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研究生: 陳可恭
Ke-Kung Chen
論文名稱: 從系統典範探討板塊構造學說多重類比教學-「凱利方格法」(RGT)之系統性應用
A Study on Teaching Plate Tectonics with Multiple Analogies from the Perspective of System Paradigm : An Application of Repertory Grid Technique
指導教授: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Gin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 195
中文關鍵詞: 系統典範板塊構造學說多重類比凱利方格法
英文關鍵詞: System paradigm, Plate Tectonics, Multiple Analogies, Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique (RGT)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:281下載:13
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  • 摘 要
    實徵研究共安排三個組別的學生(n=121)給予不同教學處置,並以「板塊構造學說概念理解」前、後測進行效能評估。教學處置內容分別為:(一)一般教學組(CT)-以原教科書按一般方式實施進行教學活動;(二)多重類比組(MA)-以研究者所設計之「多重類比教學訊息系統」實施教學;(三)多重凱利組(MR)-以研究者所設計「多重類比教學系統」實施教學,並於課前、課(中)後參與RGT評值及接受「學習前、後構念系統比較」與「師生認知差異比較」之回饋。結果顯示:三個教學組之後測成績均較前測進步,但實驗效果Cohen’s d則依序為MR組(1.53)>MA組(1.16)>CT組(0.53);經以Scheffe法做多重比較,顯示三個教學組的教學成效彼此間均有差異(α=.05);MR組優於MA組,MA組優於CT。再者,研究中亦顯示,藉RGT可將「類比物與目標物」的相對關聯性及結構關係清楚理析,並可及時檢視師生認知差異、動態提供內外回饋;因此在協助「多重教學訊息系統建構與管控」、「學習者構念系統探析與監控」及「互動式教學程序系統(教學模式)建構」等作業上,皆可發揮良好效能。
    此外,經由個別晤談發現,多重類比教學對學習者可產生如下影響: (一)簡單類比與複雜類比各具啟與增強之效,均有實用價值;(二)多個類比物可藉交集概念湧現「新基模」;(三)可促進自發性類比對應的發生;(四)可促進「因果關係」的動態推理;(五)有助於類比限制之自發性察覺;(六)系統性提供多重類比物可促進概念統整。至於當學習者面臨「異例」(anomaly)時,多重類比能對其思維動線產生何種影響,則有待進一步探討。

    A Study on Teaching Plate Tectonics with Multiple Analogies from the Perspective of System Paradigm:
    An Application of Repertory Grid Technique

    Ke-Kung Chen

    The research aims to apply the core thinking of General System Theory to the study on “Teaching Plate Tectonics with Multiple Analogies (TPTMA).” Since the research is an attempt in a new approach, the author does the theoretical research on “the epistemological implication of system paradigm in science education” firstly. Then, Plate Tectonics is adopted as the target system to investigate the construction of TPTMA Model by means of G. Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique (RGT).
    When conducting the empirical study, we select Control group (CT group), Multiple-Analogy group (MA group) and MA with RGT group (MR group) to undertake different instruction treatments along with the pre-test and the post-test on “Plate Tectonics”. The instruction treatments are as follows: (1) CT group is taught based on the original textbook and the usual teaching process. (2) MA group is taught with TPTMA Information System designed by the author. (3) MR group is taught with TPTMA Model sophisticatedly arranged by the author. The MR group has to take RGT rating and the feedback information, which contains the conceptual system change of an individual student, the cognitive difference between the teacher and the student. The result reveals that the three groups do make progress from the pre-test to the post-test. Arranged in decreasing order, the effect size Cohen’s d’s (Cohen, 1988) are 1.53 for MR group, 1.16 for MA group and 0.53 for CT group. What’s more, according to the multiple comparisons in Scheffe’s method, a significant contrast is illustrated while any two of the three groups are compared with each other (α=.05). After the empirical study, it is also proved that RGT can achieve a lot in helping “construction and management of TPTMA Information System,” “exploration of learners’ understanding of analogies (Learners’ Construct System)” and “proposition of TPTMA Model.”
    In addition, by interviewing individual students, the author finds that multiple analogies have the following remarkable impacts on learners’ thinking tracks: (1)Simple analogies and complex analogies have respectively enlightening and enforcing effects. (2)The mutual concepts of various analogies can emerge a new schema. (3)Multiple analogies can stimulate learners’ spontaneous generation of analogical mapping. (4)Multiple analogies can enhance learners’ dynamic inference of causality. (5)Multiple analogies help the self-awareness of limitation on analogies. (6)The systematic suggestion of multiple analogies can help the integration of concepts.
    In conclusion, by making appropriate use of RGT, learners can easily draw a clear picture of the relative associations of multiple analogies and multiple target concepts. Besides, instructors can detect learners’ conceptual change dynamically and provide the feedback for the learners immediately. Therefore, RGT combined with multiple analogies can offer a tremendous help in teaching Plate Tectonics.

    Key words: System paradigm, Plate Tectonics, Multiple Analogies, Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique (RGT).

    目 次 第壹章 緒 論…………………………………..……………....…… 1 第一節 研究背景概述………………….……………………..…………..1 第二節 研究目的與問題………………………...…...……….…………..6 第三節 名詞釋義……………………….…………………………………8 第貳章 理論探析與文獻回顧…………………………………………11 第一節 系統典範在科學教育研究上的意涵與啟示…….……………..11 第二節 類比學習的系統取向之探討…………..……….……………....25 第三節 板塊構造學說多重類比教學的系統觀………..…….…………37 第四節 系統化建構多重類比教學模式的可能進路……...….…….…..40 第參章 實徵研究方法與流程………………….……………..……….51 第一節 研究設計理念-系統典範的思維………………...……………52 第二節 實徵研究流程………………………………………...…...…….54 第三節 參與人員與研究對象…………………...………………………60 第四節 研究工具選取與建立…………………………………………...61 第五節 資料蒐集與分析………………………………………….……..67 第肆章 研究結果與討論………………………………………………71 第一節 多重類比教學訊息系統之建構與管控…….…..………………71 第二節 學習者構念系統之探析…………………………….………..102 第三節 互動式教學程序系統(教學模式)之建構……………………127 第伍章 結論與建議………………...…………………………….…..153 第一節 理論探索摘要與結論………………………………………….153 第二節 實徵研究摘要與結論…………………………..……………..155 第二節 討論與建議…………………………..………………………..162 參考文獻……………………...………………….………..…………..165 附錄A:板塊構造學說核心概念彙整表……………………..……….177 附錄B:板塊構造學說多重類比教學投影片組………………….…180 附錄C:板塊構造學說概念理解測驗試題…………………...………187 附錄D:概念理解前、後測試題「選答率﹪」分析………………...…193

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