研究生: |
鍾曉蘭 Chung, Shiao-Lan |
論文名稱: |
建模教學的課室分析與學生概念改變--以晶體與分子間作用力為例 Analysis of classroom context and students ' conceptual change through modeling-based instruction – An example of crystals and intermolecular acting force |
指導教授: |
Chiu, Mei-Hung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 364 |
中文關鍵詞: | 建模為基礎的教學 、建模歷程 、多重表徵的模型 、概念改變 、課室分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | modeling-based instruction, Modeling processes, multi-representational models, conceptual change, class context analysis |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204653 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:467 下載:147 |
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1. 三組經過五節課的教學後,教學中測驗的結果為概念方面進步最多,解釋方面進步最少,僅對照組建模能力略微退步。三組的中測以前測為共變數進行ANCOVA test,以LSD進行事後考驗,考驗結果皆達顯著差異。概念方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)= 11.46, p=.000;解釋方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=11.20, p=.000;建模能力方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=19.42, p=.000;整體表現顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=24.59, p=.000。概念、建模能力與整體表現皆為建模與多重表徵模型教學組顯著優於建模組,建模組顯著優於對照組。解釋方面則為兩組實驗組之間無顯著差異,兩組實驗組皆顯著優於對照組。
2. 經過十節課的教學後,三組仍持續進步,進步幅度增加,但在解釋方面待加強。三組的後測以前測為共變數進行ANCOVA test,以LSD進行事後考驗,考驗結果皆達顯著差異。概念方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=21.50, p=.000;解釋方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=20.06, p=.000;建模能力方面顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)=24.87, p=.000;整體表現顯著性考驗結果為F(2, 106)= 28.29, p=.000。概念、解釋、建模能力與整體表現皆為建模與多重表徵模型教學組顯著優於建模組,建模組顯著優於對照組。結果顯示同時使用建模與多重表徵模型活動更有助於複雜科學概念的理解。
3. 三組學生經教學後對於模型本體、模型表徵、模型功用與建模歷程的想法多半呈現正向的提升,特別是模型功用與建模歷程的同意度呈現高度同意,但三組後對於數學關係式能表徵晶體模型與量化關係來分析晶體模型的正確性同意度仍偏低。
4. 兩組實驗組學生認為建模歷程的教學活動有助於概念的理解與解決問題能力的提升,對於具體模型活動則持高度正向的同意度。
Model and modeling are important elements to science development and science education. This study explored the instructional design process before the implementation of modeling teaching and evaluated the impacts of modeling-based teaching on students’ conceptual change. Building on this research base, the current study was intended to guide students to learn concepts about crystals and intermolecular acting force by means of modeling processes―model selection, model construction, model validation, model analysis, model application, model deployment and model reconstruction (Chiu & Chung, 2010; Halloun, 1996) with the use of multi-representational models approaches (e.g., visual models, concrete models, gestural models, mathematical models, and verbal models). The research adopted a quasi-experimental design to study three groups of twelfth graders: (1) a modeling-based teaching and multi-representational models group (MM group, n = 37), (2) a modeling-based teaching group (M group, n = 37), and (3) a conventional teaching group (C group, n = 34). Three assessments (before, during, and after teaching) were conducted. The three groups used the same textbook and were each engaged in ten 50-minute teaching sessions. There were two tpyes of research tools: teaching videos (analyze class context) and paper-and-pencil tests. Paper-and-pencil tests were divided into questionnaire for crystal models, formative assessment, and learning questionnaire.
The results of this study were as follows:
First, ANCOVA results revealed that there were significant differences among the three groups in terms of students’ concepts (F(2, 106)=16.89, p=.000) and modeling capabilities (F(2, 106)=19.42, p=.000) in the during-instruction test. The post hoc result (LSD) was MM>M>C.
Second, ANCOVA results revealed that there were significant differences among the three groups in terms of the students’ concepts (F(2, 106)=24.20, p=.000), explanation capabilities (F(2, 106)=20.06, p=.000) and modeling capabilities (F(2, 106)=24.87, p=.000) in the posttest. The post hoc result (LSD) was MM>M>C.
Third, students’ ideas for model natures, model representations, model functions, and modeling processes improved after teaching.
Fourth, the two experiment groups’ students think that modeling-based activities could improve concepts understanding and problem-solving skills.
The research results support the assertion that modeling-based learning experiences are helpful to the learning of scientific concepts and enable students to learn how to systematically perceive such concepts and revise their misconceptions. The research findings indicate that using multiple modeling approaches for teaching should be encouraged for meaningful learning of concepts related to crystals and intermolecular acting force for secondary students.
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