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研究生: 黃宸佑
Huang Chen-Yu
論文名稱: 臺灣三種闊尾海蛇陸地移動表現 與水棲化程度關係之研究
The study of terrestrial locomotor performance and its relation to the aquatic tendency of three sea kraits (Laticaudinae) in Taiwan
指導教授: 杜銘章
Tu, Ming-Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 闊尾海蛇陸地移動能力水棲化程度
英文關鍵詞: Laticaudinae, terrestrial, locomotor ability, aquatic tendency
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:0
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  • 動物的移動能力經常受到環境因子與本身的形態結構影響,而適應於一種類型環境的形態結構也經常會影響動物在␣一類型環境 時的運動表現。
    闊尾海蛇(Laticaudinae)在生活史上和陸地保有一定程度的關連性, 並且因種間水棲化程度的不同,在形態與生理上也有不同程度的特 化。本實驗預期:水棲化程度最強的闊帶青斑海蛇(Laticauda semifasciata)最偏好在水域環境,且有最弱的陸地移動表現,並反應 在運動形態、攀爬、水面抬升、跨越能力以及肌肉拉力的表現上; ␣唇青斑海蛇(L. colubrina)則最偏好陸域環境,且有最強的陸地移動 表現;黑唇青斑海蛇(L. laticaudata)則介於兩者之間。結果顯示三種 闊尾海蛇一天當中在陸地上的時間比例沒有顯著差異,且黑唇青斑 海蛇的水陸交換次數最多。在運動形態方面三種闊尾海蛇均表現出 不會利用支點移動的傾向,然而陸棲的近␣物種雨傘節卻可利用支點做蜿蜒爬行的動作,可能是 因為演化上闊尾海蛇的親␣關係較接近於真海蛇,導致在行為上與 陸棲蛇類之間有所差異。而在陸地移動能力方面,闊帶青斑海蛇經 常有最好的表現,黑唇青斑海蛇則最差,可能是由於三種物種本身 體形上的差異與肌肉含量的不同,造成不合乎水棲化程度影響陸地 移動表現的預期。而由於陸地的移動能力在闊尾海蛇的生活史上有 時會直接影響到生殖成功的機會,因此若是以與吻肛長的比例表示 其陸地移動能力時,三種闊尾海蛇之間則沒有顯著差異。

    The locomotion abilities of animals are usually affected by environmental factor and the morphologies of its self, and the structure that adaptive to one kind of environment may affect the locomotion expression in other kind of environment.
    The life history of Laticaudinae maintains a certain level of relationship with the land, and carry different levels of morphological and physical specialization caused by different aquatic levels between species. The study predict that: Laticauda semifasciata, the most aquatic species, will prefer the aquatic environment, and have the weakest locomotor abilities on land, reflect in moving performance, climbing ability, raising from water, and muscle strength; And the most terrestrial species, L. colubrine, prefer the terrestrial environment, and have the strongest terrestrial locomotor abilities. And the locomotor abilities of L. laticaudata are between the L. semifasciata and L. colubrine. The result show that the L. colubrine stay the longest time period on land. The three kinds of laticauda sea snakes show the same moving performance without using the pivot points, and totally different with the terrestrial species Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus. Its may because of that Laticaudinaes are much closer with the true sea snakes. In the aspect of terrestrial locomotor abilities, L. semifasciata and L. colubrina usually have the same represent, and also usually better than L. laticaudata. The reason of results unmatching the predictions might be caused by the differences of the morphology and muscle contains between these three

    中文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 英文摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------------II 壹、前言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 一、形態結構與環境因子對動物移動能力的影響-----------------------1 二、闊尾海蛇之水棲化程度----------------------------------------------------4 三、蜿蜒爬行與水棲化程度隻關係------------------------------------------5 四、攀爬及跨越能力與水棲化程度之關係---------------------------------6 五、肌肉拉力與水棲化程度之關係------------------------------------------8 六、預期結果---------------------------------------------------------------------10 貳、材料與方法---------------------------------------------------------------------11 一、研究物種---------------------------------------------------------------------11 二、採集與飼養------------------------------------------------------------------11 三、實驗配置與方法------------------------------------------------------------12 四、數據採用---------------------------------------------------------------------16 五、統計分析---------------------------------------------------------------------17 參、結果------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 肆、討論------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 伍、總結-----------------------------------------------------------------------------40 陸、參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------------------41 柒、表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------53 捌、圖------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 玖、附錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------------68

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