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研究生: 林逸凡
Ling, Yi-Fan
論文名稱: 他們到底想說什麼?—從文化背景與語言使用之關聯看中外師協同教學計畫
What Are They Really Trying to Say? —Examining the Relationship Between Cultural Backgrounds and Language Use in EFL Team Teaching Projects
指導教授: 常紹如
Chang, Shau-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 協同教學社會語用失誤跨文化語用學互動社會語言學跨文化溝通
英文關鍵詞: team teaching, sociopragmatic failures, cross-cultural pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, intercultural communication
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:13
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  • 自2001年開始,臺灣各地的教育局及教育部開始對外引進外籍英語教師,並搭配本地英語教師到各公立學校入班協同教學。在實施了十多年後,更多協同教學計畫將陸續施行,但這並不代表中外師之間的合作益發順暢。過去研究顯示這類協同教學計畫所產生的一類問題為中外師之間的溝通障礙,而本研究以中外師不同的文化背景為著墨點,探究這些不同文化如何影響中外師之間的溝通順暢與否。




    關鍵字: 協同教學、社會語用失誤、跨文化語用學、互動社會語言學、跨文化溝通

    Since 2001, a growing number of public schools in Taiwan have started to recruit foreign English teachers (FETs henceforth) from native English speaking countries to team teach with local English teachers (LETs henceforth). After years of implementation, more team teaching projects will be carried out by central and local educational bureaus in Taiwan, which leads to a growing opportunity for FETs and LETs to cooperate with each other. However, some research has presented that communication between team teachers was a common problem, especially due to teachers’ differed cultural backgrounds. Therefore, research about how to improve communication between LETs and FETs from the perspective of culture is of great importance.

    The present study aimed to investigate the cross-cultural communication among FETs and LETs by examining what kind of common issues and sociopragmatic failures may occur in the communication of team teachers. To achieve this goal, four public schools in Taiwan with EFL team teaching programs were chosen for the current study. Six FETs from USA, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia and fourteen LETs all born and raised in Taiwan were observed for 18 meetings and 43 classes, and interviewed for 23 times in total.

    Based on the observation notes and taped discourse data from the meetings and interviews, the study revealed the frequently discussed common issues from the communication of team teachers and categorized them into those regarding teaching, administration, and socializing. Many sociopragmatic failures were noted by this study, and they were found to occur when the LETs and FETs had different concerns at two stages, pre-communication stage with five dimensions, i.e., “tell it or not,” “tell it to whom,” “when to tell it,” and “where to tell it,” and during-communication stage with the question “how to tell it” from four aspects, i.e., linguistic forms, sugar coating, information sequencing, and conversational styles. Cultural patterns such as individualism and collectivism, low-context culture and high -context culture, and task-oriented culture and relationship-oriented culture were used to explain why the FETs and LETs tended to behave and perceive differently toward the occurred sociopragmatic failures.

    Some general guidelines and an eight-step training model are provided by this study to facilitate the cross-cultural communication between FETs and LETs. By examining communication breakdown resulting from different strategies of language use preferred by various cultural norms, this study hopes to improve the communication among LETs and FETs, and further facilitate team teaching programs and English education in Taiwan.

    Keywords: team teaching, sociopragmatic failures, cross-cultural pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, intercultural communication

    CHINESE ABSTRACT i ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Rationale 2 1.3 Research Questions 3 1.4 Significance of the Study 3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Team Teaching 7 2.1.1 Definitions of team teaching 7 2.1.2 EFL team teaching in East Asian countries 8 2.1.3 EFL team teaching in Taiwan 9 Implementation 9 Empirical research 13 Research focused on students 14 Research focused on students and teachers 15 Research focused on teachers 16 Different beliefs 17 Problematic communication 19 2.2 Language, language use, and Culture 23 2.2.1 Communicative competence 24 2.2.2 Cross-cultural miscommunication 25 Contextualization cues 26 Conversational styles 27 Sociopragmatic failure 28 2.2.3 Cross-cultural pragmatics 29 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Rationale for the Methodology 31 3.2 Sites and Participants 32 3.2.1 Sites 32 3.2.2 Participants 34 3.3 Data Collection 35 3.3.1 Observations 35 3.3.2 Interviews 36 3.3.2 Written documents 38 3.4 Data Analysis 38 3.5 Procedure 39 3.6 Trustworthiness 39 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS 41 4.1 Issues Occurred in the Communication Between LETs and FETs 41 4.1.1 Issues concerning teaching 42 4.1.2 Issues concerning administration 47 4.1.3 Issues concerning socializing 51 4.1.4 Analysis across the three main issues 55 4.2 Sociopragmatic Failures Occurred in the Communication Between LETs and FETs 58 4.2.1 Pre-communication stage—tell it or not, tell it to whom, when to tell people about it, and where to tell people about it 60 Background knowledge for the observed sociopragmatic failures 61 Tell it or not 63 Tell it or not—LETs’ and FETs’ behaviors 63 Tell it or not—LETs’ and FETs’ perceptions 68 Tell it to whom 71 Tell it to whom—LETs’ and FETs’ behaviors 71 Tell it to whom—LETs’ and FETs’ perceptions 75 When to tell people about it 78 When to tell people about it—LETs’ and FETs’ behaviors 79 When to tell people about it—LETs’ and FETs’ perceptions 88 Where to tell people about it 92 Where to tell people about it—LETs’ and FETs’ behaviors 92 Where to tell people about it—LETs’ and FETs’ perceptions 94 Summary of the pre-communication stage 96 4.2.2 During-communication—how to tell it 96 Background knowledge for the observed sociopragmatic failures 97 How to tell it—LETs’ and FETs’ behaviors and perceptions 98 Linguistic forms 99 Interactional skills—sugarcoating 108 Interactional skills—information sequencing 112 Interactional skills—conversational styles 121 Summary of the during-communication stage 124 4.2.3 Changes of the sociopragmatic failures………………………………….125 4.3 Discussion of the Cultural Influence on the Communication Between LETs and FETs 126 4.3.1 Individualism versus collectivism 127 4.3.2 High-context versus low-context cultures 130 4.3.3 Task-oriented versus relationship-oriented cultures 132 4.3.4 Conflict management 133 4.3.4 Facework 135 4.4 Implications 136 4.4.1 General guidelines 137 4.4.2 An eight-steps training model 138 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 143 5.1 Summary of the Major Findings 143 5.2 Limitations of the Current Study and Suggestions for Future Studies 146 REFERENCES 149 APPENDIXES 155 APPENDIX A 155 APPENDIX B 156 APPENDIX C 157 APPENDIX D 158 APPENDIX E 160 APPENDIX F 161

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