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研究生: 詹佩芬
Pe-Fen Chan
論文名稱: 青少年發展性資產與危害健康行為之研究-以基隆市國中學生為例
A Study on the Developmental Assets and Health-Risk Behaviors among the Adolescents in the Public Junior High Schools in Keelung City
指導教授: 李景美
Lee, Ching-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 283
中文關鍵詞: 青少年國中學生發展性資產危害健康行為
英文關鍵詞: Adolescent, Junior High School Student, Developmental Asset, Health-Risk Behavior
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:445下載:29
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The main purpose of this research was to explore the developmental assets and health-risk behaviors among the adolescents in the public junior high schools in Keelung City. Also, this study analyze the relationship between the developmental assets and health-risk behaviors. The sampling students was selected by using two-stage sampling. One class was randomly selected in each grade in each of the six schools, with the total effective samples being 517. The research subjects were the students in the six junior high schools from seventh to ninth grades who were in their second semester of 2009 academic year. A structured questionnaire was completed by using self-administered method to obtain quantitative data regarding social-demographic variables, developmental assets and health-risk behaviors. The data collected was analyzed by t-test, Chi-square test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, point-biserial correlation, multiple regression, and logistic regression methods.
The research findings were as follows:
1.The average score of total developmental assets of the students were in the middle level, the external and internal assets were fair. According to its four ranges of the developmental assets, external assets, internal assets, and assets of the eight categories among the students were relatively low.
2.The frequency of health-risk behaviors among the students was not high. The study showed that most students had once or twice health-risk behaviors. Among the health-risk behaviors, the higher frequency of health-risk behaviors included drinking 2. sugar-sweetened drinks, not drinking enough water, not wearing bike helmets, no regular exercises, continuously watching TV for more than two hours per day, academic pressures, sleepless became of worry, and using dirty words.
3.The developmental assets among the students were significantly different with their parents' educational levels, fathers' occupations, and family intactness.
4.The health-risk behaviors among the students were significantly different with different grades, fathers’ educational levels, fathers’ occupations, and family intactness.
5.The developmental assets among the students was negative correlated with the health-risk behaviors.
6.The seven social demographic variables could significantly predict students’ health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 5.6%. Grade, fathers’ educational levels, fathers’ occupations, and family intactness could significantly predict health-risk behaviors.
7.Internal and external assets could significantly predict students’ health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 37.2%.
8.Eight categories of developmental assets could significantly predict students' health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 39.3%. Committing to learning and social competencies could significantly predict health-risk behaviors.

Based on the research findings, it is recommended that by strengthening and building the development assets for the young people and linking their families, schools and communities for better supporting, it could help adolescents learn more positive experiences and offer better relationships and opportunities. It could also help young people accumulate more assets. To prevent health-risk behaviors, it is suggested to strengthen the external and internal assets and commitment to learning assets in order to lower health-risk behaviors and promote adolecent health.

書名頁 i 論文口試委員審定書 ii 授權書 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 vi 誌謝 viii 目 錄 ix 表 目 錄 xii 圖 目 錄 xvii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究問題 7 第四節 研究假設 8 第五節 名詞操作型定義 8 第六節 研究限制 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 青少年發展性資產 11 第二節 發展性資產與社會人口學變項之關係 34 第三節 青少年危害健康行為 40 第四節 發展性資產與危害健康行為之關係 67 第三章 研究方法 75 第一節 研究架構 75 第二節 研究對象 76 第三節 研究工具 77 第四節 研究步驟 95 第五節 資料分析與整理 96 第四章 研究結果與討論 103 第一節 受測學生社會人口學變項 103 第二節 受測學生發展性資產之現況 107 第三節 受測學生危害健康行為之現況 126 第四節 受測學生社會人口學變項與發展性資產之關係 146 第五節 受測學生社會人口學變項與危害健康行為之關係 163 第六節 受測學生發展性資產與危害健康行為之關係 176 第七節 受測學生社會人口學變項對危害健康行為之預測力 184 第八節 受測學生發展性資產對危害健康行為之預測力 194 第九節 討論 211 第五章 結論與建議 235 第一節 結論 235 第二節 建議 237 參考文獻 249 一、 中文部份 249 二、 英文部分 252 附錄一:Developmental Assets Profile(DAP)量表授權同意書 257 附錄二:DAP量表翻譯效度一覽表 259 附錄三:修訂Developmental Assets Profile(DAP)量表授權同意書 261 附錄四:國中學生健康生活經驗與行為調查問卷(預試) 263 附錄五:問卷內容效度考驗專家名單 272 附錄六:危害健康行為量表項目分析結果一覽表 273 附錄七:國中學生健康生活經驗與行為調查問卷(正式) 275

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