱愛不同服務型態之餐廳
英文關鍵詞: Dramaturgical elements, Experiential value, Relationship quality, Brand love, Restaurant service types
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401670
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:34下載:0
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  • 由於受到疫情、戰爭及通貨膨脹等影響,許多調查指出消費者越加在意付出的價格是否能獲得更高的價值。於COVID-19疫情後,「體驗價值」之概念受到更多重視,但以體驗價值來探討顧客用餐經驗的研究卻不多。另外,過往文獻指出,若要討論餐廳的服務及體驗,「劇場元素」非常適用於檢視顧客用餐體驗及過程;餐廳除了要關注顧客體驗外,也需考量與顧客維持良好的長期關係,以利餐廳永續經營,而「關係品質」及「品牌熱愛」可用於討論餐廳的長期經營。最後,國內有關餐廳之研究,大多著重於探討單一餐廳或單一類型餐廳,少有對不同餐廳類型進行比較。綜上所述,本研究使用劇場元素、體驗價值、關係品質及品牌熱愛來探討顧客於不同服務型態餐廳用餐之差異。
    本研究採量化取徑,以立意抽樣方式,18歲以上且近3個月內曾至完全服務型、半服務型餐廳及吃到飽餐廳用餐者為研究對象,正式問卷的有效樣本數為277份。研究結果為:(1) 「劇場元素」對「體驗價值」及「關係品質」有正向顯著影響。(2) 「體驗價值」對「關係品質」及「品牌熱愛」有正向顯著影響。(3) 「關係品質」對「品牌熱愛」有正向顯著影響。(4) 「體驗價值」在「劇場元素」與「關係品質」之間有著部分中介效果。(5) 「關係品質」在「體驗價值」與「品牌熱愛」之間有著部分中介效果。(6) 完全服務型餐廳和半服務型餐廳在劇場元素中的「實體環境設施」構面有顯著差異。本研究探討劇場元素、體驗價值、關係品質及品牌熱愛構面之因果關係,以及此架構在不同服務型態餐廳中,各構面是否存在顯著差異,並依研究結果對餐飲業者提出建議。

    Due to the impact of the pandemic, war, and inflation, numerous surveys indicated that consumers are increasingly concerned about whether the price they pay corresponds to or exceeds the value they receive. Although there have been many studies on value, the concept of “Experiential Value” has gained more attention post-COVID-19. However, there is a lack of research exploring dining experiences through the lens of experiential value. Previous literature has pointed out that to discuss restaurant services and experiences, “Dramaturgical Elements” are highly suitable for examining the dining experience and process. Furthermore, related studies suggested that restaurants need to consider maintaining good long-term relationships with customers, in addition to focusing on customer experience, to ensure sustainable operations. “Relationship Quality” and “Brand Love” are concepts that can be discussed together in this context. Finally, it is found that most restaurant-related research focuses on a single restaurant or a single type of restaurant, with few studies comparing different types of restaurants and providing recommendations. Therefore, dramaturgical elements, experiential value, relationship quality, and brand love were used to explore differences in customer dining experiences across different service types of restaurants in this study.
    This study adopted a quantitative approach using questionnaire survey and purposive sampling. The research targeted individuals aged 18 and above who had dined at full-service, limited-service, or all you can eat restaurants in the past three months. A total of 277 valid responses were collected. The key research results are as follows: (1) “Dramaturgical Elements” have a significant positive impact on “Experiential Value” and “Relationship Quality.” (2) “Experiential Value” has a significant positive impact on “Relationship Quality” and “Brand Love.” (3) “Relationship Quality” has a significant positive impact on “Brand Love.” (4) “Experiential Value” partially mediates the relationship between “Dramaturgical Elements” and “Relationship Quality.” (5) “Relationship Quality” partially mediates the relationship between “Experiential Value” and “Brand Love.” (6) There is a significant difference in the “Physical Environment and Facilities” dimension of dramaturgical elements between full-service and limited-service restaurants. This study examines the causal relationships between dramaturgical elements, experiential value, relationship quality, and brand love. It also explores whether there are significant differences in these dimensions across different service types of restaurants. Based on the findings, recommendations are provided for restaurant industry practitioners.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 名詞釋義 4 第貳章 文獻探討 6 第一節 餐廳服務型態 6 第二節 劇場元素 7 第三節 體驗價值 11 第四節 關係品質 15 第五節 品牌熱愛 17 第六節 劇場元素、體驗價值、關係品質及品牌熱愛之關係 20 第參章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究架構與假設 23 第二節 研究設計 24 第三節 研究分析工具 32 第四節 預試分析結果 33 第五節 研究倫理 41 第肆章 研究結果 42 第一節 敘述性分析 42 第二節 結構方程模型分析 46 第三節 差異性檢定 65 第四節 分析與討論 67 第伍章 結論與建議 78 第一節 研究結論 78 第二節 研究貢獻 82 第三節 研究限制 83 第四節 後續研究建議 84 參考文獻 85 附錄 95 附錄一 研究假設一覽表 95 附錄二 內容效度問卷 98 附錄三 預試問卷之各題項之敘述統計表 113 附錄四 正式問卷之各題項之敘述統計表 118 附錄五 預試問卷 123 附錄六 正式問卷 129

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